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Everything posted by Pingu

  1. Franzi, you're man enough for me either way. The question is whether you are dastardly, devious, and evil enough to entertain. Or anyone is. I'm not sure. Standards are generally lax these days.
  2. Allegedly possibly targets of a deep convoluted plot being discussed on the OWF at this very moment! Join now for international intrigue! Also cake!
  3. Something that mustache-twirlingly devious and evil would make Bob quite the interesting planet once more. I'm not sure we have that level of plotters around these days, but one can live in hope.
  4. The War That Made Rush So Cranky He Got Out Of His Rocking Chair To Yell At The Kids To Get Off His Lawn
  5. The bar now features a visiting wereape, for some reason.
  6. Well, it's welcome in my bar any time. We have plenty of beer and large bouncers. And if I get bitten, we can all find out what a werepenguin looks like.
  7. Is fearing the Wereape obligatory? Are we allowed to pet it?
  8. Man, my PhD took more years than I care to think about and a few bucks more than that, too... I hope Stewie brings his back to parade around with it. What's the point, otherwise?
  9. Most of those I see using the term "SJW" to put others down are deeply insecure so-called men's rights activists or similar, hence my question.
  10. Still wondering why you feel so threatened.
  11. If he is so lazy, why do you feel so threatened by his warrior ways for great (social) justice?
  12. Join us. We have cake. Also democracy. And a bar run by a penguin, for reasons lost in the mists of history.
  13. Hasta la vista, compadre.
  14. Franz, Franz... I really do exist, you know. Please don't go confusing the good citizens of Bob by claiming that I am a fiction. If you do, I won't ever tuck you in again, and there will be no more hot cocoa and cookies for you.
  15. This is a harsh, cruel, and bitter vale of tears. I fear that those attacking you never learned the true magic of friendship. Their values are nihilistic - truly something awful. Your only recourse is to look to your own strength and those of whatever allies you can find. Your proposal to make an alliance of convenience with Fark is not entirely unreasonable under the circumstances. But what can you offer them, realistically?
  16. For that much you'd erase your own mother, you tech whore :wub:
  17. Or explain through interpretative dance, if you prefer.
  18. Picking up Eddard's fallen mantle? A noble cause indeed.
  19. Everybody should buy 50 cruise missiles immediately in anticipation.
  20. From the linguistic error in the first two words through listing NPO twice to posting this in the wrong place, there are so many things to love about this. The magnificent incompetence of it all inspires deep confidence that we are all doomed. I, for one, am glad.
  21. A combination of the above. The tangled treaty web and the end of the taboo on nuclear weapons that lasted the first couple of years of Bob's existence means global conflicts are massively destructive. The mechanics of progress are such that most rulers feel compelled or are encouraged by alliance leaders to rebuild to pre-war levels and restock their coffers to prepare for the next one. That takes most of the year. Small, limited, frequent conflicts would be more exciting/compelling, but would require: a less tangled treaty web and a move away from the hegemony of established powers toward a more fluid multipolarity; more agile and intelligent diplomacy; less automatic resort to nuclear weapons; some adjustments to the physics of the world so that sunk costs were no longer so heavily privileged
  22. The General Assembly (GA) is the entirety of the membership, apart from the Senate. Their will is determined through these representative institutions, working in balance and in dialogue with the GA, confirmed by periodic elections, observed by oversight mechanisms.
  23. If you have direct democracy, where all decisions are made by referendum, then no such system would be necessary. But in a representative democracy, checks and balances are desirable to avoid concentration of power. It is not a question of incompetence or stupidity, although such a system does provide a hedge against those vices - and we have seen the damage they can do in the politics of Bob - but of ensuring that the General Assembly's will can be effectively channeled through representative institutions and executed on their behalf. I guess we mean what we say we mean, not what you say we mean.
  24. The Ombudsman is for oversight. The role has no bearing on the right of exit, which naturally exists. What you seem to be struggling with, murtibing, is that if an alliance is to be governed by the will of its members, rather than by a paramount leader or an oligarchy, then it needs a clear system or rules setting out how that will is to be discerned and translated into decisions. A democratic alliance will have different governing structures than an imperial one, an oligarchic one, an anarchic one and so on.
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