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Everything posted by Grumpdogg

  1. Oh you'd better believe the High Court of Wigglage actually exists on the Polar boards. To watch the proceedings go here: http://polarorder.net/index.php?topic=43899.0
  2. No, when I said there are "No Think of the Children" clauses in war I meant that anytime you go to war, particularly an offensive war, there are no guarantees that it is going to end well and be a fun experience for your alliance. I would rather you accept the consequences and forge a new, stronger alliance. As I said, other alliances have found the period while they are under terms galvanizes the true members of their alliance into an unbreakable core of friends. Losing a war isn't fun, being under terms isn't fun, but coming out the other side is a great experience.
  3. You might not have a fun time under terms, but other alliances have found that it's a time where true friendship is born. There are no "Think of the Children" clauses in war. Also, please read some history (you seem a little naive IMO).
  4. 396 members...you could be the lucky 400th! Steady growth, loyal membership, great economic programs! Polaris Prevails
  5. No bantha milk leads to hunger, hunger leads to cookies, cookies lead to the dark side! o/ TGR o/ NSO
  6. Must be a slow news day on Green. o/ Announcement spam
  7. A: If you want to perform social experiments, you should look for volunteers from the wider community rather than using your under-age captive audience. B: Homework every day means students won't do it. Even the most dedicated students will be too busy on some (most?) nights (sport, other subject's assignments, family and/or religious commitments, etc) to do it. C: Have you considered doing something more relevant, for example a mock-parliament (or congress / whatever it's called in America)? Usually governments (local, state or federal) will have support material to help you plan and get started. Participation in this form of learning with let the kids explore and understand the political system, hopefully sparking an interest that will lead them to be more informed citizens of the world when they graduate. D: Hand writing has far less importance today. Fast, accurate typing is a necessary skill for many workplaces. E: Your own rambling OP is hardly a good example of concise, coherent argument for students to use as a template or guide. F: Thankfully, no level of administration would ever clear this for use. If you went ahead anyway, the minute a child told their parents about your 'plan', you would be asked to "please explain" by the principal before you could even roll another joint.
  8. Congrats to our friends at ARES and to IK as well.
  9. /Bump Still require 1 long term seller
  10. o/ Frostbite!! A bloc founded firstly on friendship, is a bloc totally full of win.
  11. Grub doing his epic speech thing + sexy Polar Brrd = win. o/ Polaris
  12. New Polar Order | The Grämlins ftw
  13. /Bump 1 slot has opened for a long term deal! 3m/100t + a bonus at the end of our long term business deal if all tech was delivered promptly. PM IN GAME ASAP
  14. I think we need a 'This Week in Blackstone Coolushun' infotainment newspaper. Because Windsor is right about one thing, this is boring. Definitely requires more style. PS: I can't wait for their vast memberbase to arrive from Admin know's where and $%&@, burn and pillage all of Bob. At last report they had 100 members, but they just purged a couple there in the OP, so good luck with the recruiting. And the non-existence. And the pro-spy stance regarding anti-spy counter-spy spy non-revealing spying operations...spy.
  15. Have you thought about how much aid one member of a fireteam can send out to his buddies? 3mil every 10 days is all the frontline 3 nations can expect each. So you then rely on bankers from other fireteams to give inter-fireteam aid, and you eventually have a bastardised version of a normal banking system but without nations that actually specialised in banking, and therefore not as effective.
  16. Popular opinion agrees with that assessment of your own announcement. PS: 'Spais' and 'Phail' are lollerific misspellings reserved for use only by people who genuinely lol at people like you. Please don't abuse the natural order of things. You fail, we lol, and Bob keeps on turning.
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