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Everything posted by Mayzie

  1. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1325761318' post='2893264'] Hmm, so now it is "punitive reparations" yet earlier... You guys need to get the message straight otherwise it just appears you are making it up as you go along. You fail to grasp that this is not about the sum demanded but the reason for demanding it. Although perhaps you are grasping it as you are now changing the reasons for the cash grab? And that changes things how? [/quote] I explained why it was requested, just because I didn't say it like a cocky prick like others in the alliance doesn't mean I'm making it up. If we were really requesting all the aid back, it would be a lot more. What we're asking for was one round of aid from their top five nations because they pulled what we consider a !@#$ move. You don't agree with our reasons, that's fine. What we should've done is forced an apology, make them vote for our senator & decommission all of their nukes, you'd have no problem with that. That was for all those going on about the lack of upper tier nations KoH now has.
  2. Four pages? We're famous...and evil. Requesting punitive reparations from an alliance who chose to get chained in on an oA to dogpile our allies after we sent them a load of rebuilding aid last war is truly a most heinous act & wasn't just to make a point that they pissed us off with that crap move. Certainly comparable to anything GOD's done & I'm !@#$ting it for the day karma comes back for that 90m. The terms were actually agreed upon a couple of weeks ago, while they had five larger nations in peace mode, before they left the alliance or disappeared. E: Best of luck with the rebuilding guys.
  3. Paying hundreds of pounds to travel half way across the world & walk into a room full of spotty teens to realise I've been playing the wrong game for the past 4+ years isn't something I'm going to do, I'm not ready to quit CN yet.
  4. [quote name='Tharbakim' timestamp='1325657028' post='2892056'] Juilus Cesar dos, Minister of War [/quote] HAHAHAHAHA. Ok, not really, congrats on the slimming down of membership & getting forums.
  5. I can't believe I read most of this topic. It's going to take a hell of a lot of beers to blank today's memory but I'll give it a !@#$@#$ good try.
  6. I wouldn't have sold all that infra had I known you were tracking losses.
  7. [quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1324634688' post='2884752'] Never again? [/quote] No !@#$, what a stupid term to agree to.
  8. [quote name='phillip110' timestamp='1323844673' post='2877532'] And now I'm having fun with Porkers from GOD! Former Kronos nations fighting each other should make me a sad panda, but I'm glad to be the one to get to fight him! [/quote] Nice one, Porkers could do with a good kicking. Also, the post above is great way to blow a warchest. Months of savings gone in less than a week.
  9. [quote name='Sigurd Odinnson' timestamp='1323815853' post='2876966'] Wait... whose side is Colossus on again? [/quote] Many of our members have a long history with various incarnations of your alliance, Ferd's comment has nothing to do with sides. Enjoy the war.
  10. Is he still going on? I know it's cold outside this time of year but I think it's time you took a break. 24 pages of !@#$ is quite enough.
  11. I hate to correct your correction but Colossus are orange too.
  12. Tbf, it happens all the time. I suppose there were us and GLOF who have no common treaty partners, that'd have been a better choice.
  13. If he hadn't already deployed that day, he can deploy. You sent back what he'd deployed the day before by the sound of it.
  14. [quote name='Lukapaka' timestamp='1323236023' post='2866912'] What is the guy on your flag holding? [/quote] A torch. [quote name='Merk' timestamp='1323236127' post='2866918'] It would be a cool war flag if they made it hold an AK-47 or something. At any rate here's to a good fight o/ [/quote] That might make the bow in his left hand a bit pointless... Bet you're glad you sorted out all that rebuild aid for KoH last war when Polar's terms dictated they couldn't send any now aren't you Auctor?
  15. Sounds like a good idea to me, I wasn't even going to join this round because I know how busy (drunk) I'll be over the holidays.
  16. [quote name='nosoup4you' timestamp='1322916140' post='2860566'] Hmmm...Is telling you what I think you should really eat worth a warn? [/quote] See, I love you because normally you'd tell people to eat a dick, don't get soft now.
  17. [quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1322793527' post='2858829'] PZI is so 2009. [/quote] Sorry. Baskan, how big are your moobs and do you like to hold the pole?
  18. [quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1322790584' post='2858769'] I am so, so sorry Baskan. I committed a grave offense. If I weren't already at war with your alliance, I would invite you to attack me. [/quote] Want a joint PZI list? We hate him too.
  19. [quote name='MrHavok' timestamp='1322788324' post='2858693'] I know I would be a little nervous of men who want to be in a white horse [/quote] Lol, you caught me. You try after ten pints and four cans.
  20. [quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1322786281' post='2858669'] Nothing unites like a common enemy! [/quote] I notice you didn't report or complain about the other comment i made. That's ok then? Your moralist ways are slipping.
  21. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1322784382' post='2858639'] I don't see anything wrong here. Best of luck to our good friends in STA. I guess we'll be fighting side by side very shortly... [/quote] Even funnier when you consider the !@#$ talk between you for months. Good to see WAPA bring you back together.
  22. It's funny the gay joke at WAPA (big pole) got nothing but if you so much as fart toward a rare breed on this place, the men in white horses soon ride in.
  23. Pretend Scot, you should be eating Irn Bru soaked haggis.
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