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Everything posted by Caleb279

  1. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1280832584' post='2399353'] I see no difference. [/quote] To each his own then.
  2. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1280832269' post='2399348'] Why every time that someone had a idea of this map, other person comes and try to steal it? [/quote] I'm not stealing his idea. I'm simply modifying it.
  3. I loved the idea of world maps back in the day, and am glad this is starting back up again. Edifice had a great idea in his world map, but there are some changes that need to be made. 200K per territory won't work. Eventually, you'll run out and there won't be room for growth, or all alliances fitting the bill. So I propose a new map, where 1 territory= 500k NS, however only alliances over 1mil NS get to stake claims. Preference is always given to the bigger alliance. I transfered over the claims from Edifice's map, with modifications, and also made a chart with all AA's over 1mil NS, their total NS, number of territories based on my 1 territory every 500k NS rule, and the requested hex code. All color codes can be found [url="http://cloford.com/resources/colours/500col.htm"]here[/url]. To view my chart, [url="https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Al0Yx3IOuh9AdHkxazBSemZmdkJRWDVXWG5Sa2J2OWc&hl=en"]click here[/url]. I hope to update it weekly...but we'll see how busy life gets. To sign up for this new map, post this with your alliance's info: [quote] Alliance Affiliation: Territories Granted: Color Requested: Location Requested: [/quote] Here's the current map: [img]http://www.xtupload.com/new/image-DBBC_4C6950AD.jpg[/img] [url]http://www.xtupload.com/new/share-DBBC_4C6950AD[/url]
  4. Awesome idea...could use some work though. Needs to be something like 1 territory per 1mil NS, or at least 500k NS. You'll run out much too fast, as already pointed out.
  5. I remember back in the day when world maps were kind of a big deal. It appears its starting to get popular again. Edifice of DecadentPast has decided to make a new one. The formula, rather than NS= total size, is 200,000 NS= 1 territory. The territories being taken from Hears of Iron 2. I don't play it, but the map is pretty snazzy. Throughout his topic "New CN World Map", there have been a few legitimate complaints. There will not be enough territories to accompany all alliances above 200K NS. Especially when these alliances start to grow, as pointed out by James Dahl, and Letum here: I propose a new map, where one territory= 500K NS, but only alliances over 1 million NS can stake claims. Upon conflicting claims, preference is given to the alliance with higher NS. This is not only easier to keep track of, but also leaves plenty of room for new alliances to enter the game, and currently standing alliances to grow. To see my chart (complete with AA's, formulas, and hex codes), click here. I don't mean to steal Edifice's thunder, but I think my idea is better. Let me know what you think...is his idea better, or mine? Or do they both need fixing?
  6. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1280530403' post='2395479'] I hope you have the blessings of those who were in OTF when they merged with LEN, zombie alliances can tend to rub the original/previous gov/members the wrong way [b]Also, i laugh at all those who dont know what OTF means..'cus i do[/b] [/quote] This. I feel special inside...
  7. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1280598082' post='2396093'] Well IRON, you took a ridiculous situation and came out on top. Earned a bit of respect in my eyes and congrats on peace. Though, you really had no reason to give them white peace here. [/quote] This. Also, IRON, you have much more patience and mercy than I.
  8. [quote name='sethb' timestamp='1280763385' post='2398429'] Hello generic alliance #474653. [/quote] This. But seriously, this is one of the first legit looking DoE's I've seen in a while.
  9. Great stuff. I was part of the Greatest Generation, and saw action all the way up until GWIV, or The Unjust War. Came back for the Karma War, which I left soon after it ended.
  10. [quote name='Harry Dresden' timestamp='1280702567' post='2397431'] Ours is very long and you all live by it: [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules]Here it is[/url] [/quote] And Harry wins the thread
  11. [quote name='Alistair Thorrington' timestamp='1280463223' post='2394761'] So you won't ask us to disband, either? I saw your blog [/quote] Haha, nope. Not anymore.
  12. [quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1280280906' post='2391901'] No anger involved. I don't care enough to be angry. I simply respond in light of the general attitude most people that comment towards me in such a fashion deserve. If your comment was in general interest and not as the typical asshat then I apologize if my demeanor is more abrupt than your delicate sensibilities are accustomed to. [/quote] I've missed Ivan around here
  13. Yes, I will have fun with this.
  14. Yep...you guys are alright. That war flag is uber sexy. o/ NNK
  15. lol...I miss those Dark Lords Yeah, join a big alliance with a lot of experience (NPO, GATO, etc.) that can help you learn what you need to do, and then let you sit back and collect infra if you want. Any alliance that knows what they're doing would be good. To simply know how to play the game, read the guides, watch the videos. They help.
  16. People have nearly always been saying it: there's just too many. But how many is too many? After all...its pretty much every nation's dream to run their own successful alliance. I'm not saying its everybody's, but if you're serious about the game it probably is. Now Corinan posted a thread stating that a majority of the top 80 alliances disband. That's not right in my opinion...the alliances that do their own thing, whether they let the world know about or not is respectable. There's a place for that. Alliances with rich history, a knack for causing debate and war, alliances known for spying or that hold "historical" CN figures deserve to stay. What I don't like is any alliance made "for the lulz" with no serious regard for the game. I'm not talking about the fun loving alliances...I mean alliances that really don't care, and are just here for stats. Alliances that are really just copycats, bandwaggoners, and neutrals need to disband as well. There are exceptions to every rule, but these are my principles for what makes an alliance "legit" and worthy of remaining in Planet Bob. I also am against all the micros created by players who don't know what the hell they're doing. We see them post a recruiting thread every once in a while, claiming to be unique and such. But its getting ridiculous, and it hurts the game. Other games that revolve around alliances (or factions, groups, teams, etc) usually have a requirement before making one. Say, $100,000, $3,000,000, 500 EXP, something like that. Why doesn't CN do that? It'd cut down on the chaos and stupidity of some trying to create an alliance. Perhaps make it 4 months experience, $10,000,000, government experience, 10,000 NS, or some other reasonable goal. This gives nations with the hopes of creating an alliance something to look forward to, and will make sure all new alliances at least somewhat know what they're doing. Check out my full view on that here. Schattenmann made a great post in Corinan's thread mentioned above: I agree with this post, 100%. Meatmarket generic turd alliances? Thats beautiful. An echo chamber is a great way to describe a lot of alliances on CN. They repeat the same themes over and over (Star Wars, ancient empires, etc.) and don't bring anything new to the table. Boring. Unless you've got something new, pack it up and go home. Here's my breakdown of the top 50 (too lazy to go to 80 or 100): Top 50 AA breakdown Let me know what you think.
  17. I wish you were my teacher...they've banned CN on the school servers so many people were playing it Use it for history, human behavior, how some governments might operate I suppose, how treaties and foreign relations work. Otherwise its pretty much a waste of time. This is a game, it takes a long time to master, and some "cool" kids probably won't want anything to do with a nerdy game like that that requires some thinking.
  18. Awesome possum. Now, send it to my nation (link's in sig) Friday, the 20th when I have open slots. I'll tell you the rest ingame.
  19. Well aren't you an awesome possum. Also, join Asgaard. For the ninjas.
  20. [quote name='The Bringer' timestamp='1280388380' post='2393700'] I actually meant that, I do not want him to join me. I do not talk this "B/S" as you put it. Recruite's that have to create topics on here to ask Alliances to recruit them are just lazy and not worth our time, it takes maybe 10 minutes to scan the IRC talking with people, looking at the Wiki, or even just asking friends about Alliances to find the one for them. It very seldom that the 'right' Alliance will happen to post here telling the recruite everything that they want in an Alliance. [/quote] No, you want him to be curious enough to check out your alliance and realize "oh snap, this is teh secsi", and have think its his idea not yours. Works all the time. Nice try with whole "no really, I mean that" bit though.
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