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Everything posted by Hydro

  1. Finally the GPA Conspiracy is beginning to bear fruit. [OOC] Ouch, get better Moo-Cows.[OOC]
  2. I realize this was sarcasm, but I'll say it for those who didn't catch that. Sileath is a straight up jerk and there's only so much of his antics that anyone can tolerate before they want him kicked out. It's too bad I didn't come to that realization before, but it's of no matter now.
  3. I like what you've done with KoC and hopefully more alliances will take similar steps. Best of wishes, as always.
  4. I'm a bit dissapointed by the lack of a song. Still it was pretty decent.
  5. No it isn't. If you have a treaty with an ally that stipulates your involvement in any type of conflict they're involved in then you are obliged to honor your commitment. How and why the war was started is utterly irrelevant and unless the treaty somehow stipulates otherwise then you must prepare for battle. It's nice to know where your alliance stands on that issue though, unless of course you thought people would just double-think that away?
  6. Well this is impressive. The TPF might've lost the war with their nations, but it's clear that they're starting to win the propoganda war. I barely ever see sigs insulting TPF anymore and now the general populace seems to believe that TPF is an honorable alliance. Whether that is true or not is beside the point, the point is that you are to be congradulated on the sucess of the PR campaign that you've run during this war.
  7. Good thing I don't drive on the same roads as you lol. Driking and driving ftl
  8. Serious business this embassy cleanup is...
  9. I wonder if you're fail meter is gonna break against from overload? I'm betting yes. spelling
  10. They'll probably try to quietly rebuild if they accept terms. Pick and choose their allies better. It's unlikely unless the war takes a year or so. 100% yes. TORN, MK, GR, VE, RoK, the entire CoC and several other KARMA alliances. We can always hope. Not likely. Unless there's changes with the IO's. Not really. I'd prefer to see them dead. They're going to struggle greatly, but they're still incredibly powerful despite all the damage they've mantained.
  11. What a brilliant, unbiased solution. How about NPO accept defeat on all fronts and the terms that come with said defeat, rather than getting continually asspumped by the joint forces of Karma? Seems like a good idea to me and one that benefits all parties.
  12. The only reason these terms are so harsh is because NPO has had a long history of inflicting ridiculously harsh terms on alliances and because a considerable portion of KARMA is composed of nations that have experienced first hand said terms. It's only fitting that NPO be fed its own medicine and, moreso, that they're whining about the taste being bad.
  13. Your alliance member brought it up in the first place. And what makes you think that because you had accomplishes to your crimes that your crimes were any less foul?
  14. When I left GPA we were hovering around 800-1000 members and were #1 in the game. Now the GPA is but a whithering husk of its former glory. It's membership was decimated by the likes of you and their "crime"? Nothing. Don't you dare try and make it look as though the GPA got off easy; they've been $%&@ed ever since you and your ilk destroyed them and for the GPA alone these terms are more than fair. As it stands though, the GPA is but one of the many alliances that the NPO $%&@ed over and, as I said, consider yourselves lucky to be enjoying the luxury of terms, because you don't deserve them in the slightest.
  15. I'm suprised KARMA didn't demand for the NPO's immediate disbandment. Consider yourselves lucky to even be offered terms.
  16. OOC: This game has a war feature and an economic feature, both of which hinge upon the other. It's unreasonable to expect someone to pretend that a nations ability to conduct war isn't affected by its economic status and in doing so lose any advantage they might've gained by using reps and demanding nations come out of peace mode.
  17. Rebel Virginia: pissing off wankers once again.
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