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Everything posted by berbers

  1. Hrmm so NG, who already hates Umbrella is getting an influx of active members who also have an axe to grind with Umbrella. Maybe this world will get interesting again Probably not though, it will probably continue to be a stat circlejerk.
  2. Nice mix of oldschool and newschool NATO, very cool. Much love to my home <3 Oh and Anu Drake still cares
  3. Is MHA allied to anyone in Occulus? If not you will either get rolled for honoring this treaty or decide to not activate it within 1 year. That is my prediction.
  4. Oh wow is that a forced color move? Haven't seen that in awhile :/ And so ends one of the most lopsided stomps in history.
  5. Haha this post was made right around when I joined, #nostalgia or something
  6. Lol at putting in a clause to stop Hart's feelings from getting hurt. If/when Sengoku loses a war, I would love to see a "Hart can't throw a hissy fit" clause.
  7. I have no idea what you are talking about...i vaguely remember someone named Chow and never heard of Legend7 :/
  8. Look at you pretending Occulus firepower and support is not the reason LH is making stupid demands. If you werent in the mix, SNX would have rolled MInc already for being asses. So yeah it is your issue. Edit: Thankfully I am already at war with everyone, so I can actually say what I want without the threat of being rolled for hurting Hart's feewings.
  9. A singular member of Mongols sanctioned Hartfw and all of a sudden, wars with no diplomacy. Welcome to 2016 Mogar. Also holy crap Occulus, getting in bed with Lord &amp;#&#036;@ and helping negotiate micro drama...now ive seen everything.
  10. Sorry, enemy combatants and rogues are treated different and Auctor specifically used the word rogue, so i think the world deserves a non ambiguous clarification. Are people that AA hop during war rogues?
  11. So people who AA hop during war are rogues? Just want this policy clarified for future hilarity.
  12. Didn't you guys launch the first attack against someone for sanctioning? Edit: Actually I never even hit you for the sanction, I hit you for hitting BONES who went out on a limb for us to do a tit for tat sanction, then you guys hit him for sanctioning you lol got another angle?
  13. I can't tell if you are being thick on purpose or really don't understand the point.. kudos, I can't figure it out :/ Edit: also Helheim never did anything aggressive to Sengoku until you sanctioned one of our gov members.
  14. But maybe coming down hard on people for things you allies have done time snd time again is a bit...you know, hypocritical? Like if its so horrendous it needs special terms to discourage it, arent you simultaneously actively encouraging it by being allied to similar perpetrators?
  15. You did get countered by a legitimate AA after you hit our friend. Shame you had to sanction us in the first place really, all this unpleasantness could have been avoided. Should have just fought the war really without sanctions, had like a 1,000 to 1 advantage. But of course you did want this war so it makes sense from that perspective.
  16. Lol, this is the smartest thing written in this entire thread
  17. Even if I was wrong, attacking Polar is never a mistake
  18. I'm just going by what was posted in another thread, nobody from Polar contradicted it so I assumed it's legit. Either way, I will beat up on Polar until Caliph is released
  19. Despite the overwhelming advantage in this most recent conflict, people still felt the need to impose ridiculous terms, such as forcing people to stay on an AA for 6 months. Apparently NpO were pushing for these. As of this moment Helheim declares war on NpO and will pursue same until such a time as Caliph is released from terms or they expire and everyone gets bored. /s Berbers Isolator (not really, he didn't know about this)
  20. I will have you know Helheim is not a rogue alliance, we are a proud people with a cultural history going back many years. The fact that the pirate-king Hart thought it was a good idea to start sanctioning as a tool of war is what brought about this current state. Nobody got sanctioned when IRON countered Helheim, that was to be expected as you had a treaty, it was only when the line was crossed by the megalomaniac Hart Bin laden that there was a response from someone other that Helheim. Eventually Occulisis will pay for their terrorist actions against our proud alliance.
  21. I would suggest the war started because Hart decided to sanction someone in a legitimate war :/
  22. Good stuff, great to see you guys sticking up for yourself and fighting back after being raided. Oh wait crap, the people that attacked you get off scot free while you join a bandwagon against someone who already has 11 alliances on then. At least your priorities are in order.
  23. The bloc is currently beating on allies of allies...which you insinuated made you mad when your ally (Caliph) hit your other ally (Umbrella). I understand he went to another AA but you made reference to being PO'd because he went from being your ally to attacking your ally. Also joining an AA during war =/= a rogue make, otherwise a bunch of your Umbrellan buddies should have been labelled rogues long ago.
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