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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. Good on you for honoring your treaty. Have fun out there.
  2. [quote name='elborrador' date='02 February 2010 - 06:01 PM' timestamp='1265151680' post='2154002'] fixed your post for ya there congrats Schatt. you have reinforced everything i've ever thought about you. When you actually learn to post original stuff, try again k? [/quote] You got called out for not defending all your allies. It's okay I'd be ashamed too.
  3. [quote name='Fernando12' date='02 February 2010 - 05:55 PM' timestamp='1265151315' post='2153986'] Considering \m/ is also made up of former RAD members that pulled a stunt on NSO an ally of Polar why on earth did RoK ally with Belair and why did they continue it to \m/. Everybody here is about connecting degrees of separation - ally of an ally extensions. The NSO/RAD thing happened a few months ago, but its still generally the same thing. People need to drop the ally of an ally bit... In the history of CN I am sure its not the first time its happened and I am sure its not the last time it will happen. Somebody should make a post of all previous wars where an ally attacked an ally of an alliance. I bet the list contains some names that are here bashing Polar. [/quote] Despite what you may think, attacking an ally of an ally is not and has never been common. I actually personally can't recall another time when that's happened, and I've been here for quite a while.
  4. [quote name='kevin32891' date='02 February 2010 - 05:48 PM' timestamp='1265150912' post='2153970'] I wasn't taking to you WC, and plus that didn't answer my question. [/quote] This move would be honorable if they were defending [i]all[/i] their allies.
  5. [quote name='Letum' date='02 February 2010 - 05:37 PM' timestamp='1265150237' post='2153952'] No offence, but don't you get tired of repeating that? You've been saying it everywhere, all the time. I think people get the point you're trying to make by now. [/quote] I'm hoping polar does too.
  6. [quote name='kevin32891' date='02 February 2010 - 05:33 PM' timestamp='1265149981' post='2153946'] So you find that people who help out their allies are "disgusting" and "despicable"? [/quote] I eagerly await NpO to help GR and MK.
  7. [quote name='hizzy' date='02 February 2010 - 05:31 PM' timestamp='1265149867' post='2153944'] HOW DARE THEY CHOOSE THE OTHER SIDE. I AM ABSOLUTELY SUCCUMB BY OUTRAGE AND DISGUST. how'd I do? [/quote] I believe it's just terrible that they didn't attempt diplomacy to get NSO peace and attacked the alliance that was working the hardest to get them peace instead of the one that was holding up said peace process. And you know they probably would've granted NSO peace too, just that their whole govt wasn't online to vote and Ivan decided to re-declare.
  8. [quote name='Penguin' date='02 February 2010 - 03:34 PM' timestamp='1265142885' post='2153763'] Strategic? Not really. We just happened to get along quite well with Fark and seeing as there were only a couple of alliances attacking NSO right now we picked the other one. I didn't think it would make a difference to anyone since we're not exactly launching a large offensive and we just needed a way into the NSO front. I imagine we'll be at war with them both and then some anyway and we can be at the bargaining table when more time has elapsed to renegotiate peace. [/quote] You attacked the alliance that was putting the most effort into getting NSO peace instead of the one holding up peace. If your goal is keeping NSO from achieving peace then you're on the right track.
  9. [quote name='King DrunkWino' date='02 February 2010 - 03:28 PM' timestamp='1265142492' post='2153756'] Maybe, maybe not. Another way to look at it is that everyone involved realizes what a clusterfrack this has become (and over IRON for pete's sake ,) and decides to clear their heads a bit and give it another go. Again, nobody has the ability to read what the other guy is gonna do, so you have to fill in the gaps with some intuition and do what you feel is right. That, of course, doesn't make it right to everyone else, it doesn't even make it completely right to the person (Polar in this case,) that makes the choice. At the end of the day though, it's still the path that must be walked. [/quote] Fair enough. I am just wondering what terms NSO are willing to accept and that they're not too crazy that NpO will be forced to stay in too long. I really wish that front would just end.
  10. [quote name='Penguin' date='02 February 2010 - 03:21 PM' timestamp='1265142066' post='2153742'] If MK came with us into a war and we got them stuck on the end of a lopsided war, yes. If they did so now, I'd say a qualified yes because I'm not sure how much help we are going to be in a few days but perhaps we could work something out. Obviously, I feel that NSO is going to need us more than MK in this one but I'll see what I can do. [/quote] I look forward to MK asking for help then and what kind of response they'll get.
  11. [quote name='King DrunkWino' date='02 February 2010 - 03:17 PM' timestamp='1265141852' post='2153736'] You make a fair point about using diplomacy and it's quite correct. However, nobody has the foresight to know how that's going to play out. If you take the statements made about the NSO/FARK/GOD peace talks at face value, and right now there is no reason not to, I can very well see Polar examining the situation and realizing that while attempting diplomatic talks might work, it'd take a longer period of time than she thought necessary, all the while the combatants keep pounding on each other. It's kind of aggressive diplomacy that she plays right now. I hardly think that Polar/NSO/FARK/GOD aren't either talking or planning to talk about peace right now. However, by entering, Polar shows just how committed she is to getting this fandango done with. [/quote] Considering FARK's council never voted on not giving them peace, it looks likely that peace would have been obtained sooner rather than later. Using aggressive diplomacy is valid, but in the end it looks as if it will only make the war last longer than it would have had they not entered. As well I still haven't seen a good reason to attack GOD and not FARK, since it was FARK that was holding up the peace talks.
  12. [quote name='King DrunkWino' date='02 February 2010 - 03:09 PM' timestamp='1265141387' post='2153718'] Ivan, you are one of my favorite leaders mainly because you typically skip the BS. In this case, though, I think you underestimate the value of the friendship between the Sith and Polar. The proof is in the now. Polar got backed into a corner and felt she had to chose. On one side was a friend of a close friend and on the other was another friend. Polar knew taking one side wouldn't exactly help the relationship with the other. Still, she made the tough choice and chose. Personally, I find no fault in that, and me being a pristine Jedi Master and you being a fitly Sith Lord should say something. Polar felt she had to get involved and had to make a tough choice. There was no right or wrong choice, no black, white or even gray area. There was just a choice to make and she made it. [/quote] I disagree, there was a gray area to choose in this particular situation. They could have contacted GOD before attacking them, instead of attacking GOD whom was helping NSO get peace. FARK was the one holding up peace, and NpO knows this, yet they attack GOD. That's possibly one of the worst ways to handle this situation.
  13. [quote name='zoskia' date='02 February 2010 - 03:01 PM' timestamp='1265140905' post='2153710'] We actually used diplomacy and we've been using it for the last 4 days, since peace with \m/ was signed. As far as I know, Polaris is STILL trying to get the NSO out of this war and our diplomatic conversations have not finished. I don't think we have any kind of special interest in fighting with GOD... and I don't think the NSO is interested in destroying GOD either... nor the other Alliances they are fighting against right now. What kind of secret agenda we could have against GOD? We don't have one. Indeed, if the MK gets weaker, then we get weaker too, since you are our Allies. So I don't see the point of this war. [/quote] I am also wondering what agenda you have that you'll attack GOD, the alliance trying to get NSO peace, instead of FARK, the one holding up peace.
  14. [quote name='Voytek' date='02 February 2010 - 02:55 PM' timestamp='1265140510' post='2153702'] What makes you so sure diplomacy hasn't already been tried? [/quote] The fact that you didn't talk to GOD before declaring. Oh, and attacked the alliance that was trying to get peace for your ally.
  15. [quote name='King DrunkWino' date='02 February 2010 - 02:52 PM' timestamp='1265140340' post='2153694'] Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the point of a mutual defense clause that neither side has to ASK for assistance in a war because the other party said in writing that they automatically extend assistance? /and I don't give a frackin' !@#$ on the [i]de facto[/i] state of Planet Bob and how treaties are interpreted lawyer style, so save that load of frackin' garbage. [/quote] You're acting as if I do. But yes technically in their treaty one side has to ask for help before it's given, much like in STA's treaty I assume. Seeing anyone e-lawyer their way out of helping is disgusting.
  16. [quote name='zoskia' date='02 February 2010 - 02:40 PM' timestamp='1265139603' post='2153677'] As for GOD, our obvious intention is to find a way to get white peace for an important ally of us, the NSO. We actually have no interest in destroying GOD, nor we are looking forward to "win" the war... we simply wanna finish it as soon as possible, both for us and the NSO. [/quote] Why didn't you talk to GOD then? They were the ones whom did offer peace to NSO and were trying the hardest to get everyone to peace out NSO. Did you think attacking them would make them offer peace more? Like you guys mentioned FARK was the one holding up the peace, why not attack them? Or heck talk to GOD and FARK and find out what's happening before running in like an idiot and attacking your ally's friend. Couldn't even have the decency to do that.
  17. [quote name='Penguin' date='02 February 2010 - 01:36 PM' timestamp='1265135770' post='2153509'] We're not particularly upset at anyone on the other side, we simply have an ally left in the conflict who looks like they could use us a bit more than most and we feel largely responsible for that. [/quote] Will you defend MK if they ask?
  18. [quote name='Buds The Man' date='02 February 2010 - 02:34 PM' timestamp='1265139254' post='2153664'] In all fairness witht the relationship between xiph and grub that wouldnt be an easy route either. While Hoo was definatly in a tough spot Grub had his own !@#$e sandwich to deal with. He chose NSO, RoK chose GOD both imo were probably the right choice. IMO this whole stinking war is stupid but it has brought some life back to the game but has definatly put strains across the web on both sides. [/quote] There's no reason for that route to not be an easy one. GOD was already offering peace to NSO and trying to get everyone else to as well. FARK was the one holding up the peace process, and instead of attacking or even talking to FARK, he attacked GOD. The same GOD that was trying to help NSO. To not have the decency to just talk to the people over the reason you're going to war before doing so is rash and is a slap in the face of RoK. There didn't have to be tough choices, Grub could have talked with GOD and possibly then not have had to declare war. He didn't value RoK enough to even attempt that.
  19. It was unavoidable really. If grub truly wanted peace for NSO and wished to not insult RoK he would have gone and talked to GOD before declaring war. That just shows a huge amount of disrespect towards RoK. Best of luck Hoo.
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