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Everything posted by Ch33kY

  1. [quote name='Peggy_Sue' date='25 February 2010 - 10:24 PM' timestamp='1267100863' post='2202928'] When I was a much younger, smaller nation I was on green sphere and was paid for my trade by a member of GPA. The GPA government noticed I was at war (well, I was being triple-team tech raided, actually) and told my trading partner he could not send aid to pay for our trade. Losing his money and trade at that time was very harmful to my nation. It did not matter that I had not started the war. What mattered to GPA was that they send no money to anyone in war. For this reason alone I would never advocate linking trades with anything to do with war. [/quote] Not sending nations at war aid, even if it is part of a trade agreement, is standard GPA policy. Sure, it's unfortunate, but that's the part of the commitments you are to make to remain neutral.
  2. Is it real or just a computer graphic?
  3. I'm sold! Where can I get a Boulevard Irish Ale?
  4. Forcing an alliance to join trade circles and accept trades is not a good idea. It makes an alliance vulnerability should the other conduct a strike and remove trades at a time of fragility eg. right before a war. The GGA's greatest mistake ever was after the reformation of the VE forcing half of the alliance to be non-green. This worked against them because it meant green had less trades available. During this period the green team went from being one of the top team colours in terms of nations, overall NS and average NS. So punishing enemies for their team colour is definately a bad option. I think keeping trades apolitical is the best option for everyone.
  5. I applaud FAIL's moral ambiguity in a time of over-zealous moral righteousness. Tech for all!
  6. One of the luxuries of being neutral is that you don't need a warchest. It's not just that they go up the list in wartime, because they go up the list while others [i]prepare [/i]for war.
  7. Another GGA coup. Things are getting a little more exciting in The Jungle. I like the new gov. lineup too.
  8. I say take it to private channels. If that doesn't succeed bring it to the OWF and let the CN public be the judge. Most of the time it's just crap that gets posted, but every now and then there is something that the CN public really should see and voice their opinion on. As long as you don't log dump. Only really sad little people actually read all the logs.
  9. The topic question is different to the poll question. This is very annoying. White peace is different to a surrender, but sometimes they are done for the same reasons - and I think that's more important.
  10. Gramlins have been an honourable opponent. It's a shame we had to go to war with them to find that out. Here's to peace in our time.
  11. I am proud to be part of this fine establishment. When I saw the GPA's 4 year anniversary statement and realised we were up to 3, I couldn't believe it. There have been many times when I have thought both of these alliances would not make it but it is a testimony to our members that we have stayed on and fought for our existence. I think CN is all the better for it. Here's to the Old Guard's 4th year in CN. [img]http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/8011/whiterussian.jpg[/img]
  12. [img]http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/8674/chartgw.jpg[/img] I was in a roughly even war then I got hit by a guy with nukes.
  13. Ex-GPA of around a year here. One of the finest inistitutions in CN. Glad to have been part of it.
  14. Time to peace out emily. MHA and GGA just signed a peace deal.
  15. Fair and honourable peace terms. Congrats on peace MHA and GGA.
  16. This forums is for Alliance Annoucements. Is SLCB even an alliance?
  17. First ruler/nation : Ch33kY of Ch33kYland, 420 days Second: Candide of Laputa, 270 days Third: Ch33kY of Island of Dr Moreau, 250 days That's with long gaps between re-rolling. I'd be very old if I stayed around.
  18. [quote name='shahenshah' date='07 February 2010 - 09:04 PM' timestamp='1265540690' post='2166672'] Indeed, Thats why they sat waiting and ready for the impending attack they were made aware of. [/quote] I think it's actually quite prudent to always prepare for war in CN. C&G have been baiting IRON and TOP for a while now. You took the bait. Where does the buck stop?
  19. MHA, classy as always. White peace is always the best solution.
  20. It was honourable that the ODN offered such gracious terms. For that it should be noted. But it is also honourable that an alliance fights on until all have peace.
  21. [quote name='TheNeverender' date='07 February 2010 - 05:17 AM' timestamp='1265483855' post='2164900'] I'm sure that the OP is truly concerned as to the well being of the New Polar Order and couldn't possibly just be floundering around for PR points, could they? [/quote] The wellbeing of Polaris is my first and foremost concern. Come on, you know how strange this war has been. We've had some big surprises so if we found out part of the master plan was baiting and turning on Below in wouldn't have the same shock factor. [quote name='WarriorConcept' date='07 February 2010 - 07:07 AM' timestamp='1265490475' post='2165112'] Really this is a poor attempt to paint MK in a negative light. [/quote] If anything it's an attempt on the NpO. I have nothing against MK, C&G, or even Gramlins who we're currently fighitng against. I'm actually suggesting the MK are an honourable alliance that would back up their allies at the NpO. Good to see the MK's 2009 Propaganda team of the year, as voted by the CN community, are working hard to downplay this thread. A week ago you would have guffawed at anyone who said the NpO would be re-joining the war on your side, so we can only expect you to dismiss this notion.
  22. [quote name='Dave93' date='07 February 2010 - 12:40 AM' timestamp='1265467221' post='2164440'] The NpO-MK treaty would be non-chaining so CnG would not end up on the other side [/quote] Got me there. But in this war anything is possible. [quote name='Jack Diorno' date='07 February 2010 - 12:38 AM' timestamp='1265467109' post='2164437'] The alliances that are at war with the NpO are doing so in defence of GOD who is Athens treaty partner. So no. [/quote] What kind of treaty partner are you if you're not warning NpO for attacking your allies? GOD should expect better. [center][img][/img][/center]
  23. 1TF has been caught off-side this time. *I've always wanted to say that. Why couldn't we declare war on 1TF?*
  24. Everyone knows this was an NpO conspiracy concocted with \m/, because \m/ are warmongers that wouldn't mind losing a bit of infra if it meant a massive war they could participate in. Hence the very soft peace terms and lack of flaming by each side. I've never seen \m/ act so civil, which is the irony of the whole story...
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