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Third King

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Everything posted by Third King

  1. This new line up is as handsome as the previous. Congrats guys!
  2. And so the darkhorse steps up to the (handsome) favorite. Hope you enjoyed your time in the big leagues.
  3. Very impressive for sure, I hadn't realized you guys were up to 90.
  4. They won their last round 6-1 as well, strong showing from the neutrals.
  5. According to this we dropped down to #19 a few days after that war ended. Crazy how our member count now is more or less the same as it was then.
  6. Hadn't noticed that before. 3 minutes from creation to aid sent is pretty impressive devotion.
  7. Folks have shuffled a good bit in the top 36 over time. I remember IRON being #22 or something after Bipolar.
  8. I've volunteered at the Nashville Rescue Mission before, it's a truly exceptional facility and they run amazing programs. Glad things worked out for you :D
  9. Pure IRON works best when constructing monoliths and temples. o/ DT o/ IRON
  10. I don't know who to congratulate more, so I will just comment on the handsomeness of those involved.
  11. Oh yeah, I'm hailing this o/
  12. You guys and your crazy democracy. Congrats!
  13. Glad to see this! Congratulations on getting the old band back together :D
  14. So much doom and fear in one thread, I love it. o/ DFFC
  15. To whoever decided it would be a good idea to let Moose Hole post an announcement, shame on you. Congrats to the rest though.
  16. Feel free to drop off your gifts in our embassy :D Less than a month, thanks Steve!
  17. Thanks for the birthday shout out Gopher. A little more black and this'd make a pretty nice flag :D
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