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The Mongol-Swedes

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Everything posted by The Mongol-Swedes

  1. A significant re-deployment of ground-based anti-air artillery assets in the form of 4 regiments of SA-21 strategic anti-air defense platforms were activated in the central provinces in a concerted effort to thwart off the use of stealth aircraft as an additional 4 squadrons of MiG-35's were deployed from auxiliary airfields in the deserts to continue harassment of the C-130 threat that was not only hampering efforts to affect a defensive regrouping, but also managed to catch a number of refugee encampments which had taken up business near several military installations that also doubled as humanitarian relief centers, given that the normal non-combatant infrastructure was facing widespread destruction following a number of unprovoked British and Chinese attacks. In response to the withdraw terms: "Total and immediate cessation of hostilities against Mongol-Sweden must be enacted immediately. Not a single Mongolian soldier has been involved in the Northern Soviet conflict and we refuse to participate. Meanwhile, our cities and our towns, and other primarily civilian targets, have been devastated as a result of the apparent total war policy enacted by the invaders. We will not freely allow these forces use of our airspace and they may kindly burn their fuel elsewhere. We also demand significant reparations to be paid in full to Mongol-Sweden for the destruction of many civilian settlements along the southern Mongolian border with former Ming territories, and refuse to cede this area as a DMZ without reparations."
  2. IC: With considerable air assets lost in the East, additional reserve installations in the deserts to the West assumed control of the communal defense of the Confederacy, with reports streaming in from the eastern provinces of 20 per cent losses of tactical artillery, armored cavalry regimental control and additional ground forces scattered with only the capacity for short-burst relayed communications possible after the main networks outside of Ulaanbaatar went down. 3 squadrons of MiG 35's were immediately deployed in a somewhat hasty effort to reclaim Mongolian airspace in the east and to eliminate the enemy's use of their airspace for further bombing runs into the Northern Soviet. If they were still persistent, they would be redirected to detour around Mongolia, if the M-S forces could help it.
  3. OOC: Easy, easy! Heh. We've already 'won' more or less, but more to that end later. I think a standard modernized 'Soviet-style' series of equipment is fine enough for me to stick with given the technological capacity of IRL Mongolia and the considerations inherent therein. I'm not going to make a super-serial effort to fight back precisely because we took the diplomatic high-road from the get-go. So, go ahead and declare an air victory if you like, I won't refute that to any great length. I mean, if you say you've got the means to wipe out a substantial portion of a 21st century defense network in one blitz, then my refutations will eventually boil down to another inconsequential lolcommie dramafest, innit?
  4. The rep slowly removed his ushanka, an almost warrior-like thousand-yard-stare began to manifest in his gaze as he paused to dab at his brow with a worn handkerchief before softly uttering "This is an unfortunate development for our people who know very little outside of violent, destructive struggle for our right to be free. The soil of the Steppes has yet to truly know an age free from bloodshed. Yet we refuse anything but total cessation of hostilities against us, and will refuse any and all terms that affect our sovereign right to collectively govern ourselves as human beings. We refuse to be lumped into an ideological war when our path was diplomacy, to seek a mutual understanding, not to drown our lands in blood and have our peoples fearing death from the skies above, with terrible machines of destruction from lands thousands of miles away demolishing our cities as if we were simply targets in a virtual simulation."
  5. The General Council regrets to inform the Azerbaijani Republic that, due to the unprovoked attacks against our homelands, the Chairman will be unable to attend this discussion. Still, we hope that a strong effort to realize a universal spirit of sovereign rule and self-determination will endure in the Azerbaijani Presidential Palace, and wish all attendees a productive and enlightening time together.
  6. OOC: Kinda funny that you guys are seeking to wholly devastate my military assets that have yet to be even declared, or weren't even involved in this incident, period. Therefore, until I've actually gotten around to writing that stuff up (which will be forthcoming by this Saturday, as I previously promised), don't consider your air forces in a state of air supremacy or even superiority, well-meaning and technological calculations aside. At that time, I will also go to great lengths to outline damages. If you get to GM the war you're participating in, I get to GM my damages, I suppose. Oh well, total war, I guess. So much for RPing diplomacy. IC: Public Release From the General Council of Mongol Sweden: The General Council hereby condemns the acts of the United States of China and their allies from beyond the region, firstly, for reneging on their own principles of sovereign rule and self-determination by unleashing this unholy hell upon the region, likely resulting in the loss of countless civilian lives, particularly within the Northern Soviet itself and, even more shockingly, within the borders of Mongolia, whose people had yet to even make any military effort to join their signatory allies in the Comintern in their intervention in the former Ming territories. The unprovoked attacks against Mongolia are collectively an outrageous act perpetrated by the allies of the United States of China who used this incident as an excuse to invade their northern neighbors to impose their will upon the people, and the rash acts of violence against the people which this General Council serve, a formation that did not once put a single man or woman in Ming territory. The goal is clear: You wish to impose your will on Asia, and to hell with our sovereignty. We struggled long and hard in the past to remove the chains of oppression from foreign investors and other interests counter to the sustainability of our way of life on the Steppes. We refuse to surrender to your desire to expel us 'undesirables', the toiling masses who built great cities and developed rich cultures, and we condemn your attacks upon the peaceful, defensive Mongol-Sweden. As we begin to take account of the destruction to our cities and communal defense spaces, we will be stepping before the peoples of the world to demand full reparations for the destruction you have already wrought against us for simply speaking our minds, for refusing to acquiesce to your desires to violate the sovereignty of another nation, for accusing us of hegemony when we offered only humanitarian aid, for refusing to even publicly consider a diplomatic road-map to peace in East Asia. It is not for the United States of China with its allies to enforce their domestic agenda as a foreign policy upon the sovereign peoples that reside beyond their borders, or for anyone else, except for that which applies to one's own homelands. The banner of socialism will long fly over Ulaanbataar and the far reaches of the Free Steppes before we will ever kneel to the wage-master again. We will proudly march into battle in the sovereign defense of our homelands, free from the yolk of dishonorable surrender. Your acts of aggression will lead to a genocide if you refuse to rescind.
  7. The Brit-dudes ruled 3/4 of the world. Surely they cannot fail. Owai-
  8. OOC: How about we get a GM call on this once and for all? Hell, Orlov can have part of my western frontiers, for all I care. Edit: Just want to apologize in advance to our honorable Cartographer comrade nikonov and all others who have taken up the struggle to clearly define the 'drawn lines' of this peculiar experiment in geopolitical sandboxing, as my Sociology professor once said of CN in general.
  9. Chairman Marcus Lobonsky of The General Council will make arrangements to attend in-person pending the conclusion of the First Summit of The Communist International, and will be arriving from New Barcelona in the North American Anarchist Federation and any necessary refueling stops and/or transfers along the way.
  10. Adjusting his red-and-black-starred ushanka, the General Council representative grinned a bit as he raised his chin and spoke: "Well now, that's quite simple. If you want to get into the technical side of things, though, I will acquiesce your request. The philosophical 'strategy' of this Confederacy follows, from its roots, the Organizational Platform for Libertarian Communism, uniting as a 'body' of regulation and geographical unification as a loose confederation of nomads and urban proletariat alike for the cause of preserving the sovereignty of our lands, to be free from all foreign influence, and through our diplomatic proceedings to promote this spirit of peace and recognition of the right to self-determination to all peoples, regardless of their clans or creeds. We firmly believe that the so-called 'Nationalists' and 'Republicans' that came before those who comprise the General Council today, virtually enslaved to their personal ambitions for advancement in an era where it was common for our people to sell their lands, even their own blood, sweat and tears, to foreigners of many stripes, were a detriment to this process of the realization of the people as a whole to manifest their desires for self-determination, free from being forced to work as slaves to their wages or starve if they chose to speak up for themselves and for their communities. What started as a simple struggle to be able to earn a living wage rapidly grew into a struggle of national liberation that also brought about with it the realization that it was the communities and clans themselves, united by the simple prospect of a better way of life through voluntary co-operation, could unite and prosper without the crushing grip of yet another inept government bristling with power it could not possibly hope to understand. What it basically comes down to is sovereignty. Self-determination for all peoples. And this brings me, as it has already brought the people of the Steppes, onto the decision why the referendum to join the Communist International passed with a sweeping majority in all tribes. Already it has become quite clear to our people that we are not exactly a welcome presence, even here in our own lands, where we herd our cattle and build our cities, with our own labor, precisely because we have cast off the bonds of the wage and effectively adopted our own labor exchange and communal defense initiatives to propel our Confederacy into the 21st century as a freely associated council of human beings. We have joined other peoples who, at least, to a certain degree, share our desires to peacefully develop what each of us have determined to be the right course for ourselves, and to defend these personal executions of sovereign rule from those who, for whatever motivations, would seek to supplant a popular revolutionary change in our society. We chose to join because we are well aware that there are those who would coerce their own people to clash with ours just to see the Steppes absorbed into the market scheme that virtually enslaved our peoples to the chains of wage servitude that were held by very cold-hearted men thousands of miles from the deserts and the streets of our homes. We have joined, first and foremost, however, in the spirit of respecting the rights of those who rule beyond our borders to continue to exist as they please, and we do not intend to exercise, nor partake in, an act of aggression as a part of this International, and will honor it as a means of collective self-defense in the event that our sovereignty should ever be challenged again by anyone, regardless of what banner they rally under. That being said, I do not intend for this to be a slug-fest between the ways in which our respective peoples govern. I am here because the Council wishes to join in the collective efforts of East Asia to secure their homes free from foreign intervention, be it from a land hundreds or thousands of miles away, or be it from a belligerent nation working right here in our collective, sovereign homelands. No country is an island, even an island nation, in this modern age where a ripple in Lake Tahoe can become a great sandstorm on the Gobi desert that blots out the sun for days on end. We honor, first and foremost, the right to self-determination above all other principles, and we strongly condemn the actions of any country that seeks to exercise its military and/or political might over any other in a manner that is grossly disrespectful. All peoples deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, because I am quite certain that we Peoples of the Steppes cannot hope to truly, 100 per cent, understand how the people of Kyokujitsu live as they do, since we do not walk the same path."
  11. OOC: This is a strict conference amongst Comintern member nations and signatories of the treaty. AFAIK, political affiliates of a nation that have not formally agreed to the Comintern's binding document are not to be in attendance to this particular conference, though I may have interpreted wrongly. Given the particulars outlined in the OP, I am leaning towards my conclusion, and would recommend that a separate discussion be held with regards to the philosophical and political science aspects of the stated aims and goals of the Comintern in terms of ideological discussion and development.
  12. In the interests of working to foster a spirit of sovereignty and respect for self-determination, regardless of the political leanings of any nation-state or other spatially organized political body, the General Council of Mongol-Sweden would like to send a speaker to contribute to the philosophical discussion of such issues, and thus pledges to honor these principles for all peoples, regardless of what path they choose to take in the course of furthering their own destiny.
  13. "Representative Carlisle, I am, and I am certain that many others in Mongol-Sweden are, very grateful for the level-headed path that your Confederacy is willing to take in this delicate debacle facing the people of East Asia. It is primarily our wish to not see our corner of the world, hampered by a series of Western colonizations and bloody national liberation struggles, to become another sandbox for the politicians, pundits, and bureaucrats around the world to test their war-fighting prowess, while their homelands remain comfortably isolated from the horrors of such violence. We are appalled to see that the West is so willing to enforce a violent blockade against our northern Chinese cousins in an effort to starve them into adopting a political system that bests suits their capital interests, and assuages their fears of a hostile upsurge in popular activism within their own borders, and that out cousins in East Asia are willing to endorse such barbarity when they are willing to, on the same token, condemn the actions of Internationalists from around the world intervening in the very same conflict. We are keen to establish and maintain a steady system of humanitarian and, if necessary, military aid chains throughout the many organizations and entities of the Comintern, given that anti-communist belligerents are already demonstrating a zeal for enforcing their will upon others through the means of blockades and other acts of total violence against an entire people. It will inevitably come to pass that these blockades will eventually have to be challenged and we feel that it is best that we make it clear that, regardless of where we reside, we must not tolerate such inhumane acts against any of our committed allies. It is still a shocking and disgusting notion for me, as educated and well-traveled as I may be, to think that there are those who would willingly deny the most basic humanitarian relief to a people because they have exercised self-determination in a manner that does not suit them. We must say no to this kind of barbarity, and oppose it wherever it occurs, regardless of who is the target of such an act."
  14. Would such polarizing rhetoric be beneficial to you if it were happening in your own lands, where your own rivers were running red with the blood of innocents, where your own towns and villages were being shelled day and night, your countryside littered with ruin and disease-infested refugee encampments? We honor and respect your sovereignty, but we ask you to please show some understanding for the very tense situation that is occurring right here and respect the sovereignty of those whose very lives are at stake here, communist or otherwise.
  15. It's all well and good for national leaders to sit around and talk ideology and politics. It's appalling when people halfway around the world are using the real possibility of a violent and bloody conflict that could result in the loss of scores of innocent lives and the destruction of our lands and resources to physically settle what is turning into a give-and-take sham. I ask again for those who have nothing to contribute but rhetoric to please refrain from debasing the lives of the people of East Asia to whatever suits your particular worldview.
  16. Why, this is just silly. Me and Sumeragi get along just fine. Why can't the rest of you?
  17. An appointed Deputy to the Chairman by the name of Chuluun Baatarsaikhan was dispatched from the capital city of North Ulaanbataar (as it was known since the city became split between the Confederacy and the now Former Ming Empire) with little more than a team of aides and a Defense Adviser by air to New Moscow. Careful to navigate the strict diplomatic air lanes over Kyokojitsu airspace (OOC: if there's a problem here, Sumeragi, let me know ), the foreign-purchased Ilyushin Il-96, along with its assortment of citizen passengers simply on their own time and business with the Bolsheviks, made landing in the Bolshevik Federation's capital airport whereupon they were greeted graciously by their Far East allies and ushered into a waiting car, which the Deputy Chairman himself had politely requested to be of modest quality, wishing not to impede upon the Bolshevik people with limos and other frivolous waste. Chuluun was certainly not in envy of the Chairman when it came to Lobonsky getting to fly all the way to the Americas, given that he was not a fan of the humidity that the region was known for made for wearing the formal ushankas an unpleasant experience. Out here, things were far more agreeable to the wearing of such garb. Upon arrival at their accommodations, again stressing that no great expense was to be made at the behalf of him or his staff, the Deputy Chairman made only brief time to get things organized before taking a fraction of his aides to the actual Conference. Invitation in hand, he approached the Bolshevik staffers and security at the conference and, with a firm arm grasp, he smiled and spoke slowly in his best Russian "We Mongol-Swedes are most honored to be in attendance at this conference and wish to meet personally with the other attendees and our most gracious hosts before we settle down to the unpleasant, yet rewarding business of safeguarding our unified revolution."
  18. Are you kidding? I'm barely a couple days into this and I've already had my fair share of drama over this thing. It's quite entertaining! :lol:
  19. Sheesh, sorry for interrupting you and Sumeragi's little East Side party.
  20. It is the feeling of this General Council that a diplomatic solution can best be achieved by the voluntary removal of Comintern forces that are not native to East Asia, provided that the United States of China would agree to rescind its threats of violence and to agree not to meddle in the affairs of the Northern Soviet, apart from the unbiased humanitarian relief and aid that human decency compels humanity to provide. What we are proposing is for a joint East Asian humanitarian relief effort to be carried out only by East Asian peoples, for all foreign powers beyond the region to lift their blockades and other damaging policies that only serve to starve the human population as a means of violent coercion, and for diplomacy to reign, rather than allow our rivers to run red with the blood of anymore innocent victims of politicians, pundits, and bureaucrats playing geopolitical board games with human lives.
  21. zOMG NO GODZ NO MASTERZ Except maybe for the occasional iconic Invisible Dictator...wat?
  22. OOC: Or just gently nudge a roll of fat in a given direction where sensors determine, by your movements, whether you want pure fat injected into your veins for lunch or if you'd like another liter of cola.
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