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Everything posted by Ovidsidios

  1. It's like deep !@#$ man. SupEr, like, META. the patterns, they're like, idiots talking ha ha like the turtles Only with idiots all the way down. so as it began:
  2. So that we're clear: This blog Blogs in general The subject matter of this blog The subject(s) of this blog Those participants in the derailing of this blog (ATG, I'm looking at you) The flawless tendency of threads to meet this very similar pattern of derailment, namely:
  3. I see the smile wasn't lost on you :smug:
  4. I can spare a howl o/FEAR -obligatory-
  5. hashtagTRUF (cause I'm too hipster to use the real thing)
  6. It never ceases to amaze me the power (and impact) a single person's decision can have in this world. For better of for worse, we've suffered an immeasurable loss. But in the face of this tragedy, we can come together as a community, and that, however seemingly infinitesimal of a good, is a light that can never be put out. My prayers are with him, his family, and the people here who've been touched by his life. I am not lucky enough to say that I knew him. But I hope we're all lucky enough to not depart this world too early. RIP tito My fondest valediction to your departing sails o/
  7. No it can't be...impossible...*checks his IRC autojoin list* goddamnit
  8. At these hours of the night, all I have are wise word. #thankyoubasedyolo
  9. Indeed. It seems both parties are at a loss. No one leaves a cancellation with more than they came with...
  10. So wait, is this an endorsement of joining KCP, or being neutral? Regardless, ah, yeah o/
  11. I see we're continuing to follow a trend. A trend of falling further down a rabbit hole. The most astonishing detail that I read was a comment made (rather guiltlessly) by Franz: I wont bother to get into the ethical implications of this notion, but I guess the "it's a game" sword cuts both ways. On one hand, why not? On the other, if we're so intent on playing this simulation rather close to the letter, where do we get off believing that these types of actions are condonable? But I digress... This interview was a very interesting read. If there is any weight to the details relayed, I hope NG has a adequate damage control plan.
  12. Given the alternatives, there wasn't much competition :awesome: But swell peeps nonetheless (yes, [b]all[/b] of you)
  13. I imagine their reactions would be very similar to the one in your signature
  14. A Wolverine is neither cute nor cuddly. Rota is nothing like a wolverine. I don't purchase "animals" whose diet ranges between cute cute and cuddly things (like squirrels and rabbits) to caribou...and moose. :|
  15. Well I wouldn't call it survival [i]per se[/i], but it is a tactic used to get by. It is a short route to supremacy and, in a way, if you strengthen yourself at the expense of competition you are "doing it right". Besides, I don't think it's idiocy. I think it's natural for better things to come along. Maybe they have, maybe they haven't. Who knows, certainly not those at war.
  16. In Supremacy 1914, it is common practice for certain players to strike unprotected provinces, while the military might is focused on other fronts. On one hand we can revile the act. However, it isn't at all extraordinary that some get their kicks from exploiting the disadvantaged. In fact, I here it is also common place here...
  17. I don't recall drinks being passed around during negotiations. Onbekende, you better step up your game now that Hime has called you out.
  18. That's really nice of you Tela, for that I'd be willing to share Rota. You wanna do it Florida style, or divorcee (aka every other weekend)?
  19. Rey? Formulate a reasonable opinion through valid research? You must be kidding...
  20. The transaction has already occurred, and the acceptance of the tech is a proof of the finality of our exchange. You're losing tech at this point since Rotavele belongs to me meow. But you can have Rey...
  21. Whoa, I don't want you having Rey. Because that means that I have Rey, and that ain't happening.
  22. Nah, Drew Carey called he said the price was right This, from you, means good things to me.
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