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Everything posted by YOLO SWAG

  1. I don't know anything about any of your alliances, but this one flag being bigger business is really interesting. Did you guys realize the flag was bigger and still post it? Or was it an error? Why have you decided to not edit it to make everyone mentioning it in the replies look silly?
  2. This is funny to me. Good to see this was worked out without any loss of precious infra.
  3. Interesting to say the least. Keep it real MHA and IRON.
  4. It's a bold strategy potato, let's see if it pays off for 'em.
  5. What could possibly be on their forums that would make you throw up?
  6. I know nothing about either of you, but I wish the best to Dream and his dealings with whatever it is he is facing.
  7. They hate us so much, they've resorted to OOC attacks-- we must be doing something right! :awesome:
  8. I dig the theme guys, best of luck in the future! By the way, House Baratheon, your consulate at our forums is pretty dusty.
  9. It seems like a lot of effort was put into this, I congratulate you for that. Be sure to give us a visit if you're into that sort of thing! Oh, and best of luck with your... *shudder* democracy. :3
  10. Welcome to planet bob, AE. Hope you have a good time scaring everybody and what not.
  11. Congrats to the New Orders. :ehm:
  12. Congratulations to all members of The Order of the Paradox. Elections are always a good thing-- here's to the future!
  13. It is sad that diplomacy was unable to resolve this conflict-- but sometimes things come to this I fear.
  14. Unfortunately I don't know you or your politics but if you're looking for something different consider Prototype. You can read our recruitment thread here. Otherwise feel free to visit our forums or chat with some of us at #prototype.
  15. I, for one, welcome our new Zulu overlords.
  16. Straight kicking it the prototype way. #prototype #swag

  17. Always good to see new alliances. Do stop by our forums for beer and snacks! If you're of age of course!
  18. Congratulations on your existence! Feel free to stop by Prototype's forums for beer and snacks.
  19. And if you don't like AMC's The Walking Dead, you'll still probably love Prototype.
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