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Everything posted by Schad

  1. Love the contrast here: [quote="Xiphosis"]2. What does SF think about the speculation that many of the smaller Maroon alliances appear to be displeased with SF and actions some of its members have taken in recent months? Frankly, I'm no longer allied to any 'small' Maroon alliances. TTK and CRAP can hold their own with any of you, and they don't need me speaking for them, either. [/quote] [quote]<Xiphosis[GOD]>2 of my allies got pulled in due to NpO treaties, most of maroon is incompetent[/quote]
  2. [quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1312404708' post='2771131'] now you can go back to 2 more 'fun' filled years of being irrelevant and isolated.......yay? [/quote] That's kinda their mission statement, yeah. Not everyone seeks political relevancy, especially those who've been around as long as many of Créole's members.
  3. [quote name='Gibsonator21' timestamp='1311879940' post='2766315'] Well I was doing these for fun for my own alliance before, so, might as well [url="https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuR-T25B6QjTdERFT0djS05Cc1REeS1JdlNjMGs0ZlE&hl=en_US#gid=0"]post them here.[/url] Aid slot stuff was done by hand, so could be off by a bit; they were from the 16th to the 26th. And I was much too lazy to do them for PF. [/quote] Nice work. I ran BN's aid slots from our grid a couple days ago, and came up with (I believe) 56.2% for the main AA, ~67% including the Academy, but I'm too lazy and/or incompetent to do it manually to confirm.
  4. [quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1311816597' post='2765753'] Pretty interesting clause you have there. Seems like it could cause a lot of drama if a signatory is drawn into a conflict by another binding obligation. [/quote] No more so than what could happen without it: having one alliance decide to enter a conflict opposite the remaining bloc members.
  5. [quote name='Titus Pullo' timestamp='1311816080' post='2765738'] Congrats on the Phallic Fortress. Looks nice. [/quote] An impenetrable wall of Dongs. Sounds about right.
  6. I always assumed that it was roe-ken-teen.
  7. Within a week of joining this world, I managed to earn myself an annoyed PM from Roq...I'd gone into peace mode on my first day without realizing that you couldn't send tech from it, thus creating an intolerable 24 hour delay in my shipment. Never happened again, because he scared me. Fantastic leader, and one of the most canny operators in the game; it sucks that he has opted to depart entirely, but I guess that the life of an inactive back-bencher doesn't work out well when you only know how to do things at full speed. Good luck to the new government, and Johnny Apocalypse in particular; haven't had many/any dealings with you, but as every ex-MFOer that I've encountered is pure class, I don't doubt that Umbrella is in capable hands.
  8. Dammit, now you go from all cute and toddling about quietly to defiant and loud.
  9. Never have two ODPs been signed with more flair.
  10. You're going to have to sell off infra until you hit somewhere around 6000, from what I can tell...possibly a little bit lower. That should get your infra bills down to somewhere in the $200m neighbourhood, which would allow you to keep your improvements and wonders. Edit: also, getting rubber/oil so that you can get the 5% discount from Asphalt wouldn't hurt, either.
  11. Should just merge into Non Grata instead.
  12. Schad


    Agreed, and I think one of the things that facilitates the successful transfer of power is having some sort of common purpose or ethic which extends beyond "we're all friends and these are our friends!". An alliance that has nothing but the leader of the day guiding it will likely either be chaotic or sclerotic, either lurching about without direction according to the whims of whoever happens to have the reins, or paralyzed because absent something guiding them, the new leadership just sits around and hopes not to screw anything up too badly.
  13. If everyone from Hydra and SLCB moves over, Non Grata will top 10m and pass ODN for seventh. Congrats on your voracious appetite.
  14. [quote name='Roandask' timestamp='1310520974' post='2755231'] Wheat and Uranium - [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=365427"]link[/url] I'll switch to Green when the TC is finished (which looks like soon). [/quote] Perfect; I'll add you and start looking for cattle/fish.
  15. Aluminum - [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=465802]Rhettmatic[/url] Marble - [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=465802]Rhettmatic[/url] Lumber - [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=467058]UrbanLegendMD[/url] Iron - [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=467058]UrbanLegendMD[/url] Pigs - [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=467138]TLSquire[/url] Spices - [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=467138]TLSquire[/url] Uranium - [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=365427]Roandask[/url] Fish - Sugar - [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=467247]Gwgw10[/url] Cattle - Water - [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=467247]Gwgw10[/url] Wheat - [url=http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=365427]Roandask[/url]
  16. Felt that it needed a (terrible) rhyme scheme: [quote name='sojourner' timestamp='1310216834' post='2753240'] One could be misguided by the gossip 'bout the Legion, But it's just the crazy musings coming from some nether regions, The hateful comments from those idiots who feel that something's lacking, Is only unproductive garbage designed to damage Legion's backing. This verbal vomit will be believed by those who don't know head from tail, And who don't look past the haters and who can't pull back the veil, To form a personal and realistic view is what you need, And it's clear that your relationships are formed of selfishness and greed. I have been honored to be friends with my dear Legion for many moons, And in discussing their class and honour please do forgive me if I swoon, And ignore the mindless barbs and baiting if you still teeter on the fence, For they have proven that they have strength, determination and confidence. [/quote]
  17. [quote name='Ying Yang Mafia' timestamp='1310148327' post='2752666'] Calling Legion a meatshield is an insult to meatshields everywhere. [/quote] Perhaps more of a meatveil? Edited because, while the unintentional double entendre in the original was probably fairly accurate, it might've been a tad inappropriate.
  18. Sucks to see, KO. Hope you and Clash enjoy your new home.
  19. Must be honest, your name sounds like it should be the title of a 2am movie on Cinemax. Other than that, good luck.
  20. [quote name='Kaiser Wilhelm I' timestamp='1309926042' post='2750027'] As for the black sphere, I will admit that this is a temporary move and the color, logically since membership is not what it once was, can be changed. [/quote] Membership appears to be you and four guys with seniority of 600+ days.
  21. [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=88976&st=0]Not this again.[/url]
  22. [quote name='VLADITRON' timestamp='1309754596' post='2748151'] You spelled Jack Shephard wrong. SPOILER ALERT [spoiler][img]http://perezsolomon.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/lost.gif[/img][/spoiler] [/quote] The Australian alphabet doesn`t include the letter H. ...two years and I hadn`t noticed that until now.
  23. Glad to see this up in lights. Now, let`s make like the Mavs and find ourselves some giants to knock off...BN is going to have a lot of free time on our hands over the next year or thereabouts.
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