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The Mongol-Swedes

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Everything posted by The Mongol-Swedes

  1. At least \m/ didn't try to backpedal itself out of a nasty move like this. OP is doing it wrong.
  2. It's just gotta be a spy! It's just gotta, Mickey!
  3. And here I thought TE was supposed to be a break from silly SE politicking. EDIT: Owait, it still is! Great battles, you guys! Let's do it again soon, maybe.
  4. Party starts like right after the deadline too...people would be crazy to miss it.
  5. An outstanding treaty, to be sure. u FARK!
  6. Revolutionizing the world of BUMPage:
  7. Join those guys. Inflate Pink's awesomeness.
  8. Former /b/tard here. It really does pay to give n00bs a chance to start fresh.
  9. True that. Good on you to do the right thing, baseballer. \o/
  10. Sweet! We can pause mid-battle and play a round of footie, perhaps. I'll bring the cookies and my old 'LSF Stash' That being said, here's to a solid 4th!
  11. OK. The boat is a lie. You are, in fact, in a re-education spa. M-S
  12. Looks like Pacifica has some catching up to do with their media-savvy opponents. I daresay that Vox Populi is, by its very nature, a bit in the advantage when it comes to the cutting edge of the expression of ideas, though, but hey, some folks have need to censor their opinions and thoughts.
  13. Looking great, GATO! Here's to a great year of new horizons. Also, lolbrown.
  14. "We'll have to wait until we can get an accurate estimate of losses, but we are again honored by your support in these tumultuous times."
  15. "Hah! I think the children of Mongol-Sweden will be a little disappointed that we will be unable to fulfill the regular yak yields given that our main herding co-operatives have been scattered with the bombings, but this wheat will certainly be put to good use, I can assure you of that, and we are grateful that you would give so generously. Despite our differences, this will not be forgotten." OOC: Obviously, given the largely arid climate of RL Mongolia, crops like wheat and such are not easy to farm, let alone in such quantities as you have described for yourself. Cattle herding, on the other hand, as well as a significant dairy industry, makes up for a lot of the agricultural shortfalls the Steppes has to put up with.
  16. "We are pleased to see that there are enough decent and level-headed people in this region, regardless of their politics, be they Comintern or otherwise, that understand the importance of respecting the self-determination of a sovereign people, and despite this rash act of aggression visited upon our lands and our peoples, we are determined to continue to peacefully foster an understanding of diplomatic responsibility that many tend to forget when the rivers begin to run red with the blood of innocents and warriors alike. We're grateful that the people of Kyokujitsu share our determination for responsible resolution."
  17. As we have specifically stated before, we have no interests in influencing the fate of others, but we will defend our allies if they are engaged in a manner that was not precipitated by any perceived acts of aggression on their end, per the mutual defense terms of the Comintern treaty. That is, to say, if their sovereign lands come under invasion without provocation.
  18. Leave the fight? We've yet to initiate a single aggressive action. We are defending our lands and will continue to do so as long as there is a single foreigner, be they Comintern or otherwise, in our Confederacy. On land, or in the air. You don't get access to the Mongol-Sweden airspace, and neither do your allies. Given these circumstances, we should already be in a state of...wary peace. If the USC and her allies agree to immediately withdraw all forces from the Confederacy, they will be granted safe passage out of the territories. Until then, your fighting men and women will die needlessly.
  19. "Unlike the United States of China, we have no interest in forcing a political change one way or another with regards to the Ming territories. The fact that they called for war against us, when we had not a single member of our Confederacy actively or even passively participating in the affairs of the Northern Soviet, apart from offering a diplomatic approach that would involve all peoples of East Asia with regards to settling our differences without upsetting the peace that we all agreed to initially, is clear that the United States of China have reneged on their own Good Neighbor policy by seeking to disrupt the sovereign activities of the inhabitants of Ming lands. That they continue to insist that we are somehow participating in this conflict in order to counter their own interests is absurd. We refuse to allow anyone to go through our airspace unwelcomed, be they Comintern or otherwise. It is entirely and altogether pointless for you to continue wasting your military assets in Mongol-Sweden, and your allies should indeed have the presence of mind to question the fact that many of their troops will die by the hands of Mongol-Sweden defense forces as they continue to violate the sovereignty of our lands without just cause. We did not participate in the American Comintern coalition that unilaterally decided to move military forces into East Asia, nor do we have, nor ever did, have any aspirations with regards to violating the sovereignty of the Ming territories. Clearly, it is the United States of China who has acted in this manner, even after American Comintern forces agreed to leave the region. It is clear who is the real demon in this fight, who is the real cabal of invaders and conquerors. It is certainly not the free Socialist Confederacy of Mongol-Sweden. That you continue to lay waste to our lands and kill innocent people fleeing for their very lives, it is clear that you wish to remove us from the face of the earth for exercising sovereign rights over our own lands. Feel free to continue your barbarous invasion of the Ming lands, but we will not allow you to burn your toxic fuels and drop your bombs over our lands which we have labored over for a millenia as nomads and laborers of modern industrialization."
  20. Here's to another regime of Bolshevik collaborators!!!1!1!1!!1oneone Anyway, you, TGE!
  21. Hails and such. Also, thanks to our allies for sticking with us. <3
  22. Two alliances to unite the Leftists? This is more lulzy than a celebrity pre-nuptial hearing. And twice as confusing.
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