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Everything posted by R3nowned

  1. That's basically what the Green party is like all over the world. The one here in Australia is probably just as bad, but they do have really smart politicians that know how to sway public opinion, so they got quite a few seats in the senate. I see the Australian left getting creamed in the next election just as bad as the Liberals in this Canadian election.
  2. R3nowned

    Bye Bob

    Peace out. (you'll be back)
  3. Wow, I'm loving this. This is bringing people from all sides of the treaty web together for a good laugh at the author. What a jewel.
  4. As soon as there are reasonable surrender terms, the war will end.
  5. Wow... That's a very big wall of text... I was WTF-ing at more than half of it - especially on the part about Red Dawn and NSO xD
  6. Pity. The only nation that's in my range is in peace mode.
  7. ah, congrats on getting out of the war. Good luck with rebuilding.
  8. [quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1302476880' post='2688073'] He's their Penkala [/quote] We have too many of them >_>
  9. [quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1302262580' post='2686703'] Their justification was "We don't like PB", not "We don't like VE members / Penkala." So no, I'm not. [/quote] In other words, you're placing your allies in PB above your ex-allies RIA.
  10. [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1302256906' post='2686683'] ...and yet you attacked NPO for things that happend in the past, disregarding the events of Karma... [right][IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/dop8ug.jpg[/IMG][/right] [/quote] I see you've missed the memo It's okay if they do it.
  11. Penkala, you're only reinforcing the justification for cancelling on VE. Two old friends find themselves at a crossroads. One goes left, the other goes right. It happens. Good luck guys.
  12. How long did you last? Good luck to all former members, but this really didn't have to be.
  13. [quote name='Learz' timestamp='1301773522' post='2683009'] If that happened though, you'd be forced to sit through the Lucky Star activation announcement. So ask yourself: do you really want another Lucky Star thread? [/quote] Yes. Definitely yes. I can imagine that thread exploding with replies in the first 10 minutes.
  14. While we can't help much with money, Paragon can help in the protection area.
  15. They deserved the win. Most consistent team of the tournament.
  16. Eh, I would've quit a long time ago if it wasn't for my alliance. The whole point about CN for me now, is the community (and it has a great one, OOC wise )
  17. I'm the oddest person in CN, and you know it <3 Congrats on this milestone for your nation
  18. Wow, 3 years... for a small alliance like yourself. Impressive.
  19. Haters gonna hate, but Sanitarium's just gonna keep on rolling.
  20. I must say, this treaty cancellation has stirred up quite a bit of controversy, though anyone that knows me would know my position on this cancellation and on either alliance. Not exactly OWF sharing material though. I can say this though. Europa: You need to get your FA path sorted. While Schatt said it in a rather rude way, he was right in the fact that you can't just sign treaties on both sides of the web. It just results in you having to declare neutrality every time a major war comes along. Keep relationships from other realms separate to this one. TOOL: It is rather uncharacteristic of you to cancel a treaty during a war. I'm not sure what to think of this.
  21. Pakistan were playing terrible, but still congrats to India.
  22. Big time. That set the bar pretty high/low depending on how you look at it. Also, shame on you RV for switching sides etc etc.
  23. Not unexpected at all. Especially given low communication leading to/from a strained relationship. Not sure which came first.
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