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The Mongol-Swedes

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Everything posted by The Mongol-Swedes

  1. You aren't, by any chance, good drinking buddies with Norman Gareth Hale, is ya? I wanted to ask him on a date.
  2. Must've not noticed how getting a reputation for blatant aggression gets you canned around here. I also recall those victories were more like white peace after NoR/NoV leaders, desperate for glory, exposed their nations to heavy counter-attack and negotiated white peace in order to save their pixels. Either that or you were just going soft on your 'favorite' Leftists. D'aw, I should've known.
  3. Certainly. Since each color could produce only one sanction, it became necessary for those who were then graced with such recognition to ensure their continued dominance of that sphere by manipulating those alliances who were their present neighbors to rally to the cause of Sphere Sovereignty. As we can see with the end result of such a drive, those alliances which had a track record of aggression towards any alliance that threatened their control of that sphere, including their fellow sphere mates, precious as they may be for the continual economic security of the sanction holder, the inevitable consequence is hegemony. With an alliance that had a remarkable track record of cooperative amicability, it isn't so black-and-white as to suggest that an alliance changing teams can automatically be connected with the monstrous aggression you allude to the ICP. But, as the current sanction-holder of Maroon clearly recognized, it was in their best interest to deploy diplomatic measures (that does include a bit of bullying and saber-rattling, as any Red team member will tell you) to ensure that the rest of the sphere, rightfully fearful of a genuine threat of imperialism (not necessarily from abroad), would get in line with the program. As someone who has spent a lot of time working to safeguard the sphere he calls home, I believe we can both see that one man's protector is another's bully, depending upon perspective. It takes a pretty jaded guy to hold a grudge like that, though, so I'll invite you to pop by and pass the pipe around sometime. Sometimes all you need is a change of perspective to see past the hawkish rhetoric.
  4. Kinda like how NPO destroyed every opponent it had in its path, then got bashed, and now the free alliances of Bob are flourishing, not to mention the brave souls of Vox Populi who held on and kept the fight going? Karma is nothing new in Digiterra.
  5. Aren't sanctions based on NS and not color? That's like saying the LSF moved to pink so we could overthrow Sparta.
  6. Actually, the idea was to refuse to allow NoV to destroy us. That's what it always was. Unfortunately, VietLSF doesn't have quite the same ring to it.
  7. It’s been three years since the late Haraldur declared the existence of the Libertarian Socialist Federation to a relatively hostile world, following the fracture of the ICSN into some of the many factions that later disappeared or merged to form what essentially constitutes ‘The Left’ today. During those three years, it’s been rare when the Black Guards weren’t fighting in their own streets or in some faraway land to maintain a strong home where their ideals of direct democracy and horizontalist organization - where every single member truly matters - could flourish. There have been quite a few who stepped up to bury this Federation and anyone who would dare question their motives. Many times it seemed as if all were lost for the LSF, fighting a seemingly endless series of wars against impossible odds. From the First and Second Great War when the LSF joined ranks with others opposing the New Pacific Order and Pacifica’s allies; Fighting alongside our allies in the defunct International Communist Party, whose desire to live peacefully in the Maroon sphere was snuffed out by some of The Left’s fiercest rivals; And culminating in the many conflicts we had with the Nordreich and the Verein, a fundamental conflict of ideals which climaxed with the LSF-NoV War, a struggle which spanned several months and ended with the destruction of the Verein and the peace agreements reached between their ally Nueva Vida in the Liberation Accords. On May Day, 2008, the 2nd anniversary of the formation of the LSF, we declared that we would not allow our great democracy to be erased from existence. We stand here today, another sunny May, another bloody struggle, where we continue to stand up for our friends and our ideals, unwavering and never daunted by the odds which we must pit ourselves against in order to remain free. Needless to say, we’re pretty proud of being the oldest Leftist alliance on Bob. So much so that we’re happy to announce that, despite the raging conflict that is tearing the old Order apart and making way for the new, we’re planning to celebrate. Join us as we celebrate this May Day with the infamous LSF stores of weed. After all, a good clash now and then deserves some good hash. tl;dr It's May Day, we're better than ever, and it's about to get smoky in here. Cheers!
  8. Sucks it had to come to this, NATO, but it was a good struggle, and I have to say that I have yet to find classier opponents than those I faced in NATO. The seasoned guerillas of the Libertarian Socialist Federation can now get back to tending our fields (props to Bedeurland for not running his tanks over the cannabis plot out back ) and rebuilding the Federation. Good fighting alongside you, INT! It's good to see our banners flying together. Let us know if you require the aid of the Black Guards again. /me goes to water the 'trees'.
  9. Real Johnny on the spot, these Red nations are these days. Welcome!
  10. This doesn't seem like it's the first time that such an attempt has been made, though. At any rate, here's to a free and prosperous sphere. Good luck, Red Cross!
  11. We commend your fantastic BBQ skills. A culinary masterpiece.
  12. Round 4 was great, a fight to the very end! Kudos to The Fellowship with providing me some mild entertainment to close out the round. Let's get started.
  13. No worries, Jellyboo. LSF'll fix it for ya! Though this truly is a sad but necessary move. Thanks for all the hard work in the past, NATO.
  14. Great googly moogly, Schatty! That's what an empire in its decadent agony looks like? I was expecting more fireworks and grandstanding.
  15. The Black Guards stand ready if you need us, Comrades. o7 The International
  16. May the peoples of the Red sphere, at long last, breathe freely as truly sovereign over their destinies. Best of luck.
  17. Jesus, man, somebody needs to inform the FCC to stop allowing showings of Rambo movies.
  18. The Commie Boat is the Biggest Boat in Whole Wide World, and we're on it.
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