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Blog Comments posted by Aeros

  1. And loe, the Messiah came down upon Bob, and his name was Winner. But the sightless heathens knew him not for what he was, and thus tore him down in their iniquity. But the messiah loved his people and was reborn as one Tom Riddle. For a time, it was good and his teachings flourished across the land. Alas, the unbelievers soon realized his status as the reborn avatar of the messiah and once more trampled upon the teachings of the righteous.

    Fear not people of bob, for as our savior lived and died, and lived and died again. He shall arise once more and be made anew. And this shall be the dawning of the Third age of winning.

  2. You have to figure though. Its not that Equilibrium thinks they can get away with it. Rather, the whole "an attack on one is an attack on all" is a strategic necessity due to the top tier situation. Only by drawing on a huge coalition of alliances can EQ wrangle up enough top tier to fight on the various fronts. I would not call it an effort to change the power equation. Rather, its a cause and effect scenario.

    Over the last 3 years, DH has systematically dismantled the top tiers of various alliances and power bases one at a time. That is the cause. The effect is those top tiers that remain outside DH's control realized odds were good they were next, so now they are forming a method of collective security through the Equilibrium Protocol. I get the feeling the complaints from the other side on this stems from the fact that they can no longer dog pile particular top tiers and take them apart one by one. Particularly the Ai top tier, of which the general consensus of Bob was the next group to be targeted with or without this war.

  3. Most alliances have ways to remove a sitting Gov built right into their charter. If internal pressure gets too much they simply get rid of them and move on. This happened to Valhalla with respect to noWedge. Occasionally you get an alliance that does not have such a "pressure valve" as it were, like United Equestria. These alliances simply disintegrate as people get fed up and leave, possibly forming a splinter AA, with the Everfree Union being exhibit A. There are many other AA's out there that formed from pissed off members simply leaving and forming a new AA.

  4. 1. 99% of the cyberverse does not play this for 5+ hours every day.

    2. Most don't agree with your theories.

    3. If you actually open a textbook on political science, you will realize just how fringe and misinformed you are.

    4. What blogs.

    5. I don't think anybody gives two flips about whether you stand by your ideas or not.

    6. K.

    7. What sort of a fail computer are you using?

    8. Bye

    9. K.

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