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Everything posted by conistonslim

  1. One fundamental easily fixed problem is resources. I would love to see a TE style change cross over to SE sooner than later. For those of you blessed with great resources you have no idea how incredibly frustrating it is looking for stable trades with mediocre resources. The imbalance between resources is something worth looking into as well. (imagine the guy who starts out with fur and rubber) I have coal and gems and I can not put together a half decent trade circle with those resources. Every one wants resources for the ideal trade set which means I am forced to send out offers to newer nations. They either delete or drop my trades after learning coal and gems kinda suck. I started playing shortly before the Karma war and this has been pretty much a way of life since the beginning of my nation. I am constantly having to replace dropped trades and it wears on you after awhile. I think people under estimate the effect this has on younger nations, newbs get fed up before getting hooked to the game. This also a major reason I believe why we have a hard time retaining players. Choosing resources is not the cure all solution to CN but it is a step in the right direction. To keep nations from constantly changing resources implement a cool down period similar to wonders and perhaps a cost index formula proportional to nation strenth, along the lines of moon and mars wonders.
  2. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1309586100' post='2746660'] [color="#0000FF"]Well, what do we have here? Information about a Legion member with 14k infra. I have almost as much saved up as he does, and in a few weeks time I'll have more than he. What's more? The NSO has no nations big enough to spy on this fellow, and I could divulge the name of [i]this[/i] informer if I so please. But I won't. I'll say he's most definitely not NSO though. [img]http://i451.photobucket.com/albums/qq240/Rebel_Virginia/jazzlei.png[/img][/color] [/quote] Setting aside the cash and spies, how do you get to 15k infra with no SDI or FAFB and yet have a WRC? I mean holy crap, who has a WRC and no SDI? I'm completely dumbfounded.
  3. Just for !@#$% and giggles I checked spy op odds on Legion nations ranked #4 through #15. I had 90% on Macau, Ten more I had 70% odds and Lincolngrad was the only one of the 12 with 50% spy odds. Legion=Fail
  4. Lol, dude actually made a poll! Guilty I say, roll'em at update!
  5. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1309570708' post='2746388'] All I have to say is that is amusing see NSO acting tough. [/quote]All I have to say is it saddens me to no end that you guys are still allied to that absolute !@#$@#$ joke of an alliance.
  6. Oh Legion You performed admirally this past war, don't let the naysayers get you down! (LOL. sorry, just can't say that with a straight face. )
  7. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1307322076' post='2724694'] No, you were in PM while these people were fighting. [/quote] Well he fought somewhere along the way with 9m casulaties...
  8. [quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1306175755' post='2717052'] On the downside, it has no theme at all. [/quote]You didn't know? It's a hilarious pee-themed alliance, but don't sweat it, I just found out myself.
  9. [quote name='Hadrian' timestamp='1306168027' post='2717014'] *sigh* At first glance it tells me you're just another generic alliance with absolutely no uniqueness/originality whatsoever. [/quote]On the upside it's not another Star Wars themed alliance...
  10. [quote name='NoMercy' timestamp='1305287864' post='2711302'] I know that it's hard for some people to believe, but TOP actually respects the sovereignty of its allies. I know for a fact that this isn't the case with NPpO. [/quote]In regards to Polar you are flat out wrong.
  11. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1304711326' post='2707615'] If that's true, that's 30 minutes they should have spent doing something else. RL exercise comes to mind. Maybe some power walking in an area with real trees.[/quote] Kinda funny coming from a guy with over 5000 posts.
  12. Ragnarok- MDP. They do what they feel is right regardless of peer pressure or popular opinion. Won't bail on thier allies when the going gets tough. New Sith Order- MDP. Loyal and fearless... maybe a little too fearless. The NSO would never hang an ally out to dry. Creole- PIAT. Any alliance with Jyrinx as a member is an alliance I want to know better.
  13. Mostly Harmless Alliance - 2 So much potential to influence the world wasted Green Protection Agency - 0 Neutral = boring Fark - 5 Don't know ya Independent Republic Of Orange Nations- 5 Another alliance with the potential to influence Bob Sparta- 2 Puppets to whoever is in power World Task Force See GPA rating Orange Defense Network - 6 Finally earning some respect The Order Of The Paradox - 2 You guys make me laugh,"Hey MK, will you promise not to beat us up again if we become friends?" Umbrella - 6 Would rate higher, but the reasons for the pre empt were and are crap New Pacific Order - 3 Two !@#$@#$ years to rebuild a power base and this is the best you can do? Besides, I wouldn't trust you with my toaster Global Alliance And Treaty Organization - 2 Don't know you Viridian Entente - 5 BS reason for war, bonus points for white peace The Democratic Order - 5 Don't know you New Polar Order - 5 I don't have any great love for Polar FOK - 5 Don't know you R&R - Don't know you Mushroom Kingdom - Pre empt was BS Nordreich - 5 Don't know you LoSS - Don't know you Nusantara Elite Warriors - 6 Hear you like to fight The Legion - 2 I think you guys suck Valhalla - 2 No love lost here Multicolored Cross-X Alliance - 5 don't know you Nueva Vida - 8 Good friends and long time allies The Foreign Division - 5 Meh Federation Of Armed Nations - 6 You guys don't suck NATO - 5 don't know you Global Order of Darkness - 2 Xiph is a dink, but he at least makes things interesting The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons - 6 NV likes you Legacy - 5 Never heard of you The Templar Knights - Same as above The Order Of Light - 5 Were allied, but only because of Mia Asgaard - 5 Never heard of you iFOK - 3 Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations - 4 Rep demands were retarded Athens - 4 You guys get rid of Londo? I'll up it to 5 if you did. World Federation - 3 Nice enough guys but you suck at war Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism - 2 Great alliance to join if you like amateur gay toon pics Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics - 5 don't know you Global Democratic Alliance - ? Argent - 7 Was a good fight, would do again Guru Order - ? Christian Coalition Of Countries - ? Ragnarok - 7 Gotta respect them for doing what they think is right no matter what The Phoenix Federation - 8 Stick by thier allies no matter the odds, JX is good peeps Random Insanity Alliance - 5 another alliance I don't know much about
  14. [quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1300834804' post='2673389'] Oh god are people seriously arguing that DH et all aren't winning? Seriously guys? You all do understand that when factoring in who is "winning" we must also calculate reserves- and they have the rest of Pandora's Box in reserve, ready to come in at any moment. [/quote]PB could come in I suppose, but damn would they look stupid after all the bragging about warchests and aid trains from thier top tier.
  15. [quote name='mmansfield68' timestamp='1300676122' post='2671808'] Trust me, the people of the Cyberverse know the truth. We've all been watching. [/quote]Aye, indeed many of us have been watching. Sadly our former friends in MK seem to be going down the same path as pre karma NPO.
  16. You fellas have any more questions regarding the STA?
  17. [quote name='Carl the Conqueror' timestamp='1297057422' post='2623508'] It's like a situation where you and someone else have a lot in common, but don't like each other, so you just go ahead and get into a fight, and once you're both bruised and battered, you realize it was fun and you become friends. Then you take over the world. It's simple, really. [/quote]I'll take your word on it. Still, if someone beat me within an inch of my life and stole everything I owned I would have a tough time sharing an apartment with that person. I suppose you guys had to pick sides and the neighbours grass was definitely greener. It's too bad, the world would be a lot more fun if you guys were plotting revenge against both Polar and MK though.
  18. Not that I post all that often around here but I find it so damn funny that TOP is declaring on behalf of MK a year after MK and friends ripped y'all a new one and imposed incredible reps that took you guys forever to pay off. You guys are pissed at Polar and I get that, why you guys don't carry the same grudge against Mk and co. is a mystery to me. Anyway have fun with your wars and stuff.
  19. Mmm.. hot swimsuit models with nukes. Thank you and welcome to the fight!
  20. Heh, Thank god Sparta came through, ODN were so screwed.
  21. [quote name='NoFish' timestamp='1292770423' post='2544420'] In your situation I feel like not canceling your treaty probably wasn't the best move you could have made. [/quote]Why? Are you suggesting we should cancel our treaty to save some pixels? Maybe we should join the bandwagon for another old fashion beatdown, collect some reps and further squeeze the life out of our planet?
  22. Had a feeling you would do something like this after your last post in our private lair .
  23. I joined CN in March/09, just before the Karma war. NPO had 23m NS with IRON right behind them. Since then I have 53k casulaties of war with my nation. I wasn't assigned any targets in Bi-polar and went looking for and found a couple CSN targets, only to have peace declared two days later. You have no idea how disappointed I was when nothing came from the Kronos and \m/ incidents with the STA. PLEASE, PLEASE lets have a semi even global war sometime soon.
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