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Everything posted by Wabooz

  1. at 783 days i feel like i have been here for ages.. but 5 years? I'm not sure what to say to that But I'm glad you're enjoying the game (new beer bloc o/) and all that jazz.
  2. Daddy NSO? I thought it was Daddy Valhalla.. two daddies makes for strange bed time stories XD
  3. Cool deal. Good luck guys edit: nvm, i guess that channel is defunct
  4. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1305686636' post='2714073'] It's a good thing you guys didn't have protectors who were supposed to show you the ropes and prevent situations like this from arising. Because if you did, and then they dropped you like that to the wolves, that would make them look awfully bad. [/quote] It just might.. Good thing it didn't go down like that.
  5. I noticed that too. He's all gloom and doom tonight. GJ though, Polar.
  6. because the little people like their cake, too.
  7. Hopefully this becomes water under the bridge and never apologize to Keshav.. that's uncivilized.
  8. Best of luck SUN. Proper like RoK O/
  9. I sentence both of you to PZI and congratulations on the treaty.
  10. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1305587241' post='2713170'] Helena is Peggy Sue? Well, $%&@ me sideways. It all makes sense. Also, those logs were pretty lame and both sides need to take a chill pill. [/quote] heh I love that saying.. thought I was the only one Also, I couldn't agree more.. this is something that can easily be taken care of with both parties coming out looking a little better. All it would take is cool heads and a couple of apologies. We'll see. Hadrian, I'd recommend you delete those warchest images. It would make it easier for people to maintain trust in you. Your next AA shouldn't have to worry about you leaking info if !@#$ hits the fan and not leaking anything now would go a long ways, methinks.
  11. Just merge into Sparta.. you know you want to
  12. no kidding.. everyone appeared to have bled members yesterday
  13. Maelstrom Maelstrom Maelstrom .. Happy birthday Hiro
  14. That fella should lay off of his hormone injections. Other than that, congratulations
  15. Wabooz


    They're drunk of course
  16. Casualty arguments? face it, y'all have run out of !@#$ to argue about
  17. [quote name='GulagArchipelago' timestamp='1304831896' post='2708392'] I thought this was a disbandment notice. I was clearly disappoint. [/quote] I was thinking merger into GOD. Best of luck to CSN though
  18. Seems petty but meh... GL NPO. Have some fun then heal
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