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Everything posted by Pingu

  1. Inbound diplomatic missive for the initiator of this conversation:
  2. Who put the bumps in the bumpa-da-bumpy-bump?
  3. *Ridicules the manatee *Puts a slice of orange in the wheat beer
  4. I wish you both very good luck, long life, and good health.
  5. Brief briefing could be briefer. But brevity appreciated.
  6. This time I managed not to eat the cake before I got it here Also, I surrender.
  7. It's always excuses with you people, isn't it? If it's not the negligent Doormanatee, it's the evil Galactic Empire hegemony. Can't you find a scruffy smuggler or something?
  8. Actually, Chaoshawk is more likely to go for your eyeballs than I. I generally just serve up drinks and ancient wisdom.
  9. I'll have the doormanatee disciplined.
  10. Eau de Pingu, available only at the finest workers' commissariats and cooperative stores.
  11. I'm only hungry because MI6 failed to show up with those kippers they owe me.
  12. I don't suppose you do dare ask. But I'll take a decent single malt, straight.
  13. Recursion. Inception. Deception. Reception. Drink? Don't mind if I do.
  14. You could want a sweet set of wheels like these...
  15. Damn, I was sure you were here to deliver my kippers.
  16. "Relevant" is a relational term. To what or to whom are you relevant? Inquiring minds are determined to find out. No, wait. They are mildly interested, only - but that's something.
  17. Your colleague has already confessed. Now, bring me a fresh pot of tea and some smoked kippers, and we'll say no more about it.
  18. Confess now that Commander shepard is an MI6 plant conducting deliberately inept propaganda ops to bring Oculus into disrepute and it'll, er, go easy with you. Or something.
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