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The Mongol-Swedes

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Everything posted by The Mongol-Swedes

  1. o7 RAD We're here for ya, you little scamps. lolbrown
  2. It's clear enough to me. The OWF needs a stern talking to. Yappity alliance leaders dribbling on about absolute dribble. I hear that that one feller the Charming Man is a really serious guy.
  3. Vox really opened up the floodgates with their protracted and focused insurrection against not only the NPO itself but, indeed, the very culture of supreme power through brute force and intimidation. While it is unfortunate that significant traces of that culture are still rooted in the overall power dynamic on Bob, what has changed is that the nations of the world know now that they can, in fact, challenge and defeat hegemony in the world. Vox made it possible, and effectively channeled the rage and frustration pent up under intimidated leadership and counter-productive treaty obligations. My respect goes to each and every Vox volunteer and the others unnamed here who stood up and stuck their neck out long enough to inspire the Karma uprising.
  4. Indeed, I'm getting sick of us LSFers not having anything for me to announce and thus have the legendary Litler grace us like obliged children visting a dear relation in a nursing home. Far be it from me, an originator of the International's old foreign policy of "Absorb new leftists, and ask questions later" (aka Mastabo-Gelibolism), to question such a step by INT to essentially validate the existence of the SU. In fact, I think I'll spark up a tree to this. In Solidarity, M-S
  5. That's a mighty fine DOC if I ever did see. Up to the 1st page.
  6. Haha! Oh wow! This is real. I should save my spliff money and read more of these.
  7. Big lightsabers don't make up for being brown. Lolbrown. Freakin sweet job there, RAD.
  8. Funnily enough, The Russian Empire have pretty swell relations with a pretty well-known ally of the biggest commie alliance on Bob. Also, hello, Comrade!
  9. There's an up-and-coming alliance worthy of a good bump.
  10. I like my allies neatly organized together. A bump for you!
  11. Come spliff with us at the top of the list!
  12. Get on up there. This thread should be as high as we are. B)
  13. Bumping the comrades of our comrades. Also, you guys wouldn't happen to have any spare Rumple Minze laying around, to trade for a spliff or two?
  14. There's a good commie alliance, sitting pretty at the top.
  15. Way to move up, GearHead. I also see some familiar faces here and look forward to another productive term for TFD. Congrats, you guys! o7 TFD
  16. Good to see that IRC is back to normal with y'all. Soon as I figure out how to run Pidgin on this bloody MacBook I'll be popping in to pass the spliff. Thanks for the heads-up! o7 TCB PINK POWAH
  17. Good to see things warming up. Good luck on your future relations, comrades.
  18. It's truly a trying task not to love you, Cata. Also, good luck with warming up this relationship, folks.
  19. Happy to pass the spliff and make this relationship official. Hailz to da pinko peeps. o7 PWN
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