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Everything posted by Pingu

  1. I enjoyed tea and cake with my UCN opponent. This was a well-fought and civilized front of the war. Let's stay in touch.
  2. Sounds like a job for a handsome Viceroy of ODN with time on his hands. You're not busy, right?
  3. Here is good sense, and all would do well to listen. I am confident Pacifica will survive, not least due to the quality and solidarity of its membership. Those of us who have been around a long time know that even severe destruction wreaked upon an alliance is not enough to eliminate it, if its community is sound. Force does not destroy an alliance. Even severe errors by leaders do not necessarily destroy an alliance. Only the utter collapse of morale and community can destroy an alliance. To the OP: the time to leave was when you first realized the Order's ways were not for you, rather than amid the fires of battle. I cannot respect your decision.
  4. Much obliged, I'm sure. Protecting penguins is a noble cause indeed.
  5. Lies! The majority of the ODN membership has never been in my cave. In my bar, yes, but not my cave. No-one gets in there, apart from Viceroy Sponge when he comes for Latin lessons and, now, Doitzel, as per my surrender to his charms. As for the rest, it's all a bit incoherent, but if I'm understanding you correctly, ODN is unable to please all the people all the time, and for this reason its members should not speak in public. I'm a tolerant and accepting fellow, but I can't swallow that. I can swallow herring by the bucketload, though, so if you have any to spare, bring 'em to the bar and I'll give you a drink.
  6. Indeed, ODN has some classy opponents in this conflict. Now that I'm out of my cave for a bit, if anyone sees ODNers behaving badly, send 'em to grandpa Pingu for a good spanking.
  7. Doitzel is just too sexy - we could resist no longer and had to surrender to his charms. He's promised to be gentle with us.
  8. Did IRON turn into whiners while I was in my cave? This saddens and confuses me. I know it can't have happened to all the fine folk over there, but there does seem to be a lot of it about. If anyone can explain it to me, I'd be grateful. Also hello, Starfox, I don't like you either.
  9. It took the Viceroy this long to save up for the reparations:
  10. As Viceroy Sponge's Latin Lover I approve this message. In Roberto pax. Salve quoque.
  11. Trog, is that you?

  12. Do you, perchance, issue a newsletter? I should very much enjoy the opportunity to become a subscriber.
  13. Woah! Is dat sum Alom up in here? Also hello. Whassup, old timer?

  14. We also have penguins, cake, beer, and cake.
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