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Lady Red

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Everything posted by Lady Red

  1. Hindsight is 20/20, MP. For years and years NPO kept right on going, making the moves we thought were best and you guys were just attached and dragged along... like some weird benign lump you need to talk to the doctor about. I was the patron saint of lost causes back then. We all knew you were all but dead, still I told Farrin not to drop you. I told Brehon not to drop you. I'm getting old. My memory might be going, but I think I told Cortath not to drop you too. I wanted the nostalgia of TPF. I thought because of our history, you were owed real effort to fix it. Really what you were owed was the respect of a proper cancellation thread and a clean cutting of ties. You didn't get that partially because of me. So, in earnest, I apologize. But please, don't stop JudgeX from posting on my account. He's legitimately the only thing worth reading here since 2012. I will be very sad if he stops.
  2. I take full responsibly for absolutely everything JudgeX is now mad about. Feel free to visit some endless wars on Reavers.
  3. I was told to come back and look at this, as it was partially my fault for holding the "don't drop TPF cause history and things" stance for years and years. I would like to counter that had I not, JudgeX would not be around now and actively posting his upset. It was my pleasure.
  4. This sounds like one of Caustic's plans. <_<
  5. As my attention span will only last a short while longer, I wanted to thank you all for this fine read. It certainly made up for the most boring war I ever remember paying attention some to.
  6. I'd argue that boredom drives players out far more quickly then the scenario that a tech raided newbie gets frustrated and leaves. However, if you're looking to start a war between Tech Raiders and Pacifists, by all means do so. That would be the most entertaining thing to happen here in a number of years.
  7. I throw nothing out. My hard drive is like an episode of Hoarders.
  8. Requisitioned by Pansy for the original AI war flag.
  9. I like reasons to look at old stuff.
  10. Lady Red

    Sheep inc

    I only came here because I miss Pansy.
  11. I've seen these guys late on a Saturday night. They're definitely serving up optimal freedom. #WFF
  12. I have it on good authority that Rebel Virginia has not yet been made gov. You should definitely join today.
  13. Qazzian is a scholar and a gentleman. Join Pacifica Today.
  14. These are fine gentlemen of good standing and I support their quest for new people. You should all join cn-wff.net today.
  15. EEjack should probably feel the worst. For perspective, that's worse than Bonney's LOTR comics.
  16. I'm disappointed in everyone except Auctor. You people are terrible, and you should feel terrible.
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