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Everything posted by agafaba

  1. [quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1284652225' post='2455811'] Why wouldn't they just call him then? That'd be a hell of a lot more intimidating. [/quote] Because then you are skirting the line and might get charged for harassment?
  2. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1284534387' post='2454595'] It's possible that the sky could turn green and rain diamonds tomorrow morning. For all the reasons I just listed in my last post, it is indeed not probable in any way whatsoever that this is true. Something simply being possible does not make it probable. The forum hacking can be distinguished with the same rationale I used to explain why this is almost certainly false. The forum hackings, unlike this, were a malicious act appropriate for the situation in which the act was committed. They wanted to disrupt business and cause hardship for a large number of people, so they hacked alliance forums, a venue that furthered that aim. Would they have hacked Methrages forum? No, almost certainly not, as it does not comport with the intention inferred by the natural and probable consequences of their action of hacking. The simplest explanation is almost always the right one where there is little evidence to the contrary. Here, obtaining arrest records for the sole purpose of showing them to the person whom they belong to just so they can "frustrate" him in an area that just happens to not have any other people and that Methrage himself is the only person who would actually know is simply very improbable. If a bank was robbed when all the doors were locked at night, would you try to get an indictment for James Bond on the grounds that he could have used his super duper lock picking watch, simply because its possible? No, you go after the bank manager who went home with the key, because it's the simplest explanation. Given the circumstance (i.e. only him being privy to the forum and the forum itself being completely without population) as well as his character, the simplest explanation is he made it up for attention and/or to sling some mud...which I find disgusting. [/quote] I have to agree it doesnt look probable. The only situations I could see this being productive would be as a taunt before posting said information elsewhere or as a way to blackmail him. That being said it wouldnt be the first time someone did something like this, and so the only thing left to say is "Whoever did this if it really did happen, shame on you and I hope you are found and punished accordingly"
  3. I look forward to Metal Goon Solid: Guns of the Kerberos
  4. I read all 33 pages and all I saw was Fernando rage quitting from NSO
  5. History repeats itself, dont forget that GOONS. Keep telling people to [b]do something about it[/b] and they will. Really though, now that most people dont have to pretend to be morally just to call themselves karma im not shocked things are going back to the way they used to. 90m reps fro 3m sent, having an opinion being a "high end government position", people saying do something about it hoping they can destroy someone for not agreeing with their policies.
  6. [quote name='Biazt' timestamp='1283672444' post='2442425'] I believe Dopp was former second in command at NSO? Just before Heggo I believe. He certainly knows much, much better and should be punished as such. Again, a $9 fine for stealing some bubblegum (to someone who has millions) seems perfectly fine to me. [/quote] It wouldnt be millions in this example either, more like someone who has $200 ish
  7. [quote name='Sakura' timestamp='1283220180' post='2436453'] It simply won't work. And, even if you get the majority opinion, it would be unenforceable without a treaty being signed by all tech raiding alliances. Plus, is it really as much of a problem as you think it is? And simply put... why should a raider be forced to do attacks that *violate the raid rules of their alliances*? You should not expect us to become your foot-soldiers. Likewise, the raid rules vary from alliance to alliance. Your 'rules' would break that sovereignty. Which is only something you can do through a treaty or winning a war. Since I don't see any chance of the former, the latter would require that you declare war on, and win, against every raiding alliance. [/quote] One could say that you shouldnt volunteer to be one of their foot soldiers either. I wouldnt really care if people filled the slots of someone I was attacking as long as they didnt ruin the stagger.
  8. I think you made a mistake, unless MK is \m/'s shadow government... Perhaps I have said too much
  9. [quote name='Remox' timestamp='1282883064' post='2432454'] If o/ = true Then 64bits = win; End if [/quote] Someone should work some of this into the "source code"
  10. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1282888551' post='2432546'] The world map has no impact over nation building so this will be just RP wars what IMO is a boring thing. [/quote] Not always depending on how you are RPing. I would have loved to see some sith vs jedi fights, or some Pirates vs ninjas (something my alliance actually did do a long time ago quite to our failure because they were protected) More wars for fun or some arbitrary stupid reason. Nothing outrageous, one round here and there. Doesnt have to be full alliances, or even more than one nation. The only downside is it takes away from the intense politics some of you have built up.
  11. So what is your comment to the claims that the members of \m/ are voting now? Seems like he isnt sweeping things under the rug as much as you believe.
  12. [quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1282433808' post='2426076'] As a member of an alliance who follows a warrior code you of all people should understand "honor". [/quote] We live in a dangerous place, where the most dangerous thing you can find is someone claiming to be honorable. Watch carefully, the truth remains that honor will only reign supreme when humanity has been washed from the earth, until that time it remains a pearl buried in the sands.
  13. [quote name='Tungsten' timestamp='1282418610' post='2425887'] Here you go, you can use this while you're off fighting for 'honor' [/quote] That seems about right, everyone offs themselves and common sense reigns supreme.
  14. [quote name='Stetson' timestamp='1282366873' post='2425460'] Just to speak to the splinter alliance question, I think if you are leaving to form a new alliance, there's nothing wrong with telling people you're going, but when you ask them to join you that's when you're poaching. If they ask if they can, then that's perfectly acceptable. [/quote] Would it be more right if you asked the person in person apposed to over irc or ingame messaging?
  15. [quote name='Thunder Strike' timestamp='1282122587' post='2421402'] Complain a lot apparently. [/quote] Its not very effective.
  16. Best announcement ever. That picture makes me wish I had a unicorn.
  17. [quote name='LJ Scott' timestamp='1282253767' post='2423482'] [font="Comic Sans MS"]Hey guys! Look at me! Yeah, that's right! Comic Sans! At first I was gonna use "[font="Impact"]Impact[font="Comic Sans MS"]" for the impact, but then I went with "Comic Sans" for the comic effect.[/font][/font] [/font] [/quote] While this does not offend my senses it does fill me with a sense of horror... What will the op do to his children once he sees this? No but seriously, use color all you want just try to keep it in the visible spectrum.
  18. [quote name='Hydro' timestamp='1282277901' post='2423982'] Please die again. Shame it probably won't be as delicious as the first time, but I can enjoy this way too. [/quote] Variety is the spice of life.
  19. Completely unlocked no... but I think the cap should go higher than 5
  20. Your yellow font is an affront to my eyes and I request you desist immediately.

  21. [quote name='Swanfield' timestamp='1282147293' post='2421647'] Not much he can do now in truth, he's been wrongly painted a traitor and his nation is being decimated as we speak. If the triumvirates wants to destroy the alliance, let them. I wash my hands off this issue now. [/quote] Based off of whats been said so far "wrongly painted a traitor" seems like a bit of a stretch on your part.
  22. [quote name='Thunder Strike' timestamp='1282012919' post='2418564'] And that is why NSO is no longer what it used to be. Creating drama and putting on a show used to be your defining qualities. Now your alliance is just a timid shadow of what it strives to be. [/quote] Not wanting a war doesnt mean they stop doing anything you described. Generally its best to be in good fighting shape before you pick a fight. Besides your talking to RV, someone who has proven time and time again that zero infrastructure doesnt stop him from causing drama. Why would this make him act otherwise.
  23. No global wars for 3 weeks, kthanks No but seriously I have no military wonders
  24. I eagerly await the rise of the super alliance NPC
  25. I didnt even realize they disbanded, funny that.
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