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Everything posted by Wabooz

  1. [quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1311467616' post='2762426'] Really, I think we're just too confused to be angry right now. A treaty, not yet three months old, gets canceled with no explanation and a pretty large middle finger in the announcement (I mean, The Expelliarmus Accords? Really?). It reminds me of one time in high school, really. I met a nice girl near the end of the school year, we dated for a few months into the summer, then I went away for two weeks. After the first week I'm gone she calls me and says she's dumping me for another girl. [/quote] So, it's safe to say you have been disarmed?
  2. May I coin the term Sinking Freighter, or no? E: I must add that it's GOONS turn now
  3. Aye, see if you cant trick them into hitting your ally :S
  4. I'd like to thank them for not doing so. I could do without another d34th vs crymson thread.
  5. [quote name='Swatch0' timestamp='1311022149' post='2758654'] Clearly we did, I mean you guys had better stats, 100k more NS then us. We were just doing this simply for the hell of it. Its only TE, resets once in a while. No big deal. We were going to have to get involved in one war atleast before the round ends. Instead of waiting for it to come to us, we went to it. No big deal. Wohoo o/ lol [/quote] You died.
  6. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1310895665' post='2757697'] Didn't vote, as long as your alliance is on the opposing side and [i]fighting[/i] [/quote] Nope, you'll be cuddling up with, and fighting with BAPS next war. Enjoy
  7. stop saying "damn your stupid". If you're going to insult someones intelligence at least spell "you're" correctly. P.S. damn your stupid P.S.S. Swatch, I haven't seen Confusion upset, nor angry, over this war so I think you may be reading into things that aren't there. You mad, though. I know you are.
  8. The election to save democracy if memory serves right. Seriously though, congratulations to those that have won a seat within your gov.
  9. [quote name='ericg95' timestamp='1310855267' post='2757390'] We are talking about the last round. Dam your stupid [/quote] Oh yeah? Then why did Swatch say "Yay SUN won the war" which is what I was replying to. By "the war" he meant last round? Gotcha, I am too stupid to decipher that, though.
  10. The only thing you have won is the #1 spot in "Top 7 Day Smallest Alliance Gains" 1) -45,883 Strength Change - State Of Unified Nations Grats!
  11. Oh my, can I tease them about an acronym as well? it hasn't been done enough so I think I must! Congrats OT and tLr!
  12. ^^^He mad And yeah, sometimes you spend too much and end up in a war a couple of days later.. !@#$ happens.. live and learn eh.
  13. well, at these infra levels it's pert near impossible to anarchy someone if they have 4 or more GC. Seeing as you have 5 GC & 4 Barracks only a nuke would anarchy you unless you were afk for three days or more.. Grats though on surviving the big A
  14. I'm wondering why he has 35 strength in bombers..
  15. How about no, Exodus scum. Capitalization is very important to us. We shall go with The Last Remnants and use TLR. scum? scum?? i'll rassle your head into a knot mr. tLR scum
  16. The bigger men, eh.. way to show them! Not that it matters much but it'd seem if you didn't like an alliance you wouldn't want to be confused with them all of the time. Now folks are going to have to ask which TLR people are referring to xD Maybe it will set a new trend and we can get two NPO and two NSO AAs while we're at it buoyancy bb
  17. Or leave it as tLR and stop being petty over an acronym that was already in use... but whatever floats your boat, I guess.
  18. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1310144242' post='2752591'] Indeed they have outgrown there usefulness and now must be disregarded. I mean what use is an ally (meatshield) if they wont come out to fight for you. Congratulations NPO good move. [/quote] Exactly, what use is an alliance if one won't fight for the other. Well put, Hiro.
  19. [quote name='nippy'] Corinan is well-known to GOONS...he's the Sith that shoveled money to Methrage during Methrage's roguefest against us, thereby making us set precedent in our use of "testing spy slots" (for lack of a better term). It was a very goony thing to do, and Corinan cracks me the $%&@ up. Also, tl;dr D.G., you !@#$%^&. [/quote] What Sally? and yes, Doppel seems like an alright fella.
  20. It truly is. Whether folks are on one side of the web or the other, or intertwined they should all praise a new AA for growing up. But then again, this is the owf xD Grats though, fellas.
  21. She's the new O.J. But more to it, her kid disappeared and she went out partying and having a good ole time while lying to her family that the two year old was fine and with a nanny. The nanny was just a lie though and never existed. The babies corpse was found in the brush with duct tape over her mouth and nose. Common sense led the State of Florida to pursue a case but only on circumstantial evidence. She kept her mouth shut and walked free. It happens but while some find peoples outrage funny, I find it funny that they are shocked that people are pissed off and out for blood.. some people treasure the life of innocent little girls, you see. Enough to get angry over what they perceive as a lack of justice for a two year old lass.
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