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James IV

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Everything posted by James IV

  1. Not going to lie, that was well played.
  2. I have lumber and silver. Does this have uranium?
  3. The Starcraft line of the day to go with this.... "Power Overwhelming!"
  4. They are called cowards for doing it now, and would have been called fools for doing it before. No win situation eh?
  5. Lumber, Silver http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1001880
  6. Turn back the hordes of the zerg! Free Auir!
  7. It looks like the Overminds at CSN have spawned moar overloards....
  8. The defilers of the land known as CSN cast great plauges and swarm their enemies while consuming their own.
  9. Pssh, GDA, get science vessels and irradiate the CSN overloards. Watch for the queen goose though who will infest your command center though. CSN has a tendency to creep up on marines. They will also sunk your colonies and plant spores amongst them. They will give you Ultra licks without hesistation, and they are hydra efficient in the rampage. So watch out for the lurkers known as CSN.
  10. Expected. It took yall long enough. The goose hungers!
  11. If NPO goes down, the game becomes like TE for a while with another big war every few weeks or until someone can stabilize it. I think the politics in the vacuum would be interesting to watch.
  12. I await the return of the 4th horseman PC to save the GGA....
  13. I don't think I could love GR much more.
  14. I think if one was to occur, it should be mpol.
  15. DT are our protectors. Also, "Looks like DT and LSR has decided to strip down SSSW18. They must take it hard for them to be crying so loudly. Maybe someone will be generous enough to provide them with a pill. Watch out! Someone else just took the pole position."
  16. Watch out for the dancing queen.... she is only 17. =P
  17. It seems like GR already gave their word about letting them come over, and GR has always been good on its word. I doubt all the political opinion in the world will change that. I trust GR knows what they are doing.
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