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James IV

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Everything posted by James IV

  1. CSN and GOD just need to stop ruining the game. Stop tech tear raiding them.
  2. Well, there is that AT guy to. He could use a stern talking to. )):
  3. Oh lawd, another reason goose needs to be cooped. Haha, congrats guys. The announcement writing is A+ over at CSN.
  4. Lumber and Silver and willing to switch teams. http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1001880
  5. GGA is fail..... Wait, What? lol I am liking where this is going.
  6. I have a Polish friend in real life. Some pretty cool people IMO. Anyways, I am loving the propaganda in the thread.
  7. This is an terrible awesome alliance. So yall should go say hi to the NAAC 2.0 Penguins and their army.
  8. Snakes on a Plane IRC - #snakes Website - http://z3.invisionfree.com/Snakes_On_A_Pla...dex.php?act=idx
  9. Message: Alesana22 has been removed from the game by game moderation. The trade offer that was submitted by you to Alesana22 has been automatically canceled. =( I think that was NEWiley
  10. Its almost sad I can name off quite a few in that picture. lol
  11. Hey, I think you have been in my sig for quite some time now. lol
  12. Perhaps NV has the same compassion on its old allies in NoR that it did with LSF.
  13. Lol AT. This new home probably has cameras everywhere so "Big Brother" (aka Goose) can watch your every move......
  14. It looks like Vulkan deleted his nation. =(
  15. Pretty much that. Not only does this free up GR's forces for its main fight, it is a "Brilliant Political Move" in the terms that it looks pretty, doesn't make the Citadel mad, and it is much more efficient to use their diplomacy to work with the coalition.
  16. Yes, and damaging opponents will naturally have consequences. When it became clear the outcome in the end, terms were given, and respectfully declined on the part of SSSW18. In the end we worked out mutually beneficial tech deals. Hell, because of this I can get to know SSSW18 more by getting a chance to work with them. It is obvious that MOON made a noob mistake, but they learned from it quick. Some of yall whining about the tech deals are the same people who helped set up the in the "hegemony" first place and I really don't see much moral ground from those people to tell sovereign alliances what they can and can't do.
  17. Be sure to hire Samuel L. Jackson for your next flight. lol
  18. Don't make us give you a stern hissing at thar.
  19. I for one look forward to working with SSSW18 in the future. Yall have some good people.
  20. Oh yes, we are coming for your planes. "ALL YOUR SNAKES R BELONG TO US!" I. Preamble The Snakes exist to enjoy the game, and to establish a community, which seeks to add to the Cyber-Nations Tournament Edition experience. As such, we are an alliance that could care less about the "rules" and more about breaking them, and our prey. So in the spirit of cooperation and charity, high idealism, and plenty of venom..... Ladies and Gentlemen; Snakes on a Plane! II. Membership All one must technically do is switch their AA to "Snakes on a Plane". However, we do have a forum and an irc channel that you can come hang out in and chill with the other snakes. If you want to request assistance with wars and trades, you must register on the forums. We are a black team alliance, however, being on the black team is not mandatory. III. Wars There is a reason there is no peace mode in TE. We only ask that nations don't raid alliances with more than 5 members, and they reserve one offensive war slot for when the snakes board another alliances plane. So in other words..... "In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it" ~ Gen Rommel IV. Government The Mother#$%^ing Snake is in charge. (The head honcho) The Mother#$%^ing Snake may appoint and delegate powers to other snakes as he or she sees fit. Should the Mother#$%^ing Snake be out hunting, or is unable to fly the plane, the Viper shall have the con. ~THE Mother#$%^ing Snake James IV (Vince Offers) Captain of the boat, The Keeper of Real, The snake on your plane, The ghost who calls down the thunder Contact Information: Our Forums - http://z3.invisionfree.com/Snakes_On_A_Plane/index.php Our IRC - #snakes @ coldfront tl;dr We're on a plane, we do what we want, ghosts are welcome, don't fly with us, however if you do fly with us enjoy the flight fright. Also, a video to enjoy.
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