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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. I voted for the other war flag you guys had.
  2. This has been in the workings for a long time from what I understand, congratulations to both of you.
  3. It is late. But I really do hold STA in very high regard, hence me not wanting anyone, least of all STA, that I consider them bad allies.
  4. Congratulations once again you reference a post with an argument that has nothing at all to do with the conversation that was happening. Welcome to my ignore list.
  5. I don't want anyone to think I hold any disdain for STA. Your "sarcasm" could have been misinterpreted very easily and yes I really didn't think it was sarcasm at all to be honest because it didn't seem it.
  6. I think you're the one who needs to keep up with politics if you didn't understand whom I was referring to unlike everyone else here.
  7. I said they were valid targets, not that they had been raided in the past. If you read his post, even his community standards are crap.
  8. That right there is the implementation of community standards. Standards polar is trying to uphold, is it not?
  9. I believe MK fought quite a few wars in those 2 years that took quite a bit of a resolve to fight.
  10. Where have I seen that done just recently...
  11. I think you're arguing with yourself there. From my understand of "community standards" alliances without a treaty are valid raid targets. "Community standards" also dictate that when you raid it's a smaller alliance. Unless you're saying community standards are wrong?
  12. I do believe there were peace offers right after the attacks, therefore there really wouldn't be any further attacks.
  13. So might makes right? We've known this for quite a while, but thanks for stating it again.
  14. I really don't feel like registering on that site or signing in with any of my personal accounts. However have fun.
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