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Everything posted by Caustic

  1. He's ex-DK, they're not really known for their razor sharp intellect.
  2. You're wrong bro, no one does anything in this world without my say so.
  3. Oh don't worry, I'll go dig up porksaber to come out of retirement and immediately deflate it again.
  4. I'm not sure at this point in our lives that saying "WRAAA I'M THE MOST DEDICATED CN PLAYER EVER" is really something to boast about.
  5. Tbm is my !@#$%*, he will defend his bros to the end ?
  6. Non Grata hereby protects this glorious incarnation of Doom Squad. May you succeed where your predecessor miserably failed.
  7. Been there and got the trophy already 3 years in a row. We've munched on SN(a)X more than anyone else left in CN... So I think I know what I'm talking about ?
  8. I can't believe I'm saying this, but just !@#$@#$ lol at AM getting smacked around in a DEFENSIVE war by !@#$@#$ SNX. I'm legit dying inside.
  9. Congrats on this I know it's hard to put down your swords sometimes.
  10. My right to destroy is greater than your right to live.
  11. I devote each beat of my heart to tearing down everything I once raised. Remember this, remember it always: my blade and bolter helped forge the Imperium. I and those like me – we hold greater rights than any to destroy mankind’s sickened empire, for it was our blood, our bones, and our sweat that built it. Look to your shining champions now. The Adeptus Astartes that scour the dark places of your galaxy. The hordes of fragile mortals enslaved to the Imperial Guard and shackled in service to the Throne of Lies. Not a soul among them was even born when my brothers and I built this empire. Do I deserve vengeance? Let me tell you something about vengeance, little scion of the Imperium. My brothers and I swore to our dying father that we would atone for the great sins of the past. We would bleed the unworthy empire that we had built, and cleanse the stars of the False Emperor’s taint. This is not mere vengeance. This is redemption. My right to destroy is greater than your right to live. Remember that, when we come for you.
  12. At least we do things versus sitting around being scenery and then whining about it when we get rolled.
  13. The real issue is that most of us have been here too long and are starting to realize how much more productive our lives could be without CN in them.
  14. Daily reminder that not a single mod has yet been seen and CN is dead as $%&@. RIP sweet prince.
  15. Daily reminder that CN has zero active mods left. Time to turn out the lights.
  16. Yep, 100% me and my buddies. Nothing to do with an admin staff and a creator who haven't given a $%&@ in years. You got me.
  17. You can gauge how dead this whole thing is by how many active mods are around to censor this crap RIP CN
  18. That's because NSO was a terribad alliance.
  19. Once we reduce your alliance nation count via attrition enough to achieve our ends, or when you disband, or when you gtfo of maroon. Take your pick.
  20. I have a nation 1/7 of your size and I have more casualties than you. Shut up.
  21. Ask Caz how he feels about the future of your alliance It should be an enlightening and interesting conversation.
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