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Everything posted by Ch33kY

  1. I've got some household chores he could take care of.
  2. Brilliantly made video. I'm keen to find out what this '& much more' is. Maybe MHA will be able to tell us.
  3. If GOD didn't exist it would be necessary to create it.
  4. Of all the war-time thread RV has created in CN, this was my favourite. I love how CSN's Deputy of State builds up their military ambitions on the eve of war by apologising for their awful predicament. Yep, that's really confidence inspiring.
  5. To Be Appointed must be rising fast up the ranks to get two portfolios to his name.
  6. I almost forgot how much I love the GPA.
  7. Back in the [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Great_War_III"]Third Great War[/url] we in the Old Guard did: 'War!' 'What is it good for?' 'Absolutely nothing'. Kinda funny as we had just broken away from the GPA.
  8. The Global Radiation Level is going to melt those Polar icecaps.
  9. A dark day in the history of CyberNations... Ice cream anyone?
  10. My mother always said ex-boyfriends were like wombats: eats roots, and leaves. Best of luck Mortal Wombats.
  11. This reminds me of the Old Guard's Young Guard, which recently folded. I hope this goes better. May I ask, will you be actively recruiting?
  12. A sad day in CN history. Residents of the Island of Dr Moreau will be wearing multi-coloured bands on their arm in honour of Opethian.
  13. Ordo Paradoxia continues their war on the battlefields with GOD, but they have already won the propaganda war. This kind of thing reminds me of Vox Populi's persistancy in chipping away at the NPO and Co.
  14. Alliance wars should only be looked at in terms of relative gains and losses eg. your alliance might take damage but you'll do more damage to your enemy. Individual wars / tech raids are generally only profitable in the really low levels, before they are at nuclear-capable levels and if they won't fight back too much. ShadowForcer, elaborating on your original post, I think that the miniscule gains of land and tech are not worth the risk of losing hundreds of infra and tech. But I must stress the importance of differentiating between alliance wars and individuals wars/tech raids.
  15. I don't think the problem is in the interalliance relations. I think it is entirely in the game play. There is currently no incentive for playing daily and there are no updates in the game structure. Until these two factors change, numbers will continue to decline. The Admin wants you to pay donations but doesn't want to add anything to the game. The option of changing your resources was a suggestion from 2006/07.
  16. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1318057617' post='2820622'] Wiki is generally fairly reliable. Most alliances at this point keep theirs up to date, and the staff usually catch the ones who don't. [/quote] For wars: yes. For anything else: nope. So many alliances haven't updated thier treaty lists. Cornelius: Full credit to you guys for getting it updated so quickly. Shame other alliances don't.
  17. I love how the 'discussion' descended into an argument about the stats. Forget the original CB, we can witness a war between two sides fighting over manipulated statistics.
  18. I wish more alliances would update their [url="http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCEQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcybernations.wikia.com%2F&ei=7LuPTt6yD-WdiAfBkInnDQ&usg=AFQjCNHzKXa1eGJer5VK8eDtqn_D1NFvXA"]CN Wiki[/url] pages. Some of them - even some of the 'big' alliances - are so out of date it's hard to know who is allied to who and what the details of their treaty are - wheter it's a ODP or MDP or MDoAP etc. Sertiously alliances, get your act together!
  19. Pink team has the highest average strength.
  20. 3 mil for the calander. And only if it's one of those naked calanders where they cover their private parts with carefully placed insinuating items.
  21. Happy fifth birthday and congrats on stayin' alive in CN.
  22. Great Dzar, you're back! Excellent news! When did this happen? Congrats Jerdge. The GPA is in safe hands.
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