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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. [quote name='Waterana' date='16 February 2010 - 02:28 AM' timestamp='1266305290' post='2185175'] I apologise for not knowing precisely which baby alliances are involved and which aren't. The mess this war has become makes it a bit hard to keep track (hell, there is even one alliance, which shall remain nameless, fighting on both sides at once) and besides, I really don't care much who is fighting who. Though watching the tech reps we've already paid being nuked away is giving me a great deal of satisfaction. Glad to see you didn't answer my question. [/quote] What question? If you were under terms by polaris you'd be giving them reps? Yeah, so? Of course they wouldn't like it but it'd be the obvious thing for polar to do as it'd help them.
  2. [quote name='Fireandthepassion' date='16 February 2010 - 02:26 AM' timestamp='1266305218' post='2185170'] I can't tell because no one knows what Grub is thinking anymore. I mean if we really want to talk about something that would be an advantage it would be getting money and tech from declaring on NPO because of the limitations on their military. [/quote] That's almost like a tech raid
  3. [quote name='Jesse End' date='16 February 2010 - 02:24 AM' timestamp='1266305098' post='2185164'] All alliances holding us under terms are allowing a suspension of reps due to the war and the logistics caused by it, except for GOD who still wants reps sent to them. What's confusing about this? [/quote] What alliances suspended their reps?
  4. [quote name='Fireandthepassion' date='16 February 2010 - 02:21 AM' timestamp='1266304860' post='2185151'] Uhhh... except there are few Polaris allies engaged at the moment that I'm sure wouldn't mind defending Polaris from the evils of the Pacifican war machine. [/quote] Polar is going to recognize a declaration of war by Pacifica on her? That will be fun to see.
  5. [quote name='Baldr' date='16 February 2010 - 02:18 AM' timestamp='1266304709' post='2185146'] As I read this, no reps are being waived by anyone. They are being delayed (with the exception of GOD), and the terms about minimum monthly payments are being waved for the duration. [/quote] I'm kind of interested in the alliances which are allowing the delay and not just those like FOK whom have no reps due to them anyway. [quote name='Jesse End' date='16 February 2010 - 02:18 AM' timestamp='1266304712' post='2185147'] Yeah, and again, like I've said many times already, GOD demanded us to continue paying reps, so we are. [/quote] Yup. Glad you agree that FOK also agreed to lower the minimum reps sent was just because of logistics and not because of this huge war or anything though
  6. [quote name='Fireandthepassion' date='16 February 2010 - 02:09 AM' timestamp='1266304140' post='2185125'] It's not an edge when it opens GOD up to more attacks when they have to defend Pacifica from the people attacking Pacifica as GOD is one of the protectors of Pacifica under the surrender terms. Of course you'll say its ok for GOD to not fight those fronts because they're so heavily engaged in battles. [/quote] The people attacking Pacifica would be the same people GOD are fighting anyway. [quote name='Jesse End' date='16 February 2010 - 02:12 AM' timestamp='1266304366' post='2185135'] Yep, and as a signatory of our terms, and enforcing our monthly minimums, it's good to see that they understand the logic of GOD not having enough aid slots to possibly meet minimums. I'm glad we agree on this. [/quote] Well yes, they agreed that GOD didn't have enough slots to meet the minimum, not that reps should be waved just because of a war or whatever
  7. [quote name='Jesse End' date='16 February 2010 - 01:57 AM' timestamp='1266303451' post='2185103'] Yeah... Again, have you even been reading my posts? I've already said multiple times that FOK agreed to a suspension of reps and minimums on their part. GOD demanded that we continue with reps to them, so we are. What is so confusing about this? [/quote] Well yes of course they would on their part, they're not due any reps.
  8. [quote name='F15pilotX' date='16 February 2010 - 01:55 AM' timestamp='1266303347' post='2185096'] Not that it isn't fun to read generally, but I swear you really do like arguing for the sake of arguing sometimes [/quote] Isn't that the whole point of Planet Bob in the end?
  9. [quote name='Jesse End' date='16 February 2010 - 01:51 AM' timestamp='1266303094' post='2185088'] Yeah...because like I just said, GOD doesn't have enough aid slots for us to even come close to meeting the minimum requirements. Did you even read the post you quoted? [/quote] Yes I did, did you read the part where you guys claimed FOK agreed to waive reps?
  10. [quote name='Jesse End' date='16 February 2010 - 01:45 AM' timestamp='1266302718' post='2185071'] As a signatory of our surrender terms, FOK still enforces our minimum reps requirements. GOD doesn't have enough aid slots, total, to even come close to our minimum requirements, so we even contacted those that we don't owe any reps to. We wanted to make sure we covered all our bases. [/quote] So you got permission to send aid below the minimum requirements, not just having them waived? [quote name='Weirdgus' date='16 February 2010 - 01:45 AM' timestamp='1266302729' post='2185073'] That is rather different from claiming we did not contact FOK because they were done receiving our reparations as you stated just a few posts earlier, is it not? [/quote] I never said you didn't contact FOK.
  11. [quote name='pezstar' date='16 February 2010 - 01:43 AM' timestamp='1266302584' post='2185065'] Yeah. I figured that out after I replied. I'm having a dumb night. [/quote] It's k I still <3 you
  12. [quote name='Weirdgus' date='16 February 2010 - 01:38 AM' timestamp='1266302325' post='2185052'] Their names are on the surrender agreement that subjects us to keeping up with minimal monthly quotas. They were informed of our request and through their representative got back to us with the decision of allowing the suspension of the payments while the global war is being waged on at full scale. To NoFish wondering who else will come out of the woodwork: I have to say I have the same question, I hope this amusement continues [/quote] Well yes of course they'd allow you to suspend payments to them, they have none coming to themselves. People whom still had reps due to them are the important ones in this matter.
  13. [quote name='pezstar' date='16 February 2010 - 01:36 AM' timestamp='1266302214' post='2185049'] I don't know. I have paid exactly zero attention to the whole reps situation outside of this thread. I do know that once, when STA owed reps to a few alliances from the noCB war, a couple of the alliances declined to accept them. Of course, we still ended up owing them. Valhalla divied it up amongst their friends. But my point is that there are a few reasons why, including that they have paid them off or that FoK refused them. [/quote] My point was that they're using the fact that FOK didn't have any reps due to them remaining as them agreeing to waive reps when they clearly had none left to waive and therefore are using it as added leverage to paint GOD in a worse light.
  14. [quote name='jimbacher' date='16 February 2010 - 01:33 AM' timestamp='1266302031' post='2185031'] [img]http://thecastlehall.com/boards/Smileys/kickass/negativemove2.gif[/img] [/quote] Shoo along then.
  15. [quote name='pezstar' date='16 February 2010 - 01:32 AM' timestamp='1266301967' post='2185027'] They don't owe any reps to FoK. [/quote] Makes you wonder how they got them to waive their reps then, no?
  16. [quote name='Waterana' date='16 February 2010 - 01:26 AM' timestamp='1266301601' post='2185011'] We aren't involved in your mess, so shouldn't be helping either side. Would you be sprouting this if we were paying these reps to Polar and helping them in their fight against GOD? [/quote] What mess am I in? I do not believe my alliance nor my nation are at war at the moment. Glad to see you not arguing the point at all however and going off on a hypothetical though, always a good show of lack of argument.
  17. [quote name='muffasamini' date='16 February 2010 - 01:16 AM' timestamp='1266300971' post='2184975'] I'd say its a "[i]bad[/i] thing" to try and justify their choice by saying they aren't the only ones who choose to (which isnt even true) or that its ok because the NPO is evil, instead of admitting why they did it, To be petty and piss off the NPO in any little way they could. Too bad they are the only ones with such odd priorities, It's obvious they were expecting others to join them. [/quote] That's really their only justification? Not the fact that it's a terms that both parties agreed to and that it'll help GOD in this war?
  18. [quote name='Branimir' date='16 February 2010 - 01:14 AM' timestamp='1266300870' post='2184969'] Well, I heard this 14 alliances do not consider it a good form,....hmmm ;D [/quote] Fair enough, I still just consider it tactically smart for GOD to continue to want the payments that they're entitled to as it would help them during this war. Don't see how someone could argue against that particular point really.
  19. [quote name='muffasamini' date='16 February 2010 - 01:04 AM' timestamp='1266300286' post='2184939'] No matter what you try to say, the fact remains that you are the sole alliance to demand the NPO continue the minimum rep payments during war. [/quote] Asking an alliance to hold its end of surrender terms it agreed to in order to get an edge in a war? You're somehow calling that a [i]bad[/i] thing?
  20. [quote name='Jesse End' date='16 February 2010 - 01:01 AM' timestamp='1266300064' post='2184923'] If they want to force us to commit an act of war, sure, they are well within their rights to do so while they hold us under terms. As was already stated multiple times, we will stick to our word on our surrender terms. [/quote] Well then yes, I agree they aren't being unreasonable
  21. [quote name='Gandroff' date='16 February 2010 - 12:49 AM' timestamp='1266299398' post='2184877'] No, but that was the most relevant one. I don't see any need to waste it when you could be promised rebuilding aid. [/quote] Why worry about rebuilding aid when you could just use it to fight the current war?
  22. [quote name='Jesse End' date='16 February 2010 - 12:48 AM' timestamp='1266299317' post='2184872'] That precedent isn't being set by us, it's being set by GOD. We have no interest in getting involved in this war in any way, but when any of those holding us under terms refuse to be reasonable, we will stick to our word and uphold our surrender terms. [/quote] What's unreasonable about holding you to terms you agreed to in order to help them in a war they're fighting? Seems like a smart military choice.
  23. [quote name='Gandroff' date='16 February 2010 - 12:43 AM' timestamp='1266299029' post='2184854'] Considering anything we send them will be nuked away I don't see how this benefits them directly. [/quote] It substitutes any normal things they have from being nuked. Really is that your only argument? People shouldn't be aided because they're being nuked?
  24. [quote name='hizzy' date='16 February 2010 - 12:42 AM' timestamp='1266298928' post='2184847'] You asked Xiphosis for something reasonable and level headed? Well, that could quite possibly be the stupidest move anyone can make, NPO. Come on now. [/quote] You should look at your own ally's actions recently first before commenting about someone doing stupid acts I still see no reason for them to suspend an agreement that provides them with aid while at war with several alliances. Why in the world would they not want that?
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