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Everything posted by Keve69

  1. [quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1301685147' post='2682361'] [center][IMG]http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h411/Muddog89/Flag1-1.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center]Declaration of Support[/center] In most cases I disagree with controlling a color, however because my horoscope said I needed to be more spontaneousness Organization XIII issues its declaration of support. No joke, hands off FEARoPack mmmkay. [/quote] LOL your flag has a set of balls XD.
  2. This is something I can get behind... If only I wasn't a prepubescent girl I'd grow one too D:
  3. I wish your sister all the best dear Bob, here is hoping to a quick recovery. Also, sad to lost a good member of the community like that .
  4. I personally disagree but someone can make a case for MTW not being the best. But to discount RTW is pure insanity. You sir lose 1 internet point.
  5. [quote name='OsRavan' timestamp='1299905895' post='2660982'] 3) The leadership of UINE admits their non-platonic crush on Joracy. [/quote] fffffff this is worse than pre-karma. CSN/GOD were pushovers in comparison.
  6. Congratz! May the rebuilding be quick IAA!
  7. I am officially in love with Cactapoleon Bonatuar! DO EET! (I promise to wear the flag)
  8. Oh its that alliance again, the one with a set of nuts on its flag. Cool news I guess...
  9. I actually found the OP pretty funny. Good stuff Schatz
  10. Terrible show by CSN. Those terms are BS, but whatever, gratz on the peace I guess...
  11. In response to the OP: Cool story bro
  12. [quote name='VenetianBlind' timestamp='1298938879' post='2647245'] NOIR may have its disagreements but there is a reason black leads in number of nations. [/quote] Affirmative Action programs?
  13. Good luck to our friends and allies in dealing with Skippy's excessive consumption of pr0nz which crashed your forums...
  14. My app is in now. I trust you'll recognize the name.
  15. I'll join but only if GOONS doesn't raid my credit card! D:
  16. [quote name='TurnipCruncher' timestamp='1297892221' post='2635939'] This is great stuff, TGE disbands, and a baby boy born the next day for me! 7lb 3oz of awesome to replace 3 letters of absolute fail. [/quote] lol... ouch
  17. [quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1297908895' post='2636231'] Hizzy disbanded them! [/quote] WTH man? pffff
  18. [quote name='The Reccesion' timestamp='1295327810' post='2580231'] This is funny. NpO's allies had all that time to cancel on them when they were mad. If NpO's allies don't defend them, they need to have their balls dropped. It's like having NpO as a showpiece when people $%&@ with you, you pull them out. But when they need help, morons go ahead and say, "Weellllll they did $%&@ us over, so lets try avoiding this war". Someone please come to the batters box and come swinging. [/quote] Meh, I've been doing my fair share of heavy lifting from the get go so hush.
  19. [quote name='CBray' timestamp='1297717744' post='2633310'] UINE Making alliances disband, shame on you! [/quote] Yes, actually from now on I will wear the title: Emperor Keve69, Slayer of TGE. ... In all seriousness though, I wish all the members of TGE the best of luck in their new adventures, may you all find an awesome place to call home! Gute Nacht süß Prinz...
  20. [center][img]http://i37.tinypic.com/xba5g6.jpg[/img] [img]http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/6/67/Tgeflag2_m.png[/img][/center] Greetings all, I'm proud to stand here today and announce that peace has been reached between the Union of Integrated National Entities and The German Empire. The terms are as follows: [quote]1- All attacks are to cease between UINE and TGE nations. 2- TGE agrees not to re-enter the conflict (Including the NPO-DH front).[/quote] Thank you and have a nice day, I will of course answer any questions here, by pm or on IRC. [i]How Keve feel's about this: Many people wish they could've made this announcement[/i] [IMG]http://i565.photobucket.com/albums/ss96/Keve69/KeveSmug.jpg[/IMG]
  21. [quote name='Finnish Commie' timestamp='1297461081' post='2629665'] Thank you THL. You are buncha good chaps. Edit: It was part of their peace terms in the [b]*short*[/b] THL-C&G war to be artistic. [/quote] Understatement is understatement...
  22. Down for Rome, Medieval II, Empire or Napoleon.
  23. Jeez I just *now* realized TGE joined in on this, way to sneak up on us guys.
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