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James IV

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Everything posted by James IV

  1. You guys are defiantly a great bunch. I look forward to working with yall for the next month or two.
  2. I will take part in any trade circle someone offers me. http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1001799
  3. You should write Kingzog a letter while you are at it. Not sure if you have actually done anything to him, but he likes collecting letters.
  4. It pleases me to see we have new friends. I look forward to a prosperous future relationship between our alliances.
  5. That was the best flag of this thing and yall know it. Pssh.
  6. I can't wait for that prize money.
  7. Thread needs more James. I wish you the best with your continued life elsewhere!
  8. Xiphosis of course. Look how many people have confidence he can help out the NPO. lol
  9. GR?!?! How could you possibly trust people who elected Shamed (and in the past Bob and Drai) into government? Pssh, in all seriousness congrats guys, you won't find better friends.
  10. Oh lord, letting Kingzog sign things is going to build up his confidence with his ever expanding signature. =( Thanks Nueva Vida for your friendship and I look forward to some more good times together!
  11. Pretty soon you will be taming the Overmind. Congrats guys! Now go harvest additional resources.
  12. Exile does things to one from what I heard. lol
  13. I believe we here are happy to see old alliances getting fresh new starts. Good luck guys.
  14. It pleases me to see this. Looks like this is one nemesis you won't have to be assaulting.
  15. It looks like the Dark Templar still have the leaders it takes for them to take back Auir. Good luck!
  16. Maybe Nemesis would gain more members if they could get rid of bob and blacky. )): )):
  17. I think our protectors are going to have to pass down some of that booze they were drinking when selecting their new gov to us? Congrats yall!
  18. DICE? Just sloppy MSP skillz. lol
  19. Alrighty, send the goods here please. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=36269 Edit: Clarification purposes.
  20. Reading that almost made me think bob was still in MK. lol
  21. Power overwhelming! I am glad to see close friends come together like this.
  22. Looks like GR has some couping celebrating to do. Congrats brothers!
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