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Everything posted by WarriorConcept

  1. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1323019125' post='2862337'] It's hilarious to see ARES getting $%&@ed over this bad. Care to defend your allies, GOD? RIA? CSN? [/quote] Care to defend yours?
  2. [quote name='Lord Levistus' timestamp='1323027414' post='2862436'] lol, it's easy Matt. He had 16m in his warchest as of last night. SIXTEEN MILLION. =D RIA told him to start getting ready for war, and he can't even go hippie without bill locking himself. So he ran to Trade Partner as if we wouldn't notice a 180k NS nation leaving. Then last night he switched to KoTR seconds before we hit him. [/quote] He should be rolled on principle.
  3. [quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1323025345' post='2862418'] As for TehChron and Kalasin: Keep up the good work. It's every day I thank Admin you two aren't in Pacifica and remind me of everything I hate about CN know it all wannabes like you two. Its not a matter of being intelligent or not intelligent. It is not the frustrated school teachers in you about grammar or spelling. It is the fact you actually think, believe and promote you are intelligent and have any sort of prominence in the game. For keeping yourselves in the know and on the cusp as you imply with your posts, you two are completely lost, condescending and generally pathetic. Each of you does such a great disservice to your alliance it causes me to feel immediate pity for them and simple loathing for you. I gave a simple example, I didn't say it was "why", I said it was what I could see. I could see validity in it, I could see cause and reason. To say otherwise is fooling yourself. I never played victim (are you seriously going back to that one, get new material Fran, don't make me actually take some time to completely own you again, walk away). I don't believe in victims. So while I can understand your need to give me crap, I am simply not going to acknowledge either of you from this point, so enjoy the blathering of your bs. [/quote] Having them both on ignore does wonders, they're not worth anyone's time (not a hurrdurr they're irrelevant post, mainly they are terrible at civil debate)
  4. [quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1322974731' post='2861530'] So why Valhalla and not TOP? [/quote] I don't think RIA has a top tier worth dedicating to TOP.
  5. [quote name='Aeternos Astramora' timestamp='1322939702' post='2860809'] I look forward to the upkeep for this map keeping someone busy for hours trying to figure out how to arrange what will surely be a convoluted mess. [/quote] 3D war chart?
  6. [quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1322858255' post='2859570'] Join the bandwagon? Some of us have grievances (no pun intended) with GOD that go back to UJW days. Combined with the DT-LOSS debacle, the moral destruction of CSN (an alliance that used to be very close to us,) and fighting most of SF/Chestnut in the last war, and I think that gives us a pretty legitimate reason not to like them. We been talking !@#$ to CSN/GOD long before CnG, and I'm sure it is going to continue. Nice try though. [/quote] Those are some very old grudges (UJW was over 4 years ago). Please feel free to pull a TOP and attack them.
  7. [quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1322856533' post='2859545'] Says the man with a total of 400k casualties in 3.5 years (did you re-roll, I could have sworn you were older than that.) GATO, almost unanimously, does not like most of the SF alliances and have not for a long time now (especially GOD.) Do you really think we care about the opinion of VE, an alliance who left GATO hanging in the breeze when they finally joined the cool kids group? If you have a problem with us "acting tough" take a look in the mirror champ. [/quote] Yes, I have re-rolled. I don't care who you dislike nor who it's directed to, what's amusing is you guys starting to act tough automatically after having sucked up enough to CnG to finally have some semblance of power and join on the bandwagon of disliking SF. GATO has always been a follower and always will be.
  8. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1322846457' post='2859441'] Congratulations on electing another cowardly government. I look forward to watching more of your allies burn. [/quote] Never change, spanish cat.
  9. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1322851212' post='2859476'] Right... Maybe you should use a dictionary sometime? [/quote] I half expected a decent retort from the spanish cat alliance.
  10. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1322845396' post='2859437'] The idea that the only reason a nation leaves an alliance at war is due to cowardice is a base oversimplification that I would think beneath you. What responsibilities does a nation have to an alliance which has failed in its obligations to that nation? None. If TOP did not have a valid CB, things would be different, but you think TOP does. Polaris has failed its members, thus dissolving their obligations to the organization. Even if they are deserters, their crime is against Polaris, so it is not TOP's debt to collect. The situation is less complex, but the bottom line is the same: Polaris failed its members, and they have no obligation to defend Polaris now. [/quote] You and I clearly have a differing opinion about what kind of commitment a nation makes when joining an alliance, which is the root of the issue. As to it being TOP carrying out the debt collection, they have the capacity to do so which means they will. I think it follows a good precedent that means nations should think twice before joining an alliance and actually learn about it and what they would be fighting for.
  11. [quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1322847460' post='2859452'] tl;dr [s]We used to have balls when we were on the winning side of the war.[/s] [s]We don't defend allies, we use them as meatshields.[/s] [s]Karma: Unwarranted Reps are Unacceptable, SF: Agreed, but an Optional clause is immoral.[/s] [s]These are my most loyal puppets and umm ermm...[/s] [s]What L33t guy said.[/s] Hi, we're SF and we are trying to run away from being completely curbstomped by totally pretending our allies aren't burning for no reason! Cowardice over Valor, Sovereignty over Morality, Sanctuary over Pride! I knew it would hit it on the dot sooner or later. [/quote] Always amusing to see GATO act tough.
  12. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1322843339' post='2859419'] Agree with yourself all day long, but can you argue or defend your own illogical position? [/quote] What's illogical about it? They joined NpO to be part of a collective where they can defend each other and now that the going gets tough they're trying to bail on their responsibilities to their alliance. If they did not like NpO they would have left before this war, otherwise leaving now is just to hug some infra.
  13. Schatt sometimes people have a difference of opinion. I respect yours on this issue, but I still agree with my own.
  14. [quote name='Jens of the desert' timestamp='1322824681' post='2859302'] There are people making fools of themselves on both sides of the argument on whether this course is going to be any use to individuals or not. Personally I think some of you think you can become something relevant, when there is in fact little to no chance of that happening. If you don't already have the trappings of a great poster and have sufficient charisma or literary genius this will not help you in the slightest. On the other hand I don't think the course will be able to help anyone to such a degree that we see change in how the cyberverse handles itself, but good luck. [/quote] I personally view it as a way to entertain myself in this game, which is ultimately what I play for. It might not change my IC persona, but it's something to do.
  15. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1322810295' post='2859180'] No matter what anyone has to say about you guys, you have never been anything but the definition of the term ally to us so it's only right that we do our best to reciprocate that favor. Thank you. [/quote] I have to agree, anyone who is thinking they will get a simple curbstomp on GOD might be unpleasantly surprised.
  16. [quote name='Jaromayo' timestamp='1322798743' post='2858911'] Meh, more than half our jokes are terrible, but Fark isn't completely based on 5 year old internet memes. Most of the jokes we make are of our own creation. They're organic, juvenile, mostly stupid, and rarely funny except in the "you should have been there" way. That's our culture, and it's pretty super. [/quote] As long as you guys are enjoying yourselves. Congrats on the elections.
  17. [quote name='Joe Stupid' timestamp='1322803441' post='2859014'] For everyone calling RIA cowards, you're clearly retarded. There are many reasons for people to single out and hate SF, but that's just because you most likely jumped on the bandwagon. RIA is an alliance, about 8 months ago who attacked both sides of a war to help us out in Rok when we came in for Polar. I can never call them a coward because they sacrificed so we could make our stand. Every other one of our 22 treaties said no. In fact, Sparta lied to all of our gov when confronted about it. Well that was Hyperion, and he was a coward. I hold no love for most of SF, i'll admit that, but if people want them so bad go and hit them. But don't call them cowards because you're too afraid to start your own war. RIA is some of the best allies you can have and I'll never forget what they did for Rok, but if you can sit here and think that not entering this war is RIA's decision alone, you're crazy. [/quote] That just earned some respect.
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