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Everything posted by Anarquista

  1. o/ LSF [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOligXWECQM"]alerta alerta antifascista[/url]
  2. the all-merciful ELESEF and the most-wise LOYAH JIRGAH has shown your powindah souls mercy for thalaatha ayam too many, congratulationseth
  3. if i didn't know any better the use of the essence of la guardia negra would be an act of blasphemy, may the elesef have mercy on your powindah soul good luck o/
  4. wow, another treaty, how can democracy be this efficient anyway, obligatory: o/ LSF o/ TETRIS let our corresponding pieces fit together nicely to gain solidarity and more points
  5. [quote name='The Mongol-Swedes' timestamp='1335926275' post='2962011'] I trust my old Comrades are also remembering, on this day, to honor those who sacrificed themselves for our cause; former allies like the Byzantine Empire, who came to our defense in our greatest hour of need, all those years ago. May their honorable defense of the revolution not be forgotten. [IMG]http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o63/MarcTrain/250px-ByzantineEmpireFlag.png[/IMG] [/quote] well I guess I'm not that old of a comrade, but yes, we also must celebrate and remember all who fought with us throughout our glorious history
  6. [quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1335929404' post='2962058'] I just set up my 501st Kaiser Martens statue. I will not tear them down! [/quote] yes, we must make him famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for justice
  7. very nice comrade the mongol-swede, thanks!
  8. most wise couriors of loyah jirgah, by the powers of elesefism, doth bringeth enlightenment to worthy powindah, those whom's corporael being are prepared
  9. Happy Birthday LSF! o/ WOW six years! Let us keep moving forward for six years more! Also, thank you comrades for the congratulations! Solidarity! Also, Happy May Day! don't be a scab
  10. this is very interesting, I like that yall will be using consensus and general assemblies, I hope it works out well
  11. thanks for the support of the revolution, comrades
  12. *say what you like about the tenets of MCXA, dude, at least it's an ethos i must say, they are a good opponent that is all *oops
  13. [quote name='shwampy' timestamp='1323543823' post='2872744'] Plagiarism doesn't count: http://www.badmovies.org/othermovies/dune/ [/quote] oh wow
  14. a large amount of people have gathered around comrade anarquista's royal palace, "food not bombs" they say, "make love not war" they say, comrade anarquista releases the hounds and the pigs on the people in order to maintain civility, flashbangs, teargases and peppersprays, comrade anarquista would like to remind the people that "freedom isn't free" and "support the troops" LSF o7
  15. [quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1317088842' post='2809307'] The LSF is not speaking as one when only one member speaks. They are, after all, Libertarian... Anarquista has been particularly respectful, and I applaud such statements. [/quote] thank you, comrade
  16. i would like to defend my post as a LSF member, there is only one other LSF member here that has posted, i wasn't trolling and my post was not in bad taste, therefore don't think this is a LSF-wide thing, i believe in freedom of speech, so i can't censor others
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