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Everything posted by IYIyTh

  1. Rusty! thou shouldst be living at this hour; MHA hath need of thee: she is a fen Of stagnant waters: altar, sword, and pen, Fireside, the heroic wealth of hall and bower, Have forfeited their ancient froody dower Of inward happiness. We are selfish men; Oh! raise us up, return to us again; And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power. Thy soul was like a Star, and dwelt apart; Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea: Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free, So didst thou travel on life's common way, In cheerful godliness; and yet thy heart The lowliest duties on herself did lay.
  2. Risk is more fun when you have a reason for invading Australia, South America, Europe, etc. I'm not a fan of recklessly throwing the dice around.
  3. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1315642655' post='2797944'] Consider the alternative though, or lack thereof. Long and short of it is 3 mil means much more to a nuke rogue at that extremely low level then it would normally, and means much more damage to though who he hits as well. A few days ago, the neighborhood meth rager was bill locked and posting about how he was going to 'quietly fade away'. Now that hes whipped out his aluminum foil though and burnt down that aid, hes all iced up again and rearing to go a few more rounds. Does it give him the attention he wants? Sure, but it needs to be deterred or else the cycle will continue. [/quote] Oh, I'm not defending Methrage. Like I said, I dislike nuclear rogues, and have dealt with billion dollar rogues in recent times that were much more of a hassle then I'm sure Methrage has been. In fact, recently Methrage sent my alliance several tens-hundreds of similar messages and he got a bite. We ended up aiding one of the nations he ended up nuking considerably despite not being asked for reperations for said nations actions. I might add that this individual did not receive their tech they were promised. However, I have several problems with that line of thinking: One: That the people he is targetting do not come here and read these announcements, and Meth is going to continue to send his allotted 200 messages per day in order to acquire more funds to continue his actions regardless of what is posted here. Two: That this implied threat of military action against those whom he is sending I'm sure very attractive offers will only motivate him more. Not only is it giving him the attention he seeks, but the motivation to continue. He might have very well quietly went away (I won't comment on his current warchest but his bills are relatively high I'm sure and he has stated he has been in bill lock at least once, and the first things to go are usually improvements, and then wonders.) Three: Justifying any sort of military aggression towards any alliance given that this individual has stated he is going out of his way to procure these funds in such a manner. Every alliance has nuke rogues. Not every alliance has Methragerogues. I think there is a different circumstance here and I would be hard pressed to see the validity in starting a war, essentially what Methrage has been wanting as a close second to the funds he's trying to aquire, and essentially giving him what he wants. I'm pretty sure that given everything has been so dead most alliances are familiar with this particular roguery and I think only a ten-fifteen minute conversation with said alliance would be needed to resolve it unless there is considerable evidence that individuals of said alliance went out of their way to aid Methrage intentionally, which, given all of the facts presented here and elsewhere, I have yet to see happen from an established alliance. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae7tASAkop8"]http://www.youtube.c...h?v=ae7tASAkop8[/url] edit: terrible grammar? four am? yep.
  4. [quote name='KagetheSecond' timestamp='1315641862' post='2797933'] You'll burn with the rest of them. [/quote] Care to elaborate? Congratulations to all invovled.
  5. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1315638058' post='2797916'] I'm sure the bigger concern is informing your nations there is a tech spammer and scammer on the lose with no life that wants to take your money. [/quote] Not really. Three million is easily replaced. I'm more concerned about the implied threat of military retaliation in the instance that someone who has stated he has and will continue to mislead nations who don't know any better into aiding him in order to fuel his war with Non Grata continues to do so. Someone who has nothing to lose could easily persuade the average user (ie: the 95% of this game that doesn't use this forum,) into aiding him. That he has specifically targeted alliances with mass personal messages with whom their alliance affiliation would pose a distinct potential to incite an undue amount of drama is much less surprising. While I understand the pain that nuclear rogues cause (we have dealt with more than our fair share in recent months,) I can't help but feel this will only motivate him to do more of the same, I guess.
  6. Damn it. Need more ghosts to get under that 20% mark.
  7. [quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1315633053' post='2797875'] Nice thought with the topic, problem is people that are clueless enough to send cash to a rogue, probably are also too clueless to read the OWF. [/quote] My concern is how NG will distinguish those who make an honest mistake given Methrage has admitted and is currently sending 200 messages a day in order to stir !@#$ up, ideally towards these type of individuals. It's not like Methrage is sending these messages to anyone allied to NG.
  8. While this is fine, how are you going to deal with the fact that Methrage has sent his daily allotted messages in an attempt to acquire funds from unsuspecting nations?
  9. I'm obviously doing something wrong :(

  10. [url="http://mostlyharmlessalliance.com/viewtopic.php?f=961&t=21845"]http://mostlyharmles...p?f=961&t=21845[/url] <--- pudge Also, Johnson only recently deleted, he still visits some times. WCR is currently foaming it up on our boards, and I think he may be back soon. His other incantation was Rugby. While that threesome may have been good, there have been many a great Triumvirate. Whole lot of of hitchhikers who have pitched in to make this alliance what it is and will be in the future. MHAil [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1315585921' post='2797429'] Fun fact: MHA is the first alliance I ever spied on. [/quote] OOC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpUXVZuF9X4 /OOC
  11. lol. This game was never really intended to be a highly functional nation building game. Resources, labor camps weren't meant to take advantage of. All you can do is find more people to play. The treaty web doesn't do anything and would never "go away," even if all treaties were cancelled. It would still exist, just not in treaty form but "hey let's roll x." These are always fun though. You also later advocate a removal of politics out of a political simulator. It's just not going to happen.
  12. [quote name='xoindotnler' timestamp='1315557956' post='2797319'] Suddenly MHA shrinks with 50%. [/quote] and then those nations disappear completely. A good start, for sure.
  13. Then you'd have to allow for more sanctions. Essentially bandaging and bandaging until there's nothing left to put a band-aid on. Call it what it is. Some resources are OP.
  14. I don't think we've thought that through. IE: Self-sustaining nuke rogues would cripple the value of sanctions.
  15. Celebration is ongoing, get there now. It's fun.
  16. Congratulations to Umbrella on its newly acquired [s]tech[/s] members.
  17. [quote name='Jacapo Saladin' timestamp='1315518872' post='2797035'] So you admit the wolfpack nations knowingly aided you? They had contacted you prior to pledge their support? [/quote] He did that a while ago, he sent probably what, 100 or so messages to MHA nations?
  18. [quote name='The Great One' timestamp='1315462638' post='2796699'] Sins against one may be acts of great piety to another. I bow before the Twinkie Throne. As for how to acheive the death of everything I am unsure. All I have is this little piece of paper from a fortune cookie. It says "42". Perhaps another could find meaning in this vague numerical code? [/quote] I giggled.
  19. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1315430693' post='2796484'] In my experience, if you are active, available on IRC, engage in conversation with leadership, and volunteer for stuff and actually finish what you start, you advance, if for no other reason but you are viewed as reliable. That might not get you to the top of the alliance, but it will put you into a position to advance into senior leadership at least by attrition if nothing else. I will grant you however that there are some alliances where the top spots are locked up pretty much permanently and there exists a "glass ceiling" of sorts. My advice to anyone in that situation is either be content with being part of the team or go seek out an alliance that doesn't have a glass ceiling and work on advancing there. [/quote] I don't know, it's actually quite fun to achieve what others find too much effort or not worth it.
  20. Lots of prizes, I think we're roasting me too x.x Also, stop by and say hi today. Thanks everyone
  21. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1315410438' post='2796339'] I went from someone who literally fell from the sky from fark.com in mid-February 2007 to a Triumvir of a sanctioned alliance by the end of August. Next alliance was much smaller but I was in the top leadership there within 3 months and was leading another sanctioned alliance by the end of 2008. Getting to the top is as much about luck as skill and longevity and it always has been, both here and IRL. [/quote] Yeah, and depending on how you want to play the game you can do these sort of things. I think it's a no brainer that as alliances progress they tend to put in stops to prevent these sort of things to happen, ex: requirements etc. For good reason, but inevitably turning people away from the political aspect. There's something to be said about the internal dynamic of alliance politics, which, far often than in recent memory, has played an ever increasing role in the game.
  22. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1315374743' post='2796189'] You've got us. The Gramlins, OMFG, BN and Argent are definitely the leading hegomonic superpowers. [/quote] I for one embrace our Argent overlords. (It's about time Janax.)
  23. I'm having fun. I don't know about you all. :/
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