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Everything posted by Caleb279

  1. [quote name='Enzos' timestamp='1280394293' post='2393752'] "The world won't change with pretty words alone" -Dilbers sig Why don't you start doing something about the political climate instead of complaining about it with pretty words. oh wait.. You can't! Therefor, this thread, disband. [/quote] This is win. Also, the masheen is right. Enough with the orders. If any disband it should be the Sith. NPO is the one and only true order. NSO is just a rip. Granted, NpO was just a side project, but it has evolved and I loved being there.
  2. This is teh secsi. Very nice announcement. o/ iFOK o/ Achievements o/ MSPaint
  3. [quote name='Duncan King' timestamp='1280309096' post='2392347'] Zenith's was "Ex astris scientia" which means "From the stars, knowledge". I always really loved that motto because Zenith's flag had a star on it and the motto itself was the motto of Starfleet Academy. I'm a Trekkie. [/quote] Star Trek Very nice...plus, Latin=win. [quote]I never got this one's significance. I mean...you bled for your alliance...that pretty much what you're required to do. Granted, there are many who don't back there alliances when their cards are down, but ideallyevery member is supposed to. YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL D3ATH[/quote] Ah, but he is special.
  4. Good luck with this crazy plan. You realize they'll never disband and unless you start creating wars I don't think you're really motivated. Politics is the nature of the game. You want a lot of war, go play Modern Warfare. And quite frankly, even though I know you're bias, NSO could disband. Its just Ivan's new little project, and rip off of NPO with a little Star Wars twist.
  5. I see...this obviously is quality info.
  6. [quote name='Razgriz90' timestamp='1280260424' post='2391515'] No, TECUMSEH helped us with Gre and went back to the UPN today. EDIT: Spelling. [/quote] Oh I see. I still think its a coverup...........
  7. o/ CRAP o/ ACF o/ This thread of CRAP o/ o/'s You see what I did thar....nice job guys, congrats
  8. [quote name='Razgriz90' timestamp='1280258437' post='2391485'] It's all good. [/quote] Uh-huh...some big conspiracy for a greater comeback right?
  9. KRONOS= genius. Thanks Acca Dacca, somehow I didn't know that
  10. [quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1280252186' post='2391388'] According to our wiki, apparently our motto is "What?" But I like our unofficial "[b]Disregard Wenches, Acquire Currency[/b]" far more. [/quote] Win. Also, your avatar
  11. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1280128455' post='2389471'] I was asked by a member to post a entry here so: [/quote] D34th...you're...damn your good.
  12. [quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1280196140' post='2390633'] Also, anyone who lost their home in this should join [s]the NSO[/s] Asgaard. [/quote] Indeed, indeed they should.
  13. Paint ftw [img]http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/4137/lol2u.png[/img] [img]http://i542.photobucket.com/albums/gg414/salovskyj/untitled2.jpg[/img] That thar be quality pieces of art.
  14. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1280250986' post='2391357'] Our boards aren't offline. And yeah, I am obviously partial to our motto(s) as well as our warcry: "pew pew pew, clickity clickity click" ... [/quote] When I try to sign in, it says "boards offline" and that I'm not authorized to enter. I like the sexi war cry
  15. First thoughts: Holy god, Murder Inc is still here!?! But surely you can't be serious. Pay reps, kick someone out, and disband? You need to rethink your surrender-writing skills.
  16. [quote name='OriginalSlimJim' timestamp='1280239005' post='2391170'] eh... [/quote] Or don't, its fine. But you won't get very popular without a decent flag.
  17. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1280246122' post='2391238'] To Hell and Back, Together. [/quote] Like it a lot. On a related note...does anyone know why their boards are offline?
  18. Thats why you sign up for more tech deals.You keep them coming and it eventually is back in your favor.
  19. [quote name='OriginalSlimJim' timestamp='1280230482' post='2391087'] Ok, how much? im short right now, I only have $7,000 because I spent all my money on land and military. I would be willing to give you that, if thats ok. [/quote] Oh god no, much too little. Have you ever heard of tech deals? Basically what it is is you give a big nation who needs tech (since it gets really expensive when you're over 4k infra), and they give you 3mil (which is nothing to them). Generally its 3mil-100 tech. Signing up for those makes you grow REALLY fast. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=89757 Click on that, and post your nation link and say you're selling tech. Once they have a buyer lined up for you, he'll send you 3 million in game. This is how much its going to cost for a flag (which is pretty cheap, believe me). You take that 3mil and send it to me. Then, proceed to spend your money on tech (get it up to 50) so you can pay the buyer 10 days later (when the aid will expire, then you do the same thing and give him 50 more in another 10 days). You can do that by signing up for other tech deals, or just collecting taxes. Tech comes cheap when you're a small nation. This way you get a legit flag, you get tech deals, and I get money...everyone's happy. Also, I would ask around for a protectorate for Germa Rico. Talk to big alliances like New Polar Order, Sparta, Orange Defense Network, Viridian Entente, whichever one is on your color sphere. Hope this helps you out.
  20. Recently updated my signature, its now.......................COLOR CODED *OMGGASP*
  21. [quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1280228739' post='2391074'] None of them, mottos are dumb. [/quote] Pssh...no they're not. [quote]"Invicta Red" -Invicta My favourite. It really telegraphed their move to red years in advance, and still nobody saw it coming.[/quote] It was a conspiracy to begin with.
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