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Everything posted by Lanore

  1. I would like to thank MHA for being very gracious opponents and I want to shout out to Apparatus for being quite tenacious.
  2. I Love you NsO! I'm glad to see you repairing relations.
  3. THESE TERMS ARE.... fair and reasonable? Seriously MK where is my drama gonna come from if not from you? I suppose I just have to pray GOONS declare in a week or so. I hear they are decent Ghost Busters.
  4. I filled in all the blanks with the word "ponies" and this made perfect sense. o/ Alchemy. Edit: and of course I mean proper form of the word "ponies".
  5. ODN dropps 300k extra NS tonight. o/ MK.
  6. [IMG]http://i678.photobucket.com/albums/vv143/Hashentea/12122993.jpg[/IMG]
  7. [quote name='Pingu' timestamp='1324009838' post='2879494'] How can you say this of those who willfully deploy Vogon poetry in full knowledge of its catastrophic and indiscriminate effects? Few worse weapons exist. [/quote] I can think of at least one in my possession.
  8. [quote name='Olaf Styke' timestamp='1324002111' post='2879390'] [i][b] Come at me, bro![/b][/i] [/quote] [IMG]http://i678.photobucket.com/albums/vv143/Hashentea/Wallpaper/132392178245.png[/IMG] o/ Bronies. Let them eat cake!
  9. [quote name='Phrog' timestamp='1323982751' post='2879069'] After The Apparatus' victory I'm sure we can be friends! [/quote] I hate to tell you it will be a GATO&Co[sup]TM[/sup]. victory. Still you have proven yourselves loyal and effective to your allies and for that I would love to further friendships after the war (and during it of course).
  10. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1323978220' post='2879026'] I posture by my very existence. [/quote] I don't often save quotes, but taking this out of context is definitely going to be fun later. ♥
  11. By the beard of Zeus don't you see?! VE is posturing by hitting an otherwise unrelated alliance (App) for the coalition! You know that people hate you for things you did years ago and by God they are going to roll you for it. Considering this you will find any target to hit and use as a peace trophy the same way dogs bring their owners dead birds to make them happy. Then you HIT AN ALLIANCE THAT ATTACKED YOUR ALLY WHEN YOU EXPRESSLY STATED YOU WOULD. Living up to your word and defending allies WHILE being opportunistic coalition boot lickers? Clearly you have no integrity and only care for your public image. How dare you do things that make sense for you given your circumstances albeit complicated and likely half the details unknown to the rest of the world. You should be ashamed.... [size="1"]ashamed....[/size]
  12. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1323970491' post='2878932'] We are accepting what Valhalla said here at face value. You should expect very easy terms for Nebula-X, if any. [/quote] This is wonderful news.
  13. [quote name='WorkingClassRuler' timestamp='1323943670' post='2878771'] I wish ODN and GATO would stop making me like you so damn much. And agreed, I hope we can all walk away with a handshake and white peace. [/quote] Well GATO doesn't take reps. So unless you try some weird reverse psychology by where you demand reps be taken from you, I don't think there could be any other outcome.
  14. I don't get exactly why anyone "hates" VE. Don't know a whole lot about their history but from my time in GATO gov we only ever had a few trifle discrepancies that shouldn't particularly impair relations for a long time or in a serious manner. Also Darth calls everyone terrible. I think I've only seen him hail things like once or twice. VE whatever your reasoning or past, you are in the foxhole with me now. I'm not going to argue with a good thing and I won't forget you gave my alliance a shoulder to help rest a burden on, no matter how small and unnecessary. One good turn deserves another. I have never had you do anything wrong to me and so I have no reason to hate you. People can call you opportunistic or whatever, but in reality most everyone is opportunistic. If you coordinated your wars with the coalition at large then you must have had a strategy. Whether or not it works out for you is another thing altogether. As for the Nebula-X issue, Valhalla admits it was a mistake. You are completely in the right over this as far as I can tell. If the posts by Valhalla can be taken at face value here, it seems it was an honest mistake and they seem willing to pull Neb-X back. I ask for your mercy on them to let them have an easy peace for a silly mistake. Things happen. Not that I am under the impression that you are obligated or even moved to consider my request.
  15. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1323838010' post='2877289'] Disregard MADP partner, Acquire oA. [/quote] ???? Profit. No seriously I never would have seen this. I suppose I have to thank you VE, something I didn't want to really do until now. Good hunting and good luck. Once my aggressive slots empty if you ever need backup lemme know. ♥
  16. wat lol. o/ VE. I never saw it coming.
  17. [quote name='Trinite' timestamp='1323826515' post='2877111'] You'll notice none of us complaining in any of the DoWs on us, or any of the DoWs on our allies except this one. I think ODN knows why we're upset, and I'm beginning not to care if anyone else does, so I'm going to stop trying to explain it to you. This DoW ended a very good relationship, and that's very unfortunate. [/quote] What exactly is Sparta so insanely upset with ODN for? If you should be mad at anyone it should be GATO for requesting assistance from CnG and chaining them in.
  18. [quote name='Anson' timestamp='1323818864' post='2876997'] I too am scratching my head.. [/quote] Clearly the only way to figure out how this will work is to attack the protectorate and see.
  19. [quote name='Trinite' timestamp='1323806293' post='2876835'] Backing the rest of CnG, and pre-empting one of our closest allies at the whim of CnG are two different things and promote two different repsonses from us. Especially when it doesn't even help CnG to do so. It's a cheap shot at our ally for the benefit of TLR's ally. That's where it hurts. We understand CnG comes first. We didn't know CnG allies took precedence over us. [/quote] Last I checked you are a CnG ally, and last I checked there aren't any CnG alliances at war with you. ( correct me if I'm wrong the DoWs are dizzying ) . I'm guessing the preempt you are talking about is MHA yes? I'll tell you the same thing I told them. We got our intel from one of their own coalition. The only way we could take that intel more seriously is if it had come from MHA itself. We acted on it. Stop acting as though it is a cheap shot we did for funsies. I don't think it is a secret GATO was pretty much looking for any excuse on earth to completely roll CSN. If we were going to DoW on someone because we were tired of waiting on a CB we would have hit them. It isn't as though we picked MHA because we didn't have a list of other people we have grudges against. Even still, let's say you are right, just for the sake of argument. Let's go with the opposing side and say our intel was crap and wrong and MHA was actually gonna hit valhalla, or MK, or I don't know, NG? Still, they are a large block of NS in an enemy coalition that was not pinned down and had the ability to upset things if let go unchecked. It was strategically viable to hit them, even if our intel was false. Given that we believe our intel, it is completely justifiable. GATO doesn't DoW for fun. We don't make a joke out of our actions. We hit MHA because we believed it posed a real threat to our friends. Maybe you have a problem with that, and maybe you criticize our intel and motives. Still, we made the decision based on what we felt was in the best interest of CnG. It was not a cheap and opportunistic attack.
  20. [quote name='Trinite' timestamp='1323806293' post='2876835'] [b]I think he was comparing the TLR ODP with NPO and the oA ODN has with us and the oA the Int has with RnR. Both would have been optional entrances into the war for CnG, and you guys seem to be suggesting that whoever gets there first wins. Which isn't true, and we both know that. It's a stupid academic argument that I don't really see the point to, but I'm still apparently taking part in.[/b] [/quote] To be fair I think the justification or moral rightness of the request for military assistance comes into play as well. NPO was hit by fark, over a DoS, completely out of nowhere. NPO had not entered the war at the time. If when someone you sign an ODP with get's preempted isn't the right time to act on an ODP, when is the right time? If TLR refused to enter we would have been hearing about how the treaty was a treaty of political convenience, about how TLR and NPO don't have a real friendship, and empty and vapid the words of TLR are. When asking if a treaty is worth entering on and whether an oD is worth going in over an oA, there are a lot of things to consider. It isn't as though it is "first come first serve" . NPO got preempted when there were other targets Fark could have hit that were actually part of the war at the time. Fark decided to be opportunistic and preempt Pacifica. Pacifica is in the moral right for once, and they deserved to have their treaty honored. TLR have also been looking for a moment to prove their friendship beyond words. Don't act as though this is some travesty of CnG abandoning friends for political convenience. TLR stood by its friends.
  21. Protected by apparatus? They seem cool enough. I love steampunk.
  22. [quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1323504444' post='2872270'] ooh good point, haven't been to GATO in a while. But yeah fighting Fark is pretty great. They haven't given me any beer yet. Maybe I'll steal some in my next raid. [/quote] Nice to know. From what I hear MHA is being a blast too. Btw nice to see NPO in a position to be on the aggressive. After fark preempted you I thought they'd crush your upper tiers and render you guys kind of occupied for the remainder of the war. Seems TLR & Co really came through for you. ♥
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