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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. I must say, classy responses from MHA throughout this entire conflict.
  2. [quote name='MCRABT' date='03 February 2010 - 04:44 AM' timestamp='1265190276' post='2156161'] Truthfully that seems to happen a lot regardless of if they have multiple allies on this side of the web. They are the ultimate bandwagon alliance. [/quote] Sweet irony.
  3. [quote name='Angrator' date='03 February 2010 - 10:19 AM' timestamp='1265210353' post='2156553'] Except it doesn't destroy thousands of citizens. OOC: Remember we're in the RP section. [/quote] Even then, it's common knowledge that most alliances consider spying away nukes to be the same as using them or forcing their hand to use them.
  4. [quote name='MadScotsman' date='03 February 2010 - 10:19 AM' timestamp='1265210344' post='2156552'] I guess we could have just used... The Real Friends > Infra slogan [/quote] Would've been cool. Anyway sorry for the derail, have fun in your war.
  5. [quote name='MadScotsman' date='03 February 2010 - 10:13 AM' timestamp='1265210024' post='2156541'] No we're really saying that we said we would back Valhalla against all alliances that attacked, those three mentioned are the ones that attacked during the last 24 hours. Maybe we should have waited a week before declaring, since no one had a chance to get the whole pish about being cowards out in the open that you and many others have took every chance to &*&^%$£" about for the last god damm year! [/quote] What are you on about? I was wondering why you were bragging about how big the NS gap between you and the ones you're attacking is. That has nothing to do with calling anyone cowards, more trying to seem like you're the only ones whom do it but deserve special recognition or something.
  6. Are you really bragging that you're declaring war on bigger alliances? Wow. Have fun I suppose.
  7. [quote name='Geoffron X' date='02 February 2010 - 06:26 PM' timestamp='1265153202' post='2154057'] I know! And after MK so selflessly defended them against all those who attacked Polaris in the first part of this war! (sarcasm.) [/quote] Have you ever heard of a non-chaining treaty or are you being willfully ignorant?
  8. [quote name='Methrage' date='03 February 2010 - 09:14 AM' timestamp='1265206452' post='2156439'] MK seemed to when they were complaining about NpO helping us on our front with GOD. Its a shame you guys would let MK elawyer you onto the other side while we're still fighting CSN, although I realize you guys are doing what you think right. [/quote] Asking someone to follow a treaty is called e-lawyering?
  9. [quote name='Bob Janova' date='03 February 2010 - 09:08 AM' timestamp='1265206111' post='2156424'] NpO was jumped by many alliances (FOK and Stickmen) well before that happened. [/quote] They have a non-chaining treaty for the exact same situation that occurred there.
  10. [quote name='Bob Janova' date='03 February 2010 - 08:28 AM' timestamp='1265203703' post='2156372'] You are using the treaty you hold with STA in order to pull them away from the side they were previously engaged on. Really, this is no different from the attempt STA made to activate their NPO MADP in NoCB, except that STA are honourable enough that they'll allow themselves to be played this way. I hear NpO is an ally of yours too, how's that assistance going for them? [/quote] Considering they aggressively started a war through a chain, I don't think they have any right to ask for help. I hear MK is an ally of NpO and got attacked without actually even being involved, how's that assistance going?
  11. [quote name='Bob Janova' date='03 February 2010 - 07:31 AM' timestamp='1265200316' post='2156318'] That's a dirty trick by C&G. [/quote] Calling on defense treaty? How could they
  12. [quote name='Delta1212' date='03 February 2010 - 02:14 AM' timestamp='1265181277' post='2155960'] [01:48] <Delta1212[RIA]> I'm just referring to it as the cluster$%&@ [01:48] <Delta1212[RIA]> And everyone will know what I mean Same channel, too. Be original, Doitz. [/quote] [01:33] <Xiphosis[GOD]> lol [01:33] <Xiphosis[GOD]> he's gonna dump her? [01:33] <Xiphosis[GOD]> that's lawl [01:34] <Xiphosis[GOD]> YOU $%&@ED MY !@#$ UP ON CN HONEY GODDAMN I HAVE PR TO THINK ABOUT For shame delta.
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