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Everything posted by mattski133

  1. Hi guys! also: stay away from MOON's tator tots. our supply is limited as it is. :lol:
  2. or an ally. but, from the many over-reactions and inability to think for one's self I've seen in my time here, it's not surprising this is the reaction.
  3. Yes. Because the way this world has progressed (something you had a hand in creating) an alliance can be destroyed based on one member's actions. Yes. I saw that, others saw that, it means nothing here anymore. Seeking your own path is not a bad idea, but even doing that will get you tech raided into the ground. An alliance seeking its own path will find this place even less forgiving. Last sentence: Everyone will (mis)construe that as protection. You will be lumped in with the people that populate your alliance. I stress again, one person can destroy an alliance. If you'd like a current reference, watch what IRON, NPO, GGA, Invicta, and even my good friends at TFD are doing right now to Jarheads for something 1 person was saying 1 month ago that wasn't even feasible. You on other hand, have all the potential in the world to shake things up. Which won't go over well and when some people begin to experience fear, they overreact. This.
  4. I approve of this message. o/ FOK! o/ Poison Clan
  5. No need to bring us into this. Is this a first? First time an alliance has bought its freedom, cause, that better not set a precendent, or this game just lost a big edge.
  6. Old is such a relative word. Considering some alliances hang on to grudges for years, a month or two is not that "old". Regardless of how old it is, this post is worthwhile, to me, because as a government official of a (small) alliance, it is nice to know who is and who is not telling me the truth when they talk with me. A conversation I had two months ago on this subject now becomes more important as facts are made clear to me. I think a lot of people that were told one thing in the past, and were fed another later, would have liked something like this. -ski
  7. Yep. Pretty poor leadership from Jarheads, and if you're going to hitch your wagon to that particular mule, then you are just as responsible. I hope for a quick peace for those members of Jarheads who were unaware of all of this. -ski
  8. Thanks. I have no idea why I would have gotten sidetracked like that. Guess I should stick with Private Channels™.
  9. Are there any SS of what Jarheads did? I'm not here to contest the point, and I'm sure it's legit, it just seems like it would be in good form to post evidence of the transgressions in the event of an entire alliance being crushed by another alliance that is 200x's their size, since I'm seeing "legit CB" mentions in here, but no evidence of one.
  10. Just my two cents, if you signed this treaty, you signed that you understood what it implied, and that is all. You can debate from there, but it really means nothing. OBR has done nothing wrong here and upheld their end?
  11. lol...how epic would that be.
  12. Seems like the point of posting a resignation would be so that members could know you resigned. By not making that public knowledge I imagine that would create some confusion/suspicion. But I guess all alliances are run differently. OP was good.
  13. Congrats to our awesome allies at FOK! Nice government. :lol:
  14. lol until right about that point. well said in general. glad to see you're a democracy, that is pretty rare in this world. also: your war flag made me pee myself in fear. im serious.
  15. Good luck to our allies at the MCXA. Can't wait to meet the new government. o/ MCXA
  16. o/ This stuff. Good luck to Krok and bravo to TCB. I might even throw my two cents in and say if anyone touches the Aquabats, Alvarez might ride again.
  17. I think a lot of people feel this way and still grudgingly move along with the game. good luck.
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