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Everything posted by spankthefrank

  1. You are rather dull aren't you. The issue you ended being in was because you joined mu, a rogue alliance, therefore you too where under that definition. The AA defines its members, not the other way around. I said my fair well at the end of my last post, but then again you rarely seem to pick up the information you have been spoon fed, so I'll go again; the next time I hear about you, I hope it won't be because you made idiotic choices again, though I doubt it, you honestly have no idea what you are doing. Bye.
  2. They didn't fight under the same banner and they rather disliked each other, they just had mutual interest in keeping Germany beaten down. Besides comparing planet Bob and this other world doesn't work. In this world a nation's or ruler's sovereignty is extremely limited compared to this fantasy world where a second WW took place. If you want to compair, in this world alliances are like nations in this other world. Where as a nation in this world is like a municipality in this other world. And nations in this world accept this in order to gain protection, economical gains and a chance for ones voice to be heard (through ones alliance). This also means that nations in an alliance for all purposes are near the same, otherwise alliances wouldn't work. You have been around long enough to know that. Oh well some folks won't learn, til the next time you run face first into a mountain and complain.
  3. You joined them, you fought with them, for all purposes you are the same as them. Plenty of rogue nations have had principles, but that didn't divert them from their fate.
  4. Oh gosh really? Well that will be interesting. Your comrades boasted about keeping the war going another year, interesting terms could be formed from that. This is a rather mute point now but have you ever tried to find out what normally happens to rouge nations, since I think it would have been useful information to have before joining a group of rouge nations in their suicide bum rush. No? As a side note, wonder deletion and harsh reps for the loosing alliance are nothing new. Though I don't believe they have been used in years. As for rouges, well all bets are off.
  5. That is not up to you, and accepting a nation at war is generally frown upon. Said nation might get peace but it won't be a white peace.
  6. I'm not sure what you are getting at. I care about Junka as much I do about you, you are both the personification of annoying !@#$%* stuck with a seven year olds mentality of right and wrong. We are here because you attacked us, and nothing else. As far as my stock of nukes, I really hope you are aware that I can only buy two a day. But I wouldn't be surprised if that little factoid flew over you.
  7. You can't get a DA after getting nuked on the same day, the nuke works as a DA. I recommend you read a war guide
  8. In one pitiful way or another you attacked us, I guess you had your idiotic reasons. Now you are paying for it by being stompted into the ground and junkas chest thumping.
  9. that sure is a lot of crying from someone who is supposedly winning....MmmmMmm
  10. Not quit, you can treat (but don't have to,) an itch with an ointment, which will only mask the problem. Or you cure the system that has the pathogen(s)/pest(s) which causes the itch. In this case we are booming the system with broad spectrum pesticides, getting rid of the root cause. the trick to using any kind of broad spectrum treatment is to keep it going until total annihilation, otherwise one risks a mutative resistant genome.
  11. nah, we are just doing some pest control, even 11 fleas can cause an itch
  12. well since you weren't aware of that little gem, let me update you on one more little fact. bell peppers are a fruit, stop severing them for dinner, sweetie.
  13. will do 45, no one wants to waist an aid slot for 3 mill
  14. run while you still can, the CN pipe hits hard, and leaves you with a nasty hangover
  15. To be honest, we don't have the bar tab for another black hole to join Frankly i bet you would want to hit that semi-weekday-active Spank again, but then again who wouldn't...HmmmHmm
  16. He's talking about CA, whom was hardly hit, he is still wrong in calling LC actions agression
  17. wasn't it more like Kash "hit" LN, CA went in on the defensive and hit Kash, and chained the rest of you in, LC went on the defensive for Kash and hit New Polar Order, Confederatio Aesir and "speaking of rouges" The Final Countdown. I'm pretty sure you can go back a few page and see for yourself, but what ever
  18. He was part of an AA that had some sway, yours have none and never had any.
  19. I'm rather conflicted about this peace, oh well at least I gained a decent amount of casualties
  20. That may be true, but i have never thought someone else might match the'eeeee otherwise unknown cookiecutter alliance, from the great yonder of yester decade ,or maybe someone has passed them in such a skill also why haven't you called
  21. Can't really say that i am interested in ending this war. my wc and infra have grown fat, the only treatment is a war diet rich in nukes
  22. Meth is rather cute, dumb but cute. But please try to spin it all you want, I'm sure you might strick gold at some point.
  23. welcome to purple, enjoy your stay
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