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Everything posted by agafaba

  1. I voted barrel roll, it was good fun.
  2. It makes me happy to see other people who remember this game. Also Conquer club is great for Risk online
  3. The PR generated by the Hegemony side over Karma members comments are hilarious to read but depressing to see people agree with. I can see the resemblance to imposing viceroys and demanding months of full aid slots of free tech, or simply declaring never ending ZI on alliances.
  4. The OP maybe, but most of this thread has been about MK
  5. People like playing the game, not being punished for playing. An era of peace would be boring, but an era of oppressing terms isnt any better.
  6. People are not punished for motives but for actions.
  7. So NPO endorses OOC attacks on our ears now huh?
  8. Karma POW will be the next big alliance. Then in the future you will be forced to create the Dogma alliance to defeat your Karma POW overlords.
  9. First post and a Posting this will get me warned. for what will be an epic thread. Nordreich... a very epic thread indeed.
  10. "You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain" I dont hold any illusion that this is the end of tyranny and war, just a slight delay until someone replaces them. inb4 Karma 2.0 year 2010
  11. I remember when people were fighting over if destroying all military wonders/improvements/nukes/tanks/soldiers over 20% while paying 50k in tech for nothing was too harsh... Apparently though forced tech deals at market price is the new oppressive peace terms, things have changed a bit huh...
  12. This is wasted drama that could have been used in the future drama recession.
  13. Quickly MCXA, close your seaports!!! Hopefully this will be a good war for both sides.
  14. OMGWTFBBQ is this? Good luck, and may Walford watch over you.
  15. Sword of Estel: Admin, what does the computer say about its war declarations? Admin: Its over nine thousand!!!!!!! *Admin crushes servers, Cybernations crashes* Sword of Estel: What nine thousand!!!!? There's no way that can be right!
  16. No war, sorry for anyone who wanted something more exciting We can do more for our friends than just verbal encouragement, as much as I am sure everyone loves a good pep talk.
  17. I have to drop out for the moment, I may be back in the future and I hope the selling keeps going well
  18. I dont think he banned Viceroys so much as demanding that a Viceroy has complete control over a different alliances forums. Correct me if I am wrong though.
  19. The gave some show of support to NPO, and stated there is a group lower in their eyes then NPO (that being most of NPOs "allies" at this point) For FAN, this is beyond helping.
  20. I think it is more honorable to hold your agreement as you should in the face of destruction then behind a shield. Good to see the people who are sticking to the treaty for better AND worse.
  21. You guys shouldnt have used the GOONS name, any other alliance would get yelled at for the same thing (aka an \m/ alliance thats not \m/, a Nordreich that isnt Nordreich)
  22. You cant just jump in, both sides have to be in the mood.
  23. I mean GOP offered white peace once JB stopped, sorry using only hims and hers makes for a confusing read.
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