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Everything posted by Ovidsidios

  1. What a coincidence, didn't you just lose two dudes? Two wrongs do not a right make. We will remember these terrorist acts of yours. You lost two human beings on account of a war feud. However unfair, such is the price of your Empire. But my innocent civilians were caught between a leader's remarks and an infantile tantrum. I will not threaten you with war. I know such methods will not drive home the flagrancy of your villainy. Instead, I will do the only thing that can hurt someone of your demeanor...
  2. I, and the rest of the people of Sulmona, personally hope your general rots in Hell along with the rest of all your pixels. Fondly yours, Ovid
  3. I guess someone forgot to memo the new guy. I can picture it: tie flapping madly in the wind, paper flying and scattering all behind him, hair askew.... I'm sorry, what were we on about? Oh yeah, o/Val P.S. s/o home girl Kry
  4. Muh momma always told me tah neva min' tha trolls and if she eva' caught me feed'n'em, I'd get a lickin' like tha devil on judgment day. mmmhmm
  5. I'm sorry, bobby, can I call you bobby?, but uh....
  6. I believe they were referring to the context. As in, "please don't try this combination unless..." Because that's what they do, I suppose. Typical Neo
  7. War always makes the best of friends. Onward to better days o/ To all parties involved.
  8. I'm sorry, I didn't realize your learning level and competence. Let me help you out: Sometimes people say things that mean many things; doesn't make you as dumb as it makes them smarter; the two are not mutually exclusive You look like a Mogar wannabe/tryhard (naturally he does it better; cookies for you though) Nobody cares if you're a coward or not. You're actions should speak louder than your words. To your defense of ¬coward, your words did not speak. Just because you pick fights with people weaker than you, doesn't save you from being a coward. In fact, quite to the contrary, it doesn't. Edit: trimming
  9. What is this nonsense? Intellectual posting, civil agreement and discourse, [i]everyone[/i] getting along... oh wait, it's only the world affairs subforum. /ignore SGTN's are noted for their simply ungodly numbers. The only wars that happen at that level are tantamount to Zeus couping Chronus. GTN's are forces of nature. Sometimes you can shoot bazookas at thunderclouds, or lob a grenade at a tornado. TTN's are the world superpowers, and everyone else lands where they fall. As master senseless debater, I see your down and raise you upIhopeyou'resingingthesongnow: The Bat$#!+ crazy gazillionaires and the World- Basically all SGTN's and GTN's just say "fuck it, we'll do it live!" and then just state a whole bunch of senseless demands for the world of planet Bob. We see a harmless, nevertheless annoying, transition in senility from the unreachable. The world of bob, fed up by this reality, throw away boundaries and divide the world into the SG/G tier fighters and the SG/G tier makers. In the over industrialization of this rigorous process, the world of bob inflates exponentially creating a gap (chasms across) between fighters and makers. Until finally, we have only SG/G tiers and farm countries. This will breed new kinds of predators (e.g. raiders), ones I will simply refer to as "bullies". They'll be those few middle-ranged nations that will stick around to poke and abuse the small tier ones (as it's presumed all uppers have headed towards goddom). All smaller tier nations during this new "era of senility" will in turn evolve themselves into something more "mogorian" (essentially sharper spikes, thicker hide and shell). In short the whole world takes a twisted turn toward the Tim Burtonesque. Personally, if I were asked where I thought the future was going, I'd hope in this. Because you can get all "franco'n'shit" and start quoting from manifestos and referencing political theories, but really, you just gotta be the change you want to see inthe world; be who you wanna be(<--for mogar)
  10. Look, I play games on multiple levels. I've got 8 brains, an octo-mind if you will. The only thing concerning you about my description of BMTH is his cowardice. His "bullying" is in reference to something else. Don't banter back with some expectation that I should have known you ignorant of the matter. That wouldn't have been my intention. I would hate to put you in other position where you have to explain to a world why you decided to overreact again. Rather, I said what I wanted to say, how I said it. Depth, multiple interpretations, not all for you. On another note, in hindsight, I would count this a terrible investment with incalculable loss. I'd suggest whoever your broker/conscious is, fire them. All this pomp and bravado for an apology. You sell your character, that good image you're not so worried about (except when it comes to not looking like a coward, and getting affirmations by strangers everywhere) for what? Honestly, you left this worse than you came.
  11. WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?! I heard you do double takes, and then like to hit late over really petty issues. So I would just like to do this for you now so you won't have to do this later: I'm pretty sure this is a call out. I'm still trying to grasp hold of something here, maybe you can help: [spoiler] Alas, it was all for show and his yellow belly soon came into view Image alone matters to some. I didnt pick him he picked me. I was 20k ns at the start of this fight and already engaged with 2 other nations. He was 22k NS and not alone. Be carefull with these guys their treaties might not be worth wiping you arse with [/spoiler] I'm terribly sorry for all this quoting, but I would feel best if I could just run through some things while the references are easily accessible. From what I gathered, you declared on BMTH because he said something about your fighting (a coward in terms), but after the fact. It wasn't an impulsive decision, no. Like you probably had some food in between, maybe watched some television. Came back, saw what you missed, and still thought it reasonable to attack. Marvelous. For a man who is supposedly not entirely concerned about your image, you have dedicated an awful lot of time to making sure everyone understands that you are not what people say you are. What a glorious investment of time. It seems you were overzealous in your task, as it would have been understandable if you simply "retaliated" with an effort of war. You're right, it could have been over in one day when you ran the motions. You could have said, "hey, I'm not a coward, I will fight you" and that would have sufficed. If he still would have been foolish enough to disagree, you would have had 6 more days to convince him. If the aforementioned were not enough, you want to pile drive your point providing the ultimatum that if ONE person doesn't apologize for hurting your feelings, you will literally war with other people simply because of association. So here's the kicker, BMTH is supposedly a yellow bellied bully, according to the (seemingly) self-centered, pretentious...wait for it...bully. The word of the day: subjective bias. Alterego, I'm pretty sure I've seen you around, and to be honest, I seldom take BMTH seriously. And even if I do, I promise you, it is never war worthy. Still to each his own. If you ran with BF1, your image shouldn't be that big a deal anyway. I mean, your very fighting force was a seasonal bon voyage by those who said, "enough". If it's you're prerogative to pass your time as such, and need these grandiose excuses (irony), to fight them, then by all means knock yourself out. And that's it. Thanks for the decent read. Take a creative writing course. It'll help with your story's flow of logic...
  12. Dare we say validity fall within the grasp of any pen? A revolution to end all revolutions. First it started with three emerald rings to rule them all. We made a fourth for ncc, and somehow letterkenny got a ring (though I think he got it from one of the dispensers), we might have had a few stragglers, but they didn't get nothing! Soon those three founding councilors saw the power of their rings pulling them away. When the essence of BASED called the first, his transcendence to glory has manifested in this divinely appointed crusade; you shall not fail. The second, given to the bumbling-negroid, has gone far and exhausted his annoyance. Now his once jockular existence has now become a scraping tone of reason; nails of understanding against the blackboard of ignorance. To the third, what can we say of him? An enigma, a shadow, a traveler between riots and nordic gods, and backdrops of nuclear stairways to heaven. All the while the people of Bob believe they stand on the shoulders of a world, where their very leans and hesitations, shape the future. In reality, you're all moving on a train neither is controlling, and base the impetus of your circumstances to causality rather than to circumstances. Couldn't you simply be lucky? Beginning, end; to, fro; light, dark; existence, apathy.
  13. Opinion, my dear friend, is apparently more valuable than reason. For their are many opinions present, but hardly any reasonable people. Must be in the wrong place. Especially if that bumbling orc (Uruk-hai) has found himself someone foolish enough to take the bait.
  14. Clearly you all have not read the gospel of the prophet Outkast. Which doth readth: Clearly, since the olden age, this brother be preaching about how (though maidens fair) women be not always fine n'$hit. Wake up before her one morning, like before she's got makeup on n'stuff, and you'll be like "damn, wench, whence cometh thy ass?" Trust me, dem !@#$%*e's !@#$ stank
  15. A couple of things: Prosperity is being choked, but your alliance is center to the Kashmir Co-Prosperity Book Club. Will this mean that your monthly meetings (honestly, who reads a book in a month?) will begin seeing wild, random encounters with your allegorical manifestation and a maiden joking chimpanzee? Sadly, this forum only allows the dawning of one image per sig. How do you plan on solving this problem that most certainly transcends us all? You gonna get on your transcendent soap box and fix this with chaos? This looks like an alliance.
  16. So let me get this straight, you missed the entire reason for your declaration only to find out later to then decide, instead of at the moment which would have been...like...reasonable, to attack in "glorious vindication for the sake of your honor and a good paddlin'." And too add he[BMTH] is the horrible person. Karma's a !@#$%*, and irony is a bully. GET IT BMTH?! Yeah, it's 20 bucks a lighter and paper
  17. I thought it cost 20 bucks, a lighter, and papers? Man, how come you always changing the game? How are we supposed to play the game, if you keep changing the game!? [read in S.L.J.'s voice]
  18. I've been told that the "price of fame" is a privilege itself. "'Cause if yo ass ain't famous, who dey gonna hate on?"
  19. Gentlemen, this is a matter of emergency and I demand due procedure for its immediate rectification: I needn't remind you riote(e?)rs what becomes of grandeur spoiled. Fix this. Now.
  20. Or teachers discipline with greater severity the most talented. Did you know a spinning square depicts as an illusion a circle?
  21. Hahahaha, wasn't there a parade when he came out from where ever he dwells, and people twirled for pages discussing whether it was or wasn't the real Moldavi? You think it's just propaganda that's filled the space between his ears? I had a respectfully long discussion with some member about the olden days and Moldavi. People talk him up. Plus he's probably getting kind of old, so he might have some of that "back in my day..." aura floating around him.
  22. The words, how they flow like sewage. Please sir, though many would contend, I say not your words are sewage. Simply, when I imagined how fluid your poetry flowed together, I couldn't help but think of &#33;@#&#036;. Just an ungodly amount of filth. Again, no false correlations here. Just is a coincidence, friend.
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