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Everything posted by rapmanej

  1. So, does NADC really hire mercenaries?
  2. "AndrewHG Guys. We got an MK member who has access to this status block" "AndrewHG He has published your/our comments" "AndrewHG So yeah keep it private message until we work out what else the scumbag has access to" such anger over CN!
  3. No reason to spy WC if NADC does it for you
  4. "Shalaran so... I'm ZI'ed and bill locked again" "Dark Wizard hates bill locks" "bgorre1013 Sad to say, this is hopeless" "Argentum I'm getting battered by the Veridian Entente while in nuclear anarchy, I need aid.." "Argentum Alright guys, I'm surrendering (and don't encourage any other--particularly new nations--to follow in my stead), it was a honor fighting alongside you guys. Feel free to mask my account. Good Luck with the rest of the war!" "Kajdav Shalaran and bgorre: Don't give up hope gentlemen. Pixels mean nothing, unity means everything. Gov is wrapping this war up as we speak. It shant be much more than a few days." Haart Apr 14 2011 07:22 PM "And here I was in a perfect panic mood before Kajdav interrupted. So much for the surrender thought." "Defender of Liberty If i'd known Argentum was gonna surrender, i'd have never given him aid back in February..." -AndrewHG Apr 03 2011 09:00 AM the Stella issue is pretty complicated. He certainly fought well for a merc. So it was money well spent. -tony2456 Apr 04 2011 12:05 AM It was def a complicated situation. Let's just say we can't blame argentum that much for surrendering. IIT: NADC OPSEC
  5. Meh, had it about a month ago. Not too bad, but you are completely down for the day.
  6. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1300938146' post='2674335'] out of curiosity, does anyone genuinely believe Pacifica would just be given peace after a month, or would they have their nations staggered and beaten down forever? [/quote] Yes to the first question.
  7. [quote name='Learz' timestamp='1300931498' post='2674248'] No, they can't. They reach a point where they can't be supported on their aid flow. Granted, they can save a warchest and then move up, but that takes time, and it doesn't solve the problem (they will run out of money and have to start over saving). Also, I'm saying that [i]longterm[/i] we'll control the range up to about 50K NS, or about 4-5K infra. Not the best range, but with wonders we can easily pump aid out. Sure, our upper tier is stuck in PM 'till hell freezes over, but we can get aid out in sufficient amounts to boost people out of GOONS' range. [/quote] Not really. As previously stated, you don't have enough nations in warmode to send out adequate aid packets. In a very real sense, your coalition's policy currently has your lower tier bleeding out. When your lower tier nations finally run out of money, you will be forced to either a) force those nations to reroll or b) bring out upper tier nations to aid. From these two options, it is obvious that the most logical response would be to simply war for one month, then get a simple peace with no reps, rather than let your lower NS nations bleed.
  8. The elephant in the room for NPO and Co is that legion has 97% of their NS in peace mode. You wonder why people refer to them as a paper tiger.
  9. I may be jumping in this thread a little late, but thats neither here nor there. It pains me to see my former alliance at least seem to be backtracking from their roots as a military alliance. I'm pretty sure most sane individuals from NPO and co realize that doomhouse values slot efficiency over reps. To that end, I really don't see why the leaders of the said coalition aren't considering this plan (they might be seriously considering it in private, who knows, but most public statements have been against). There is really only one term, fight us for a month. If doomhouse were to renege on this promise, it would be one of the biggest PR blunders of CN history.
  10. o/ bros o/ anti-daylight savings we want our hour back
  11. [quote name='hawk_11' timestamp='1299997458' post='2662550'] You have no idea, brother. [/quote] Whelp, topic over.
  12. Land, are you kidding me? Who keeps track of land? Regardless, Happy Birthday!
  13. Good episode. One minor thing to correct Cortath with is how the NPO viewed the vietFAN deal. Without getting into too much OPSEC, the NPO viewed this as a minor or contained conflict. So essentially, yes, the NPO milcom viewed it as a minor conflict.
  14. As long as the reps include forcing Alterego to stop posting, they are fine in my book.
  15. [quote name='KingEd' timestamp='1296270960' post='2608398'] I must say, the UPN rant was pretty awesome. Was it hawk11? I'm still iffy on the voices. AirMe For the next show, I'd like to hear the panels opinion on the future political landscape after the culmination of the war (both conflicts if you see it that way). [/quote] Please don't do this. My reasons for not wanting to hear about future predictions are because most of them are stupid. They are stupid because no one can predict the future. Take this for example, who could imagine after bipolar that in a year's time, some random person would come into the game, a leader of an alliance would also fall for an obvious prank, and then the SHTF. Cybernations doesn't do well with predictions because this is a game, and in a game more individuals are more likely to take unforeseen risks with their actions. That being said, the only prediction I want to make, and you can take this one to the bank is that regardless of what happens, the next war will start with something stupid, and there will be those who will criticize alliance leaders for starting it over something stupid. [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=55141"]This[/url] has to be one of my favorite threads on the CN forums. At first look, everyone is criticizing him for outlandish predictions, but when you look at it, isn't that what all prediction threads are? Now one might respond that there is no problem in looking into which coalitions might form after the war, but the sole purpose in talking about those coalitions is to then segway into the future lines of conflict that may emerge. One thing I do want your opinion on is the notion of POWs. Recently a nation in RIA posted in the World Affairs surrender thread with the standard surrender to GATO. After apparent coaxing by RIA members, he rejoined the fight. Even though the nation in question contributes an almost negligible amount of extra skill to RIA, do you think RIA was wrong for them to take him back after he formally surrendered?
  16. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1296138830' post='2605526'] We didn't record last night. Hawk was ill. Tonight, we will get one off. we will get one off. [/quote] I bet you will.
  17. What in your opinion was the lowest single moment in CN? And I'm not talking "aww that makes me a little mad" I'm talking "wow, sometimes this game attracts the lowest filth in the world" type of feeling.
  18. [img]http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/4548/pbnpowar1.jpg[/img] In this picture: Polar's allies doing a good job defending Polaris!
  19. [img]http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/2231/upn.png[/img] behold the mighty UPN war machine!
  20. [quote name='Spaarlaamp' timestamp='1295317440' post='2579444'] This might actually be fun. [img]http://i.imgur.com/ONANz.png[/img] 9.5k infra nation. [/quote] Holy Cow! Enjoy Bill lock
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