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Everything posted by SiCkO

  1. Falcon was a good friend and fellow legionnaire for quite some time. I suspect that much of his later postings reflected bitterness. Farewell, friend EDIT: Also, Hi Teddy!
  2. so you attacked \m/ on your own and that caused UJW 2? well that makes about as much sense as everything else that happened in that war so ok.
  3. I'm rather interested to know how a 3 man alliance can hope to cover a 12 man alliance.
  4. i Quantum! also, no shout out to your #1 fan?
  5. would other neutral alliances join in if one of them was hit? that's what im interested in
  6. [quote name='wilhelm the demented' timestamp='1280735741' post='2398150'] NPO helped us out quite significantly when we started out, did it not? That's what we call being grateful, being loyal even through controversy. [/quote] So your loyalty is important as long as your allies arnt going to lose a war. Grow a spine you cowards and learn how to fight rather than trying to worm your way out of trouble, then maybe I will say your alliance isnt totally worthless.
  7. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1280727962' post='2398020'] No, I've tried to work with their leader many times to get him some sort of protection and he is a complicated person to work with. He just keeps screaming in the query that he wants NATO destroyed and that he's getting attacked. I ended up having to give up. [/quote] well that is interesting
  8. so..............who wants to place bets on how long sparta is gonna last if NPO gets back in power?
  9. In Hoc Signo Vinces (TOP) Ave Legio (Legion) Pacifica/Polaris Prevails (the orders)
  10. o/ Bastion a new day dawns also, happy 4th RIA
  11. [quote name='potato' date='22 July 2010 - 03:26 PM' timestamp='1279837578' post='2384919'] Can I call you? I'd like to talk about shoes for hours and how guys are meanies who just don't understand. PS: do you think this makes my bum look big? [/quote] yes it does
  12. TOP can't have a civil war because we would have to vote on it first.
  13. [quote name='Branimir' date='21 July 2010 - 07:44 PM' timestamp='1279766647' post='2383872'] Small correction-- "NPO's Empire" (not kingdom) was shattered (by all possible standards) much prior ESA or the entire last war. [/quote] There was enough left though to warrant caution for CnG and SF. as for the first correction, my apologies.
  14. it's the lack of any real tension in CN, the ESA pretty much shattered what remained of NPO's kingdom and so now people need something to scream and yell about.
  15. [quote name='Xiphosis' date='21 July 2010 - 02:15 PM' timestamp='1279746903' post='2383260'] Whatever helps them sleep at night. [/quote] glad your so concerned about us, I will confess some Paradoxians don't sleep well, but that's due to my snoring. LF, one thing I think would be worth investigating would be the relationship between an alliance's government and it's GM
  16. [quote name='Schad' date='21 July 2010 - 12:28 PM' timestamp='1279740502' post='2383010'] There are apparently only two plotlines in CN drama...group raids, and quasi-spy situations involving love interests (past or present). [/quote] I agree with this man Since this situation is resolved and Chim is no longer the Emperor, I don't see the point of this thread.
  17. [quote name='ConeBone69' date='21 July 2010 - 11:31 AM' timestamp='1279737083' post='2382885'] Again, keep in mind that provoking a war is not our intention, we just don't like the document. [/quote] Isn't that what GOONS and \m/ said right before they got FAN thrown out of WUT?
  18. for me, it was MrAdmiralX, Konkrage, Imperial, and Yevgeni
  19. as insightful as ever LF, though I will mention that I'm not sure you can tie AZTEC to CnG since alliances like GLOF arnt heavily tied to either side.
  20. [quote name='Lusitan' date='19 July 2010 - 12:28 PM' timestamp='1279567675' post='2379175'] I am not sure you're seeing the point on actually using the oA to declare on alliances whose allies will be diverged to us rather than declaring on those same allies and get them and their allies added to the pile. In a world where oA are not taken in account it's a perfect strategy.[/quote] So attacking another alliance under an oA clause is defending them? Besides the fact that this is complete nonsense it still doesn't explain the point Yev was getting at. NATO still had every right to not go in (since I believe NATO's treaty with them was non - chaining). NATO voluntarily chose to fight and you got off rather light in reps. Also, we were not losing, our upper tier was not being destroyed, in fact it was fine to fight the second round. If the war had dragged would it have been like that? Probably not. But at the time we were very much fine. With warchests today being upwards of hundreds of millions, you could get absolutely mauled in for a momth and still be able to fight. Your upper tier may have been "ready to go" for a second round, but in all honesty, Umbrella wiped the floor with your top nations. [quote]For the same reason half of first round coalition jumped to the other side. You failed to inform us. You went in with a strategy that 60% of the people on your coalition could have told you was doomed to failure. That's the hard fact.[/quote] I'm curious where you came up with this number. I'll have to assume that it was made up. If we had known that half of the first coalition would have bailed, you would not have seen our DoW on CnG. Hindsight is 20/20 though, eh? [quote]One thing you're right, no one forced our hand on anything. NATO, and us by proxy, were making a voluntary sacrifice to help out IRON. Because that's what friends do, even when the odds you're fighting against are huge.[/quote] I love how everyone says friends but the second they get into private discussions, it's solely focused on saving themselves. A good example would be Legion during Bi - Polar when they flipped on peacing or staying, some regular members wanted to help out IRON, however, most of the government didn't want to get rolled. [quote]I wouldn't expect eternal loyalty or gratitute from IRON. Any loyalty and gratitude from IRON would be fine. [/quote] If everyone did what you wanted, we would be doomed to repeated wars with the same sides and results.
  21. o/ IRON TOP will always be there for you
  22. The obvious solution is for everyone to drop all their treaties and have a giant free - for - all. No thought required other than remembering how to wage war for years on end. EDIT: extra "s"
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