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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. [quote name='chefjoe' date='11 February 2010 - 04:27 PM' timestamp='1265923661' post='2175511'] So this is a continuation of the first war by your own words? hmmm and here I saw pages and pages of elawyer spin by your side saying this was a seperate conflict. Guess not? [/quote] I said conflict. This whole mess is a conflict but it's obvious there are 2 separate wars going on. The first one peaced out, but it still did happen. [quote] Actually yeah. If one has a chunk of cash losing infra means nothing, Also when one is majorly outgunned, one has to play to ones strengths, which in this case would be our tech and .mil wonder advantage we have once we shed enough NS in infra to be able to drop down and hit the lower/mid ranks. This is when WE shall have the advantage. So yeap with a viable path and plan to deal with things in place and plenty of cash with no care about our pixels, I would say we are far from your picture of 'beaten down' regardless of your hopes WC. [/quote] I really don't care if valhalla gets beaten down or not to be honest. I haven't given you guys any thought in years. "beaten down" refers to losing ns/infra/tech. You've lost 2/3 of those a lot by your won admission, therefore you've been beaten down. Whether you have an "advantage" now or not is irrelevant.
  2. [quote name='Kryievla' date='11 February 2010 - 04:23 PM' timestamp='1265923397' post='2175505'] No slight at \m/, there just isn't much to do on this front but be a nuke placeholder. We're happy to oblige tho' Fighting longer? Not sure how you figure that or even why that matters tbh. [/quote] They were the first alliance hit during this cluster$%&@. They've taken losses as well but aren't complaining about being "pounded" or anything, they're just fighting and fulfilling their duties instead of trying to act tough like cj over here.
  3. [quote name='shahenshah' date='11 February 2010 - 04:20 PM' timestamp='1265923213' post='2175496'] If we knew the peace had been worked out, we would not enter, simple. Hell, even Polars didnt know what happened. You can take it or you dont have to. CnG knew of peace and also of attack. [/quote] You attacked a bloc who was not fighting in the war at all. You'd think you wouldn't be planning to hit them regardless.
  4. [quote name='Fantastico' date='11 February 2010 - 04:16 PM' timestamp='1265922974' post='2175486'] If C&G leaders were really working for peace why did they try to claim a second war with the TOP/IRON/TORN/DAWN attacks when they knew ahead of time that those attacks were planned as a part of the war? That's why playing this "we were working for peace" line is so disingenuous and it's also why defining this as a second war is so important to people like you. [/quote] What? Maybe because CnG was not involved militarily in any front but was instead attacked by other alliances not involved on any front. If IRON and TOP wanted to be involved through the current war they would have went through their normal treaty ties instead of attacking the people not fighting at all. How is working for peace disingenuous anyway? The polar/\m/ front was peaced out.
  5. [quote name='Bob Janova' date='11 February 2010 - 04:10 PM' timestamp='1265922632' post='2175468'] As I said to someone already, I'm not going to log dump or tell you access lists and things because that would be a breach of confidence. You can ask people in your government or high coalition positions of you want to know the extent of C&G's prior involvement. I just noticed your sig ... well played. However, 'less than inevitable' in this case was around 95% (as I later said in that same thread). [/quote] CnG was attempting to get NpO's part of the war to peace out and succeeded. I suppose that was justification enough for TOP/IRON to attack them then.
  6. [quote name='LiquidMercury' date='06 February 2010 - 02:02 PM' timestamp='1265482949' post='2164873'] I set out in my mind to make things like horrible terms being given out a thing of the past, disbandment abhorred against, a general sense of fun for all, and a way to make every action not born out of hate (yes I still get messages telling me to die and have seen others as well). I wanted a world where a small alliance could indeed mean something and it wasn't always a world of curbstomps. This had the possibility that last one, but instead politics have degenerated to a point where there is very little modicum of respect, control, or politics other then o/, spam, shared channel, treaty, opportunism. Essentially I went out to stand against all the heinous things that NPO and others had done, but we're all full circle now only without the interesting debate and discussion. [/quote] I haven't seen any horrible terms given since Karma. This war isn't a curbstomp and neither would the TPF one had been. A small alliance can mean something, just most small alliance leaders are not good enough to make it so. Really you're only looking for negatives LM.
  7. [quote name='chefjoe' date='11 February 2010 - 03:58 PM' timestamp='1265921929' post='2175452'] Fighting longer? Well considering they missed a few wars during disbandment I think you are wrong. People IN \m/ might have fought longer....but \m/ itself? No. Also as for beaten down badly, where the hell did I ever say it was 'bad'? I just said that as of now Val doesnt have much infra left and that we are in a MUCH better position to give dmg then recieve it. Plain truth. You have a very bad habit of putting words or thoughts into places where they just dont exist/belong WC, but ur young we understand. [/quote] Fighting longer more in relation to this whole conflict that started off a couple weeks ago. Not really hard to follow now is it? Oh yeah, there's no infra left from your nations so that means you've not been beaten down, right?
  8. [quote name='chefjoe' date='11 February 2010 - 03:34 PM' timestamp='1265920475' post='2175412'] Pound on us some more? lmao Have you even LOOKED at the situtation? There isnt much left to 'pound'. Most of our infra is gone. In other words, we have nothing more left to lose(WOOT!) and now we get to focus SOLELY on GIVING damage to those NOT yet 'pounded' that you send against us. 'pound some more'.......lol seriously im rollin here...... So yeap PC saved you guys for the 'good' time lulz. [/quote] I'm sure \m/ has been fighting longer than valhalla. Their mentality seems to be the same as well, dish out as much damage as possible. I don't see why you feel the need to talk smack at all considering you just said you've gotten pounded pretty badly, but w/e
  9. [quote name='Bob Janova' date='11 February 2010 - 03:36 PM' timestamp='1265920585' post='2175418'] What I am claiming is that TOP didn't attack you mainly because of that. They attacked because they wanted to make sure their coalition was in a winning position. I'm sure the fact that they don't like you, as stated in the DoW, influenced their choice of targets, or at the very least made them particularly pleased that C&G was the main enemy force that needed dealing with. But the fact is that they declared as part of a coalition which you had chosen to oppose, and if that hadn't been the case, you would not have been a target for any alliance in the Polar coalition. [/quote] CnG was working towards peace the whole time and it was made that very night. Some opposition to that coalition, right?
  10. [quote name='avernite' date='10 February 2010 - 10:41 AM' timestamp='1265816472' post='2172646'] Since forever, notable examples being the first Polar War if I heard it right, in some sense GW1, GOONS-Fark (IE GW2), Legion in GW3, WoTC... [/quote] ...it wasn't acceptable in any of those situations at all. Pre-emptive strikes have [i]always[/i] been looked down upon, and those situations your brought up back up the fact.
  11. [quote name='Ivan Moldavi' date='11 February 2010 - 10:43 AM' timestamp='1265902993' post='2174804'] Unfortunately I believe we (NSO) are officially fighting on the D-Bag Front at present and therefore are in for a very long war. [/quote] If you hadn't asked polar to jump in you would have had an easy out. Just because you wish to stay until IRON leaves is not the fault of your opponents.
  12. [quote name='kswiss2783' date='10 February 2010 - 02:14 PM' timestamp='1265829245' post='2172941'] Today was a good day for a Sam Adams Winter Lager so I indulged myself. [/quote] Your opponents better watch out.
  13. If you fought as much as you could, then there's no shame in calling it quits if your allies involved understand why you're doing it. Best of luck in the future SoL. Good terms legion, though I suspect you'll be the ones receiving some later on.
  14. Probably one, if not the, classiest fronts of the whole war. Good luck to everyone involved
  15. [quote name='HellAngel' date='09 February 2010 - 10:44 AM' timestamp='1265730290' post='2170614'] That someones probably a hypocrit doesnt mean they are wrong. [/quote] Oh the fact that they are a hypocrite is just what's so funny. I know grub lied, we all know that. Just it coming from him as if he is a morally superior person or such is hilarious.
  16. [quote name='avernite' date='08 February 2010 - 12:27 PM' timestamp='1265650063' post='2168846'] Bob Janova and Crymson stated the same thing: You stand for the right to raid as you damn well please. You were standing for it, at least. Bob says you got hit for supporting the raiding side in a war; Crymson said you got hit for what you stood for, which was indeed raiding. [/quote] TOP actually wants to help nations and alliances being raided? Funny, that's not the impression I got when I spoke to him a week or so ago. Edit: him refers to crymson
  17. [quote name='Mussolandia' date='09 February 2010 - 10:36 AM' timestamp='1265729785' post='2170599'] The Emperor seems to have forgotten how he came to the throne. If not losing your mind is making mistake after mistake, lying through your teeth and just about making every possible move so this war would be lost, then I don't know what losing your mind is. I can bear with the incompetence. The lies, however, are unacceptable. [/quote] Musso saying an emperor shouldn't lie. The irony is rich right there.
  18. [quote name='Litha Riddle' date='07 February 2010 - 07:37 PM' timestamp='1265589436' post='2167709'] It truly breaks my heart to see you get played like this by your 'friends' Polar I hope you make it through this. [/quote] ...are you serious?
  19. Enjoy the war, you'll find some good fighters in ML.
  20. [quote name='AlmightyGrub' date='04 February 2010 - 10:07 PM' timestamp='1265339257' post='2160132'] It is my informed impression that NSO will accept peace in this matter as long as it is without conditions. What they do in relation to their allies is a matter for themselves to decide. [/quote] Well they surely fought for IRON enough, but I don't see any reason not to add terms to prevent NSO from re-entering the conflict.
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