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Everything posted by Ovidsidios

  1. Can you be conquered with a masterball?
  2. The people of Sulmona often pray the pimps prayer before waging war upon their enemies... Hmmmmmm, dat distinction
  3. So how goes the war effort? When do themes get to be debated for MS Paint?
  4. Basically all of Tywinnian posting I love this so much, I'm jelly.
  5. I never thought you to succumb to underestimation. If they were so obtuse in their politics, why wasn't anyone aware of the NAP with IRON? Or who they're going to raid next? "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." - Eleanor Roosevelt
  6. There I fixed it for you. We all have our personas to keep up, and I understand that you are the little man behind "the giant", throwing fighting words, propaganda, and falsities around because size defends you. Why does your military stance dictate peace? Is it because your journalism behooves nations to censure you? Naturally you responded with a revolutionary order (and something about freedom of speech?), and how went it? For a man so in tune with the times, you sure seem to be missing a very obvious correlation. Why doesn't the OP broadcast us an analysis between the relation of utterly erroneous journalism, and not being an authoritative source. I'm sure you wont need to look far for reference...
  7. Honestly you have no idea the motives behind DBDC. I know this is not what DBDC wants, and I know you've got it all wrong. But my association will abjure my credentials simply because I seem like their pal, and you will go on vomiting these lies because you're vested in the side that wants everyone to band against DBDC. I hate the news because they're blatantly one sided. Now I know it's just a preference among lazy journalists to never get facts straight, and assert truth by mere speculation. Why don't you actually sit down with "the beast" and actually get to know them. If you're gonna bleeping write articles and be unpopular, at least be unpopular in opinion, than in both opinion and methodology. I'd much rather be an unpopular academic from my opinion, than because people know I'm both wrong and terrible at what I do.
  8. Now I see where in lies the frustration with so many. Very good, Tywin, this was fun. Until the next tide of events gives us something to talk about.
  9. I'm not spewing any propaganda here. It'd be silly to say I have any propaganda to "spew". I'm simply relaying a notion that is so easily lost among my "colleagues", "the absence of evidence, is not the evidence of absence". And if I may just improv here, get on my level: The world has a set society of alliances, and between them a pattern of interaction that has endured for the past 7~8 years. Suddenly, a group of individuals band together and begin playing the political game differently. In fact, they disregard it. As the events continue to pan out, they demonstrated their willingness to cross boundaries when they rouged neutrals---*fast forward through war*---and now they sign an NAP with supposed long time enemy. These aren't political scoundrels, or cn-anarchists bent on utterly decimating the world. They don't need to be strapped and monitored by SkyNet. They are as much a "party" deserving recognition and consideration as any other "party" that exists. You know there's an irony to some of the sentiment I am gathering of the opposing side to DBDC. Attack an alliance for not playing the game you want them to, because they attacked someone for the same reasons. So, disregard the whole task force effort? Just pretty much...everything...:|
  10. Which ones? The only banding of alliances/coalition work I have ever seen has been by those who are in power to remain in power. There is little concern for global stability as Tywin would have you think, and more concern for those in power to stay in power. You can see it in the way leaders compose themselves in such events as wars, and the times leading up before them. I can almost assure you, DBDC is not the real enemy here. Has it ever occurred to you that DBDC has now already become the task force, and you're sadly on the side that's about to get tasked with force? Is that why you're not vested in this?
  11. How will they be elected? How many shall serve? Is their a changing of the guard? How do you keep corruption in check? How do you justly/benevolently enforce? What makes you think people can work together? With "The enemy of my enemy..."? Mutually agreed destruction? 4 teh lulz? I think that would be idyllic at best, but the coordination and fluidity to handle such a body is beyond the capacity of most alliances. In short: If, from all the alliances there are, you were to filter them by activity, and of that active group you were to filter by a certain level of competency and create the task force from that, you'd still not have a sufficient force to moderate DBDC. Are they impossible to handle? Absolutely not. But you seem to be under the impression that DBDC is the one that needs controlling, and that this response of yours is to get them back in line with the status quo. This reminds me of that story about the drowning man who rejected different methods of rescue because he believed God would intervene and save him, only to discover (posthumously) that God had answered the man's prayers through the different methods of rescue. But who am I to stomp on the dreams of others? There is an ecosystem at play here, Mr. Lannister. Just because a different animal entering the ecosystem displaces it for a moment, doesn't mean the stranger is equivalent to a villain. Sometimes it's better to grab change by the hand, before it grabs you by the throat. EDIT: I don't believe FEAR was ever raided by DBDC, so you might want to update that chart of yours.
  12. So people shouldn't get any smart ideas ;)
  13. And still she will die and moulder to dust.
  14. Gotta go with Canik on this one. Regardless of what we may have done, IRON and DBDC had it in them to see it through. Respect. I look forward to working closely with you both in the future. o/To Better Days ------------------------------------------------------------ Neo, I don't know why I'm doing this, but You say And they respond Which would have read And yet, All you do is
  15. [i]"What is in a name?"[/i] As for the metaphor at the end, just fatigue ridden imagery. I take the underlined to be an invitation. However I find the introduction of names a little unnecessary, and since we both fly the names of our respective alliances, I'm a little hard pressed to find more by which we may better familiarize ourselves with. In the spirit of camaraderie, I am open to suggestions.
  16. You shouldn't feel obliged to do so, Malk, we're all "friends" here. Besides, I'm not garnering for your attention, sir/madam. Our words flow like fire to the sky [our comments towards the subject respectively]. If sparks land near the other, don't think much about it. Just doing what fire does.
  17. Nor can the entire life and accomplishment of one Sir Admiral Bob ever recoup the losses Sulmona suffered today. You were my friend and champion, and in your blazing fury have decimated this friendship. But I see I have not made my intentions clear. From this moment, Sulmona recognizes a "cessation of relationships" with the Emperor and the people's of RAGE. We wash our hands of you and all your dilemmas both of this world and in your dreams. My loss is immeasurable; this wound pierces too deep.
  18. Don't take it personally. I wasn't going to spell out your whole name. Couldn't be bothered, to be frank
  19. I'm pretty sure you're trolling, but for posterity's sake: This is with whom Malk is referencing, and the founder of the LDS sect of Christianity. They are a religious community that finds polygamy acceptable
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