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New Frontier

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Everything posted by New Frontier

  1. Good luck, Finster. I had much respect for your predecessor, and I will tell you now that you have some very big shoes to fill.
  2. As usual I have a hard time disagreeing with your theses, Ferrous. However, I disagree with your point that a charter that can be amended at will by the leader is pointless. Any charter with this clause is very likely to already give all real power to the executive, in which case there is nothing to "take over". People assign these executives the power that they have by joining their alliance, and can remove that power by leaving if the leader makes choices (or in this case amendments) that they disagree with, especially in the current world of new alliances being created each day.
  3. I agree with this, and see it as an excellent work on the subject.
  4. No way. An alliance of over 600 people has members that don't love Pacifica. Also, it's not exactly "anti-NPO" to say that FAN did well against them. It's ridiculous to say anything else. Given how big FAN is/was, they did very well. They lost, sure, but I certainly didn't expect them to put up a fight like that.
  5. I must say, my avatar and I were expecting something different.
  6. I can't say this didn't bring a chuckle. However, I've always been against spying, and I always will be. OOC: Although, I must admit I always love seeing Schatt's posts. You're easily one of the five best posters in the game.
  7. Congratulations on the newly elected officials, particularly Voodoo Nova.
  8. I was actually talking about myself there. I don't actually know anything about the current affair (and honestly don't even have an opinion on this), but I believed he was missing the point of many who were criticizing NADC here.
  9. As someone with absolutely no inside knowledge of what, if anything, is going to happen, I think you may have missed the reason why many people are claiming this to be cowardice. Given the rumours of TGE being "rolled", I think the people attacking NADC for this are doing it because they don't believe NADC's story, and think it is merely a case of Optional Spinatisis.
  10. I remain true to the one, true Church: The Church of Maroonity. Our pantheon of gods remain ever watchful of their followers, even as they have been scattered across the Earth. As it is written in the Gospahmels, so shall I believe.
  11. To be fair, I don't think Vox (or anyone, really) gives a damn about what Junk does in his grave.
  12. What are your official, unofficial, and personal opinions of Cheyenne?
  13. I honestly don't remember the specifics of the case, but if as Mr. Einswald says they were required to admit to being white supremacists, then I applaud him for sticking it out. I certainly don't support everything that NoV did, but I also certainly don't think they were white supremacists.
  14. I've spoken with you previously about how much I respect you, and it hasn't changed.
  15. I'd like to wish you luck, but I don't see it happening.
  16. I guess all leaders can't be as good as you.
  17. It's worth noting that Vox Populi, while I believe still committed to their original goals, have certainly left aside their original methods. In the beginning, spying was not really on our radar. While I can acknowledge that if Vox truly wants to win, then they are entitled to go to more unconventional methods. The question they must constantly ask themselves, however, is if they truly hate the established order, how much are they willing to sacrifice themselves to supplant it? The longer this "war" goes on, the more I am reminded of the quotation once at the top of the Vox IRC chan. What may have once been an ironic and self depracating sentence is quickly becoming the truth.
  18. You've spent a fair portion of your time on Bob being cool.
  19. Also, one time my mom was being all up in mah grill, so I punched her really hard in the stomach. But it's okay, I never even wanted a baby brother anyway. If that's not bad $@!, I don't know what is.
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