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Everything posted by Artigo

  1. [quote name='Avakael' timestamp='1328087448' post='2912458'] Nobody wants to actually step in and give RoK a hand? Friendship is nominal etc etc [/quote] The way things are going pretty soon we'll be giving them a hand.
  2. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1327647419' post='2908063'] Mushroom Kingdom doesn't like their understanding of the way Kait and Hoo handled the disappearance of their daughter, so certain members of MK attacked KaitlinK with the blessing of Biodad. [/quote] fixed that for you
  3. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1327644134' post='2908002'] Seerow, I want you to know up front that I'm doing this as academically as possible, but by its very nature, it's going to come off really ugly, and I hate that, but here we are. I don't know what you did to piss of NPO and GOONS as badly as you did, but I joined GOONS just in time to see a little bit of the backlash, which came in the form of photos of you being shared for the purpose of mocking your particular physical situation. People don't get photos of other CN players out of the blue, they're shared somewhere. Erego, by some means, you shared the photos I saw with some one or some persons. It is my opinion that whether or not you showed those photos of yourself to one or more of your fellow players, it was wrong for those Pacificans and GOONS to take those photos and use them to harass and humiliate you; are you telling me I'm wrong? By the same measure, a dozen or so government members in WUT posted their phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc to the WUT forums, and when Polaris and GGA attacked GOONS, Helsbecter posted that information to the OWF. Who was in the wrong, the people, or Helsbecter? Bilrow informed people he trusted, allies, of his OOC situation, and it was turned against him when the IC situation changed, are you saying that it is Bilrow who is at fault? [/quote] If you're scared of being made fun of or harassed don't post that information. Simple as that. There is more behind this story that you either don't know about or are willing to acknowledge.
  4. [quote name='Hime Themis' timestamp='1327641800' post='2907955'] Good Artigo You are a firm fighter and while I may not agree with your particular posting style I do believe your insult may be somewhat misplaced. Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars.847,267 Attacking + 2,131,414 Defending = 2,978,681 Casualties Casualty Rank:Ranked #675 of 15,130 Nations (4.46%) These sad losses did not come about by paper cuts. Respectfully Dame Hime Themis [/quote] When was the last time you declared an offensive war?
  5. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1327640786' post='2907939'] OBR these types of people its best to respond with force if you want to send a clear message, you have one of the best military's in the game which has barely been used. Use that power and political pull you have to put some force behind your words, attack those who who have done wrong and get those who also oppose this blurring off OOC/IC line to support you. As long as they get away with it, they'll continue to allow it slide until they get rolled for it. [/quote] HAHAHAHAHA Lettuce be real tea, this is Hime Themis we are talking about.
  6. Honestly, I've never been this enthralled with a thread in my life RV. I was supposed to go out with my friends, but I just called them and told them to go $%&@ themselves; there's an incredible story unfolding on the owf right now. I am seriously sitting on the edge of my seat right now, and when that story reached it's climax, I popped a raging boner. So here I sit, sporting wood while I wait for the completion, to which I will satisfy myself. Please RV...don't keep me waiting much longer.
  7. IRON gets way less credit than they're due.
  8. [quote name='Valtamdraugr' timestamp='1326582341' post='2899713'] Fixed that fer ye. RoK-2 (opinion) obliterated (not fact) decimated (again, not fact) wiped from the world (definitely, not fact) marginalized (ok, I'll grant you that one with some salt) Thanks for playing. it's been fun. [/quote] Are you upset that your alliance was eviscerated?
  9. Sparta whining? This has never happened before.
  10. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1326268553' post='2897310'] The thing is, it wasn't their intent to take on the world. They had gotten the "okay" to do it and it would have helped them a lot if everyone on their side before it hadn't peaced out and switched out. [/quote] I remember. I was there lol. Seriously though, we still knew going into it how much NS was going to be on us. Not exactly how much, but we were all prepared for a huge conflict and were prepared to lose our stats.
  11. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1326265081' post='2897300'] The thing is, I had been willing to fight on the losing side of the TPF war a month before that(other people wanted Umbrella to go neutral, like SG) and our winning potential in NpO-\m/ wasn't really a sure thing either if a few things had gone differently and Umbrella has never actually gone neutral in a war, no matter how politically uncomfortable it was. With NpO-\m/ most people declared 2 wars and then got their def slots filled for the most part. I don't know how that doesn't constitute going all in. I resent getting blamed for Grub/Archon decisions. edit: I already told Yevgeni what was wrong with the preempt on C&G.(tactically) [/quote] I'm done with this debate, but I will say about TOP you bring up a terrific comparison, TOP went all in against C&G, maybe it was foolish, but they thought were going to get countered. SO instead of letting that happen they !@#$%*slapped em and took on the world. Can you honestly see Umbrella pull something like that?
  12. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1326259020' post='2897248'] How is it ducking fights? I didn't really control the NpO vs \m/ situation, to be honest. That was more Grub/Archon. If it hadn't peaced out, we probably would have taken a lot more damage since we could only use our limited counters on TFD. Or if we had been looking for an easy fight, we could have just declared on NSO since IRON/TOP weren't going to take the bait. I doubt IRON would have hit us. I could have just sat out the entirety of the war after TOP declared or sat out entirely when I was being pressured not to help FOK at all. I'd say I wish we had and let all the aforementioned alliances burn since we were going to be stuck with the reputation anyway, but I don't really regret it all that much. Keep in mind at the time Umbrella was just 4.7m NS(60 members) before the war. Hey Valhalla, you suck apparently.(4.2m NS before that, 82 members) and Kronos was kind of busy with Olympus. We had to bail out Snowbeast. then Field Marshal, uaciaut, "WRC is like a communist wonder, it brings everyone down." He was kind of upset about the disparities up top. [/quote] Curbstomps do not constitute you going all in. Given the choice you probably would sit the war out. There are some cool people in there, but the alliance is borderline neutral these days. And I never once said Valhalla sucked. The fact of the matter remains Umbrella takes the easy road when forced to fight. edit: spelling
  13. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1326252129' post='2897187'] Hi. Please tell that to Xavi and Sceptor who parted with the vast majority of their infrastructure in defense of NG-constituent alliance, Poison Clan, while iFOK and SLCB were fighting the vaunted military powerhouse known as the GGA. Can you carbon copy that message to threefingeredguy of Craggy Island who had just bought his WRC at the time and set his nation back quite a lot as well? And I'll quote him: Or me, Stathugger Prime, who had Valhalla picked out as a target before they even declared. When FOK got attacked by AZTEC, I was called crazy by Archon for wanting to just jump in despite no assurances of defense from the FCC and Argent. So the original NATO/TFD/NADC/NV vs Umbrella/Kronos/AO/GOONS front closed and I insisted on reentering despite the politics of the situation causing problems internally because I saw it as the same war. We then were set to hit the New Polar Order on oA off Kronos, but MK needed its precious Polar staggers. We switched to MASH/Legion because Asgaard was going to have trouble with MASH. MASH was out of the way after four days. So I thought we could still bail out various fronts that the Supergrievances coalition was struggling with. I did say we couldn't hit IRON because Citadel and TOP/Umbrella were still in effect and there was a large mass of NS deployed on them. We then bailed out FoB/WAPA against NATO and TFD. I saw it as the Soviets advancing on Berlin after Stalingrad. Maybe too grandiose of an analogy, but whatever. We were also going to hit TOOL to bail out the various alliances on that front, but Janax asked me not to, so we didn't and let VE handle it. I then totaled my own nation pre-war NS: 84k post-war: 50k NS with military/nukes to happily jump in to help MK/Ronin/GATO out with some problem TSO nations. Not the biggest loss of the war, but it did set me back. edit: You see, I never got to have those super wonders, so losing most of my infra was usually a setback for my nation a lot of the time. [/quote] You're telling me what I already know. Umbrella ducks fights. They are the Floyd Mayweather jr. of CN. Flawless record, but at the end of the day who did they really beat?
  14. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1326221737' post='2896938'] Hahaha you had that issue coordinating with them too? [/quote] God yes. Luckily I only had endure one round with them. [quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1326226292' post='2896984'] Unfortunately you didn't talk to the right people then. MK brought a couple of nations with us who were doing this, and we tried to get the problem alleviated. This mainly happened with nations who are no longer very forum active, and was an unpleasant surprise because many of these people know better. If you could forward me any of the nations you remember who did this, I would really like to have a talk with them, as this is completely unacceptable. [/quote] http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=199460
  15. [quote name='Letum' timestamp='1326186595' post='2896826'] Average Quality of fighters: (In terms of skill, preparedness and activity): Highest: Umbrella TOP High: NG MK TPF Above Average: IRON NPO TLR NoR GOONS FOK Average: ODN VE GATO NpO Sparta FAN Low: MHA Fark [/quote] I would put Umbrella in above average because they haven't fought anyone. You have to consider resume. GATO belongs in lol because lol. Fighting with them makes me rage. There were some logs around here of us trying to convince their gov to make their guy stop nuking before me. I had 18k tech and he had around 7k I believe. He couldn't understand what the issue was with his guy nuking. A couple more could move, but that's a decent list. edit: spelling
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