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Everything posted by ChairmanHal

  1. 1. They really are going to need luck. Most alliances that are created fail. 2. These are troubled times and Pink is seeing its share of controversy as of late. 3. I recognize a modified version of the official German War Flag from the era of 1934-1945 when I see it.
  2. Always a better quote: "Susan Ivanova: Who am I? I am Susan Ivanova, Commander. Daughter of Andre and Sophie Ivanov. I am the right hand of vengeance and the boot that is going to kick your sorry $@! all the way back to Earth, sweetheart! I am death incarnate, and the last living thing that you will ever see. God sent me. " It's a pity that the quote is too long to use as a war declaration....
  3. That flag... Take out the funny character and replace the original content. Uh-oh. Good luck...you're going to need it.
  4. As a raider, I always detested 'reavers', people who would quite literally raid a nation to death. It's one thing to get into a serious fight with a target because they decide to go all "Braveheart" on you (and part of the cost of doing business), quite another when you ignore pleas for mercy. Then there were the 'mafioso', people who would resort to extortion because they were too lazy to earn their money. Better than 'reavers', but not much. Look, no one is saying that people who raid are angels. Being a 'gentleman' raider may still make you scum to people who detest raiding on principle, but at least it gives the raided the hope that this too will pass if they simply PM for peace. OOC: If you don't like active players being raided, blame Admin...it used to be that many nations waited until well after 10 days of inactivity to conduct raids and back then it amounted to "looting the body". Smart people learned to post in their nation bio "not inactive just back collecting" or something similar and most all raiders with any class would move on to the next target. Changing the rules such that raiding after 10 days of inactivity was pointless didn't solve the problem of active nations being raided, it only compressed the number of raiders into shorter period of time and made being unaligned about as smart as walking through Central Park in New York City at night nude, with $100 bills taped to you. Unintended consequences are unintended. Sorry, Kevin.
  5. This will either result in: 1. Pink becoming more stable and an attractive place for nations to settle. 2. An arbitrary place, where non-aligned/small alliance nations are raided to provoke reaction and the large alliances on Pink have to constantly deal with pleas for help and and have to pick and choose which nations to save at the risk of a larger war and which to allow to go up in flames. Prediction: Fatigue will set in and this whole thing will fade away.
  6. This 'rishkonof' is he a new guy? Congrats to our ally, Rok.
  7. Good thing I really like RAD. Else, you seem to be presenting a challenge to a war-starved world.
  8. Given your treaty history with NPO, are you sure you want to go there? Just saying....
  9. It's a PIAT with a MDP clause that is in effect one day a year. Congrats to both parties.
  10. Ending economic depressions, eliminating overpopulation, redistributing land and resources to stronger nations, accelerating the advance of technology. I could go on.
  11. Just start shooting, I find it's usually the best policy. Let God sort them out.
  12. It's a pretty safe assumption that Vox has regular member level access to the forums of just about every large alliance on Planet Bob. Either because they have a member planted in said alliance or because there are people sympathetic to them passing them information/screen shots--same goes for some of the various bloc forums. The question is, "how relevant is what they are actually seeing to world affairs?" Alliance leadership assumes that at some point anything they put out to the general membership will leak. This is why mobilization alerts are always so sketchy about why a mobilization is taking place. It is ironic in a way that Schatt, and by his association with them, Vox, is fulfilling the RL role of the media on Planet Bob. Granted a slanted view, but with similar sorts of issues, including the fear that one of their undercover "reporters" will be exposed, concerns over being feed information that is inaccurate, etc. So a golf clap for Schatt and crew. You really have created a "game within a game".
  13. You're quoting Little Mermaid. Your Man Card sir, if you please. Now. I'll be confiscating it.
  14. Read the OP and responded. Sorry if my gun hand isn't fast enough for you tonight.
  15. This contradicts your previous remarks about having a large amount of material...indeed a backlog of it. It will be missed. That you are ceasing it is puzzling...very puzzling.
  16. "Every minute of every day, we choose. Who we are. Who we forgive. We defend and protect. We chose a side or to walk the line, to play the middle. To straddle the fence between what is and what should be. This was court side shows, trying to find the delicate balance of interests that can never exist, choosing by not choosing. Defending a center which can not hold. So death chose for me." Seems appropriate.
  17. It's not about nice, really. Actually if you've been paying attention I've been complimentary of NSO's efforts in Brown Team. The world does indeed seem to be slowly breaking into rival factions. Since I don't see any Ivan Moldavi led alliance going the route of GPA, that means somewhere down the road, you are going to have to decide which side of the fence you are coming down on.
  18. A path to where exactly, the highest bidder?
  19. NSO doesn't care. Does not being connected to either side make one ineligible to comment? I suppose this is a subtle tactic to get my allies to gag me before I sally anyone else's cereal. Luckily enough, I'm done here anyway. But you were doing so well. We'll know if this actually leads some place other than two alliances walking in opposite directions soon enough. If so, then at least NSO will have something to do other than seem to be confused about which side it wants to be on, assuming your words are any indication.
  20. Interesting...very, very interesting. Also logical.
  21. Aren't we getting to this point? Also, congrats!
  22. Pass...ty but no. I like Valhalla and plan to stay. Nations to recruit, pillaging to do. Casualty count to get above 1 million. Good times coming.
  23. No, good answer. Have more confidence in yourself.
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